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Results 121-140 of 508
Php Image Editor Dreamweaver Extension
Image editor is a server behavior that let's you manipulate images, resize images and create thumbnails, use image options such as crop, flip, rotate, apply filters to images or add text and image watermark. This extension can be apply in repeat region to manipulate images from a recordset Features: - Resize - Create thumbnails (2 different dimensions to have medium and small thumbnails) - Crop - Flip horizontal and vertical - Rotate - Watermark text - Watermark image - Filters: - Invert - Greyscale - Brightness - Contrast - Color - Smooth - Blur - Gaussian blur - Mean removal - Sharpen - Emboss laplacian - Edge detect quick
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 31.00
Php Icon Dock Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior insert a jQuery JavaScript library plugin that allows you to create a menu on your web like the Mac OS X operating system dock effect one. The extension transforms images into a Mac-like Dock menu, with icons that expand on rollover! Features: - Horizontal or vertical alignment - Get images from recordset or select from file system - Image expansion out from an edge or a mid-point - Positioned labels - Different small and large images - Menu fade-in - Size and sensitivity adjustment - Initial expansion and instant freezing - Inactivity timeouts and wake up calls
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 20.00
Php HTML to PDF Dreamweaver Extension
This behavior is a powerful PDF generating tool that uses HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) as page layout and content definition format. It allows users to easily add PDF generation functionality to web applications. It's designed so you can get up to speed and productive within ten minutes. Using in Web applications for online PDF generation from HTML templates. In order to get PDF output, all what you need is create a web page dynamic (.asp, .aspx, .jsp, .cfp, etc) or static (.html) and the extension transform the HTML generated in a file pdf with full support for embedded images, tables and all the HTML tag. Adding this behavior to your web application for reporting or to achieve professional grade print functionality provided by modern PDF viewers, like Adobe Acrobat Reader. With this behavior you can control PDF page size, orientation, margins, dynamic headers with embedded images, footers, page numbering, 2 headers for the first page and for the others pages,background image
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 67.00
Php Google Map Dreamweaver Extension
With this Server Behavior You can insert in your pages the Google Maps code without need hand-code. The Google Maps API lets you embed Google Maps in your own web pages with JavaScript. You can add overlays to the map including markers, zoom, pan and collapsible overview map and display shadowed "info windows"The extension provide a set of marker images, but you can add your ouwn marker images. This extension let's you insert the map point dinamically from recordset or manually and can be inside a recordset repeat-region to create a list of maps.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 20.00
Php Google Captcha Dreamweaver Extension
Google reCaptcha only for ASP pages CAPTCHA is an acronym for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart". As the name suggests, it is a test that determines the probability of the solver being a human. As defined on the CAPTCHA home page at the Carnegie Melon University School of Computer Science's Web site: CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that: - Most humans can pass. - Current computer programs can't pass. Usually Captcha is placed on a web form and it is represented by an image randomly generated. The image rapresent a dynamic text that the user must copy in a text field. If the verification text is entered incorrectly the application will not allow the user to perform the action. To make more difficult for text recognize application the text is slightly scrambled, rotated and/or appear over patterned background.As a result Captcha protects web sites against unfriendly actions like mass web form spam or brute force
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 14.00
Php Gallery Collection Dreamweaver Extension
Gallery Collection is a professional development tool for displaying photographic galleries in your web pages. Gallery Collection has 10 different type of gallery - Ad Gallery - Anything Slider - FancyBox - Galleria - Galleriffic - Gallery View - Moving Box - Pretty Photo - Slide Viewer Pro - Sliding Gallery For each gallery you can create your own skin or use the predefined You can get images from 3 methods: manually select / from folder at run-time / from DataBase
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 30.00
Php Form Controls Dreamweaver Extension
This Extension Suite consists of 15 server bahaviors that lets you insert form controls with advanced feautures. Features list: - Date Picker - Color Selector - Event Calendar - Dependent Combo Box - Masked Text Field - Numeric Text Field - Restricted Text Area - Comma-separated CheckBoxes - Accept terms checkbox (disable/enable submit button) - Advanced ToolTip - Disable Enter Key in Form - Flashing Form Element - Flashing Links - Highlight Form Element - Change date format - Encrypt Mail Account
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Facebook Login Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior lets you insert a FacebookLogIn link in your pages. The extension use the server-to-server technologie to verify the user autentication validity after the user is redirect to your site from Facebook. Features: - Log-in - Log-out (if need log-out also from facebook site) - Log-in on your site like standard Dreamweaver log-in behavior to be compatible with Dreamweaver restrict access behavior - Return the collection of Facebook user fields to show on your site Facebook user info - DataBase transaction so you can insert/update records on your server depending on log-in status between always/success/error
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Dynamic Sort Table Dreamweaver Extension
Dynamic Sort Table lets you create a link with image or text to sort the table data This server behavior can be applied to a table that has a repeat region on it. The server behavior will automatically create all the code necessary to have clickable links that will order the recordset by the columns you setup in the extension panel. You can order on one or more (max 4) table fields toghether. The link can be inserted in the page where you prefer and the table header don't depent on this behavior.The pre-requisites to use this extension are as follows: - Add a recordset to the page (Dreamweaver compatible recordset) - Add a table on the page with a repeat region, is not necessary you use the DW repeat region
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 21.00
Php Dynamic Meta Tag Dreamweaver Extension
This extension allow you insert dynamic html meta tag in your asp pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 11.00
Php Dynamic image Dreamweaver Extension
With this Server Behavior you can insert a dynamic. image from a recordset and if the recordset field is empty or if the image is missing you can insert an alternative image or an alternative text.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 11.00
Php Dynamic Captcha Image Dreamweaver Extension
Dynamic Captcha Image only for PHP pages CAPTCHA is an acronym for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart". As the name suggests, it is a test that determines the probability of the solver being a human. As defined on the CAPTCHA home page at the Carnegie Melon University School of Computer Science's Web site: CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that: - Most humans can pass. - Current computer programs can't pass. Usually Captcha is placed on a web form and it is represented by an image randomly generated. The image rapresnt a dynamic text that the user must copy in a text field. If the verification text is entered incorrectly the application will not allow the user to perform the action. To make more difficult for text recognize application the text is slightly scrambled, rotated and/or appear over patterned background.As a result Captcha protects web sites against unfriendly actions like mass web form spam or brute force
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 21.00
Php DragDropSortTable Dreamweaver Extension
Row sorting in an PHP page is a very useful feature giving the user the ability to sort the presented data.DragDrop Sort Table lets you add dragging capabilities ( Drag-and-Drop behavior) to a table. With this behavior the user is able to move the table rows UP and DOWN and when release the row in a new position the extension detect the new position of each moved rows and save in the database the new order. This server behavior can be applied to a table that has a repeat region on it. The server behavior will automatically create all the code necessary to have draggable cells that will order the recordset by the columns you setup in the extension panel. The pre-requisites to use this extension are as follows: - Add a recordset to the page (Dreamweaver compatible recordset) - Add a table on the page with a repeat region, is not necessary you use the DW repeat region - The table must have the ID attrivute, this is important - The table must be inside a FORM
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 31.00
Php Date Format Dreamweaver Extension
With this Server Behavior you can insert a dynamic date field from a recordset and format it with your date format The extension has a set of predefined date format and you can create your own date format pattern
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 10.00
Php Conditional Region Dreamweaver Extension
This extension insert a conditional region IF THEN ELSE statement in your page with the option to choose if insert the ELSE statement before or after the selection , your can choose the two conditions and the operator in the extension panel. The two copnditions can be write by hand or choose in dynamic panelConditional Region
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 15.00
Php Combo TreeView Dreamweaver Extension
This Server Behavior lets you insert a dropdown list with a tree-view where choose the option in your page.Easy to use to create your category listing, product listing and other application when you need show a list of categorized itemswithout you need use dependent combo. The behavior has a set of predefined layout but you can create your own layout in a very easy way - Use your own image for the select button - Set the css style for the text field - Dynamic tree view from a standard dreamweaver recordset you have in your page - Folders and Files tree view to show the content of your site subfolders - Set a pre-defined value from a recordset (for update record page) - Set a the default text- Set the graphic color for background and border - Set the scroll-bar color (if browser supported) - Set the width and height of the tree-view panel - Insert more combo tree-view in the same page - Compatible with form validators (the validator must validate the hidden field)
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 20.00
Php Boolean Update Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior let's you insert a link to change the status of a boolean database field on the fly, without create an update page.Your user will be able to update a boolean status field in only a click.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 11.00
Php Binding formatter Dreamweaver Extension
This extension contains 2 very usefull features: Data bindings and data formatter. With data bindings you can bind your recordset fields value to every attribute and/or property of any html tags. Selecting the tag you need bind the extension show the list of attribute you can bind but you can also setup your custom attribute name. With data formatter you can format and/or convert the recordset field value with a lot of different text transformation, numeric calculation and date formatting and you can also filter and/or sort your recordset before use it in a repeat region. When you choose a formatter the extension show the fields where you can enter the additional parameters needed for the choosen formatter. Your data and formatting are show in a tree view so you can bind directly in Dreamweaver design view. When you bind a tag you can enter more formatter at the same time so for example you can filter a recordset, sort it, transform the field value and format the resulting field
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Banner Rotator Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior lets you insert a BannerRotator image from database in your pages with banner view and banner click registration. Can be apply more times in the same page. Features: - Automatic reload of the banner image with Ajax request, you can setup the timer reload in milliseconds - Banner visibility for a maximun number of view or for a maximum number of click - Banner visibility by date with date from and date to - Weigth banner visibility such that the banner would appear more frquently in the ''random'' selections - Register in the database the banner view, you can chhose if register the view for day or month or year - Register in the database the banner click, you can chhose if register the click for day or month or yearWith the extension you receive a complete demo site with the admin pages for the banner management: list/insert/edit/delete banner
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 11.00
Php Ajax Recordset Paging Dreamweaver Extension
This Server Behavior is a Dreamweaver extension that allows developers to create different navigation bars for database driven content. Features: - Paging with page number - Paging for Letter, this behavior filter the recordset and create a navigation bar from A to Z - Paging for recordset field, this behavior filter the recordset for a field value in your recordset and create a navigation bar with one link for each value you have in the selected field
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 14.00
Results 121-140 of 508