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Credit Card Processing

Results 1-2 of 2
IP*Works! CC C++ Edition
IP*Works! CC is a comprehensive suite of components providing secure real-time validation, authorization, and transaction settlement of credit cards within both web and desktop applications. This release currently supports every major payment gateway including the Visa Internet Payment Gateway System� (IPGS), and advanced credit card authorization via Visa 3-D Secure�.
(0 ratings)
TCLink is an LGPL'd thin client API which can run credit card transactions credit card transactions over TCP/IP. Features include: An easy-to-use interface; Encryption using SSL and trusted certificates; Fast transactions times (average about 1.2 secondse nd-to-end); and Fail-over to geographically distributed servers for extreme reliability. Full source code is included, as well as developer documentation and example C code.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-2 of 2