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Site Search

Results 1-20 of 44
APB Search
APB Search Pro 3.1 is a fully customizable site indexing and searching system. It has been developed to be powerful with lots of features but easy to install and use. Search script returns fast and accurate results with a 100% customizable output layout. User's search questions are written to a log file so you can learn about visitor's interests. APB Search comes with password protected control panel where you can set or modify settings of your search engine.It can be used even by webmasters with no programming experience, since there's no need to configure the scripts. Installation is fast and easy, setup wizard will guide you from the beginning till the end of installation. Setup script first creates index file where the content of your pages is saved. Running search from your site, the script looks up the searched words in the index and shows results. Index can be updated manually and/or automatically through the cron jobs.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
PS Lightning Search
Powerful full-text search engine, including Meta Tags, for your website. Feature rich, easy set up, comprehensive documentation, keyword search statistics and log, password protected Admin section so you can control the functionality of your Search pages. Supports site indexing, live website searches, paginated results (xx results per page), highlighted matched words, custom page if no results produced, exclude documents, directories and keywords, simple and advanced search forms. MySQL version for monster sites also available.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
MCG Site Search
A fast and efficient site search script. Utilizes a MySQL database. Set which directories and which file extensions to index. Omits common words from search matching to provide more relevant results. 100% template based for seamless site integration.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Zoom Search Engine
posted byzoominSite Search
Zoom is a package for web developers to add a powerful custom search engine to their website in a matter of minutes. No complicated server-side setup procedures, just index and upload from your own Windows computer. Features include: "Google-like" context descriptions, wildcard and exact phrase searching, logging, statistic reports, sort by date options, spelling suggestions and more. Available for PHP, Classic ASP, ASP.NET JavaScript and CGI platforms.
(3 ratings)
A simple and easily configurable search for your website. This script searches for filenames, not file content. Perfect if you want to search for images on your site.
(0 ratings)
Site Search software by KCScripts.com
Allow website visitors to search pages within your website. Offers standard and advanced search. Configure which directories are searchable on server. Full html based template customizing options on how results are displayed. Includes online control panel and free installation.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
Easy Search System
A powerful, customizable and effective site indexing/searching script. Index your website over CGI, PHP, ASP or any web pages. Collect meta's, titles, content and link texts from all the pages on your site. Customize search results, edit stop words, search through the part of the site.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
CGI GE: Simple Search
posted bymoleinSite Search
Fast search of keywords or phrases within your website. It works on both Windows and Unix servers that have Perl 5 or higher. Very easy for installation and integration on your web site. It is completely build on HTML templates which you can edit (using Password protected WebAdmin tool) at any time. The search is performed within the specified by you directories. Ability to automatically place ANCHORS which link the visitors� search results directly to the right place in the document.
(0 ratings)
Borgo's search engine
Search engine for small web sites. Can hyperlink keywords found in web pages. Clicking on one instance of a keyword will bring you down to the next instance. Contact the author for help installing and customization.
(0 ratings)
BB Search
BB Search allows you to create a custom search engine for users to search your site. If you ever wanted to have a search engine for your site, then this is the tool for you. It builds two kinds of searches, and allows you to specify which directories, files, and extensions to search. When the search is conducted, a page containing links to documents with matches, is returned to the user's browser. BB Search allows for exact-keyword-match and pattern-within searches.
(0 ratings)
posted byshawninSite Search
This program has powerful search capabilities that allow you to specify what types of files are allowed to be searched and which ones are not according to the files extension. Very simple to install. No programming knowledge needed to configure and install this program.
(4 ratings)
Speed Search
posted bypeginSite Search
This search script allows you to index your site (speed the search 10 fold) or perform a live search. Ignore, words, docs, folders. Records search terms. Does not skip your meta tags. Does not display our copyright on Public Pages! Comes with Admin Control Panel, extensive documentation and advanced setup. Customize results and no results pages.
(0 ratings)
Search Engine
Easily add a search engine to your website in minutes. Search Engine is a powerful search engine that creates an index file every time a search is performed, resulting in much faster searches. It also includes a Search Form generator, meaning you can quickly create the HTML code needed to add a search engine to your website. Other features include boolean searches, complete control over the look and feel of the search form and search result templates, create categories so visitors can search the entire site or choose to search individual sections, complete reports and stats on what your users are searching for, and much more. Rebrand Search Engine as YOUR product to resell to your customers. Search Engine includes a Free Installation, lifetime Free Support and Free Upgrades. Risk free 90-day Money Back Guarantee or try the Online Demo, Free!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
FM SiteSearch Pro
posted bymilesinSite Search
Enable your visitors to pinpoint any of the contents of your web pages with accuracy in seconds. FM SiteSearch Pro is a web site search engine script to provide a search for your visitors to search the contents of your web site. Designed to be user friendly in every aspect. The look and feel of search results pages are 100% customizable to fit the look and feel of your web site. Advanced Search Algorythm to find accurate matches and to display search results by relevance. Also comes with the ability to create specialized searches to search specified directories on your web site, advanced user configurable searches, visitor search preferences, web site indexing for optimum search speed, keyword highlighting in search results, Search Statistics available to see what was most searched for and many other comprehensive features. Also supports MySQL (optional) for large web sites with many thousands of pages. Comes with Setup Interface for easy installation.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.00
Phrase Finder
PhraseFinder is a multi-purpose mini-search engine that searches a directory of your choice for specific keywords. Phrase Finder can also help you find link exchanges. For a given list of urls, it will sort out those pages with the keywords you have specified. Phrase Finder can also find pages that require changes. Have you ever decided that sponsor X needs to be replaced, and wondered how you possibly will find them all? With Phrase Finder you will find those pages much faster than looking at every site for every advertisement.
(0 ratings)
Lightning Search
posted byjohninSite Search
PSLightningSearch is a powerful full-text search engine for your website. It is feature rich with options and settings on both the admin side and user side. Features include: Keyword tracking, directories / documents to include / exclude from searchs, 1 minute setup, and extensive documentation.
(0 ratings)
1-Search: Instant (non-indexing) Web site search solution
posted byinfoinSite Search
An advanced site search script written with search engines positioning in mind - result pages contain all proper tags to be submitted to search engines as doorway pages. The script logs all the searches, found and not found, inserts affiliate codes so that you never miss commission. Comes with advanced administration utility for setup, viewing statistics, changing appearance and much more. New version includes an optimized search algorithm for faster searches.
(3 ratings)
csSearchPro :: Easy web based site search tool!
csSearchPro is a powerful web site search engine. Features: Include or Exclude different files based on their extension; An easy to use web based management screen; Fully automated installation; full page indexing for faster searches (ideal for large websites); Supports Unix as well as Windows; Improved ability to parse your web pages that contain server side includes; Customizable font, color, and size of the text in the search results; Custom templates for displaying search results; and Ability to have your affiliate sites remotely search your web site; Ability to have results open on the same page or in popup window; Can be set to search file names; Can be set to ignore BODY text when searching, and more.
(474 ratings)
posted byinfoinSite Search
A powerful, easy to setup full-text search engine system with automatic spidering and indexing. Can search all text files of your or any other website (both http and https protocols are supported). Highlighted matches in nice looking, fully customizable result ranking lists as well as within the found files. Featuring different categories, Boolean search, phrases, wildcards, selectable search sources, restrictive search options. Supports 20+ languages and 10+ platforms.
(6 ratings)
Kiss Site Search Engine
posted byalexinSite Search
Kiss Site Search Engine is an easy to install search engine program designed for use on small or medium-sized sites. Includes two scripts to scan the directory and then parse the HTML files for the keywords entered by the user.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 44