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Results 21-40 of 231
Auto Save Form Value script
This useful form script automatically saves the contents of a form periodically as the user types and recalls them in the event of an accidental page refresh or even browser closing. Similar to how GMail automatically saves the contents of your draft email, it's an excellent feature to add to forms that expect a lot of content and where losing them can cause a lot of grief for the user filling the form out.
(3 ratings)
CodePeople List
CodePeople List transform ComboBox with multiple selection into a CheckBox list, and also to allow the incorporation of new options that are not part of the initial listing. It's 100% Javascript compatible with all modern browsers. This tool has been packaged as a Dreamweaver extension to make simpler its use.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
posted bytnyariinForms
QTYBox is an input field modifier, to incrase and decrase the contained number in the input field. It's useful for webshop's product pages, where the customer easier set up the quantity of the products, without using keyboard. The script insert an up and down control buttons after/before the inputbox, and if it was clicked they incrase or decrase the number in the inputbox.
(3 ratings)
Form styler
posted byar2rsawseeninForms
This class can style form inputs using images. It takes the identifier of a form input and apply certain style parameters depending on the type of form input. The object can perform several types of adjustments to the images, like adjusting it to the size of the input, adjust the input inner elements, etc.. The images may be taken from sprites that contain multiple images.
(0 ratings)
posted bysuper3boyinForms
My first test with Javascript. The script allows you to submit a vote, and it page updates automatically. You can add or subtract the number of votes that are given to you.
(3 ratings)
Email validation with RegEx
The code below demonstrates how to validate an email address with JavaScript
(0 ratings)
Add hidden field to a form
Hidden Fields allow you to send additional information with a submitted form that don't necessarily require a user to "fill them out." Sometimes it will be necessary to add a hidden field add runtime.
(0 ratings)
Word Count - MooTools Plugin
Word Count is a JavaScript word and character counter based on MooTools 1.3. It can count static text or text being entered into a form element, as it's being typed. It's simple to use and has been tested in IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari.
(0 ratings)
Highlight related label when input has focus
The label element does not render as anything special for the user. However, it provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the label element, it toggles the control. With the script below you can add an extra improvement to your form. Now when an input field has the focus the corresponding label will be highlighted.
(0 ratings)
Password Strength Meter MooTools Plugin
Password Srength Meter is a JavaScript password strength checker based on MooTools 1.3. It aims to provide simple, reliable password strength indications across all browsers in an unobtrusive manner. It is 100% styled by CSS and allows for custom validations. It can be used with effects or without and has an optional text component that changes with each change of state.
(3 ratings)
VM Form Validator
VMFormValidator is a JavaScript form validation script based on MooTools 1.3. It aims to provide simple, reliable validation for all form element types across all browsers in an unobtrusive manner. It is 100% styled by CSS and allows for custom validations and error messages. Error messages can be displayed above the form, above each input, or below each input. VMFormValidator should not be used as a replacement for server-side validation (using PHP, .NET, etc) because JavaScript can be disabled.
(0 ratings)
Auto Form JavaScript
posted byScriptDirinForms
This script generates all HTML form input automatically after your specifications. You do not need to install anything or run any type of server to get this script up and running. On a single page you are able to create all your form input fields, including editing, removing and sorting, and setting up the configuration for the main form tag. All valid input attributes are available, unique attributes for specific input fields, global attributes and form overrides. A small portion of these available attributes would be value, id, class, name, title, options, disable, readonly, placeholder and many more. To make the html output more useful each input field can be wrapped with HTML . The script also generates stubs for MySQL statements for insert and update.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Map Input
posted byerenezguinForms
Map Input is a plugin used for adding a map input into html forms. Its useful for situations when you need to get geographical position from the user by alllowing selection of a position on the map (google maps). The map input field has 3 hidden inputs used for latitude, longitude, and map zoom level.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.50
JS Auto Form Validator 1
posted byScriptDirinForms
This script allows you to specify certain form elements as “required” or “non-required” and also what specific type they have: text, password, numeric, zip code etc. The script automatically checks all required elements in order to make sure that they are NOT only empty before allowing the form submission, but also that the surfer entered a valid type value. The JS AFV is an excellent tool for web developers who: Write form validations Want to save a lot of time up front Look for a very powerful tool for the creation of forms
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Rescue Text and TEXTAREA field values script
One of the worst things that can happen when a user is entering data into an INPUT type="text" or TEXTAREA element is an accidental browser reload or even crash- all the data is instantly lost. This script uses HTML5's sessionStorage to store the text entered into these fields as the user types, and recalls them in an event of a page refresh or even browser crash.
(1 ratings)
iPhone OnOff
posted bydavedansoninForms
iPhone OnOff has been developed as an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver, facilitating its insertion into webpages. iPhone OnOff stands out because of its simplicity and its intuitive setup window. iPhone OnOff is a checkbox whose design and behavior is based on the similar controls used by the iPhone.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
iPhone Button
posted bydavedansoninForms
iPhone Button has been developed as an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver which makes it extremely easy and intuitive to insert such buttons in a web page. iPhone Button is based on the iPhone visual controls that allow us to insert links with visual features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
iPhone Edit
posted bydavedansoninForms
iPhone Edit is a text field that can represent a common text field or a field that can be used for entry of a telephone number, email address, or simply to filter search. The iPhone Edit's visual aspect is simple and sleek. I's available as Dreamweaver extension.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
iPhone List
posted bydavedansoninForms
iPhone List is a control that imitates the way listings are displayed in an iPhone. iPhone List contains a list of links defined by the user, and a letters column on the right, which acts as a shortcut to move directly to the options beginning with that letter. The iPhone List's visual aspect is simple and sleek, and it can be changed directly in the visual styles file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.99
Living Form
posted byScriptDirinForms
The possible combinations are infinite and there are no limits to the effects you can create. (Examples in the description) This package also comes with an extensive explanation on how to use the technique. - more than 10 values - unlimited effects combinations - easy to customize - huge documentation -EVERY browers (even internetexplorer 6)
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Results 21-40 of 231