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Results 61-77 of 77
Trellian SiteLoad
posted bykarlinFTP
Trellian SiteLoad is a state of the art website and mirror application. It is the smart way to upload and maintain your web site. SiteLoad automatically keeps track of all changes to your website and ONLY uploads new, or changed files. The versatile file compare feature, will show you at a glance which files have been added, which have changed since your last upload. Available in English, German, French, Korean, Italian, Dutch and Japanese.
(0 ratings)
Decrypt WS_FTP passwords
posted byeDesignersinFTP
If you're like me, you don't write down many customers' passwords after connecting the first time to their site with WS_FTP. This program will decrypt the passwords found in the .ini files of WS_FTP. Compare to similar programs @ $15. The application works. Bottom line.
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
LSWebEnterprise Solution
posted bylotussoftinFTP
It uses HTTP protocol for sending files from a local system to a web server and vice versa. It converts heavy BMP files into JPEG and GIF formats with perfect quality. It allows users to send mail from a web page or windows application to multiple recipients at a time. It also converts .doc, .xls and .ppt files into HTML, TXT, RTF, GIF, PNG and various other formats.
(3 ratings)
WWW File Share Pro
posted bysupportinFTP
This small HTTP server can help you share files with your friends. They can download files from your computer or upload files from theirs. Simply specify a directory for downloads and a directory for uploads. If you enable password protection, only authorized user can access your service.
(0 ratings)
posted bycoreftpinFTP
Core FTP LE - a free secure FTP Client with SSL/TLS, SSH/SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IDN, ModeZ, fxp, dragdrop, browser integration, user-friendly interface(s), FTP/HTTP Proxy, Socks 4/5 support, remote file searching, queue manager, auto retry and resume of transfers, transfer bandwidth control, htaccess editing, advanced dir listings, queueing of multiple FTP transfers on multiple sites, sessions, start, stop, auto resume, chmod, auto reconn, and more!
(15 ratings)
Site Publisher
posted byalexinFTP
Site Publisher is a very straightforward product - it synchronizes the off-line mirror of your website with your web server files.
(0 ratings)
posted byinfoinFTP
Supa FTP is the most affodable, and complete system you will need. It can upload ANY files in Binary or ASCII Modes, Download files from your webserver to your PC and vice versa. Has full structure veiwing, Add unlimited websites to your list, and more.
(0 ratings)
AutoFTP Professional
posted byprimasoftinFTP
AutoFTP PRO: automated ftp client with flexible scheduler. Complex scheduler: define auto-recurring transfers for any future data and time. Transfer manager: select any number of files from ftp site or your computer for download/upload, easily define transfer sets. Auto dial, connect, disconnect. Activity log. Support for Wildcard characters. Support for Firewalls/Proxy Servers. Update download / upload option. Log Printing. Flexible Assistant.
(0 ratings)
Price 50.00
Trellian FTP
posted bykarlinFTP
Trellian FTP is a file transfer client that allows you to transfer files between your PC and any FTP server on the Internet. It comes complete with a list of the most popular FTP sites so you can access drivers, shareware and other software via the Internet. Trellian FTP is the next generation of FTP clients, providing many advanced features such as Drag and Drop file transfer, Multi-Site Download and Connection Hammer.
(0 ratings)
9.95 FTP
posted byinfoinFTP
9.95 FTP is a powerful FTP client with an intuitive drag & drop user interface that allows you to transfer multiple files at the same time, resume downloads and uploads, manage your list of favorite FTP servers, monitor file transfers, control bandwidth usage, send raw FTP commands, change file attributes, connect through Secure FTP, SSL, Kerberos GSS, firewalls, SOCKS4/5 or HTTP 1.1 proxies, and much more.
(0 ratings)
posted bysalesinFTP
FlashFXP allows you to transfer files from any FTP server directly to your local hard drive, or transfer files between two ftp sites, giving you total control over any situation. FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support. If you are behind a firewall, proxy or gateway, no need to worry, as FlashFXP can be configured to support almost any network configuration. FlashFXP has an intuitive and full featured user interface, allowing you to do all the common tasks with just a few clicks. It also support full drag & drop, so you can transfer files, synchronize folders, find files and schedule tasks with just one click.
(3 ratings)
AutoFTP Premium
posted byprimasoftinFTP
AutoFTP Premium: automated ftp client with flexible scheduler, transfer manager, zip/unzip. Complex scheduler: define auto-recurring transfers for any future data and time. Transfer manager: select any number of files from ftp site or your computer for download/upload, easily define transfer sets. Auto dial, connect, disconnect. Activity log. Support for Wildcard characters. Update download / upload option. Log Printing. Assistant. Strong auto file encryption.
(0 ratings)
Price 95.00
posted byinfoinFTP
This utility program is intended for webmasters who work using local computers. You will no longer need to monitor changes and send them manually to a remote server. This will do it for you. Just enter all the necessary adjustments into the program, click a button, and all modified and new files will be immediately sent by FTP to the remote server. The modification of your local site to synchronize it with the server can be done just as easily.
(0 ratings)
Visicom Media's Ace FTP
posted bycontactinFTP
AceFTP is an easy to use, clear-cut, and flexible FTP client that combines Windows Explorer with WS_FTP. Features: site manager, advanced interface customization, access rights management, file management, high-end file-transfer features, and more.
(0 ratings)
eFTP Explorer
posted bycoeserinFTP
Designed from the beginning to keep file transfers as hassle-free as possible, eFTP does just that by presenting FTP sites in a familiar Explorer-type interface. With a tree view on the left, changeable file view on the right, and Internet Explorer/Office "buttonless buttons" eFTP Explorer breathes familiarity. With power features like file synchronization and scheduled downloads, makes eFTP a must for anyone transferring files on the internet.
(0 ratings)
posted byinfoinFTP
FTPEditor is an FTP client combined with a multi-document editor that allows you to edit remote files as if they were on your local hard drive. FTPEditor allows you to open text files directly from your FTP server, edit them and save the changed files again. You can open multiple text files from different directories and FTPEditor will always save them into their correct place.
(3 ratings)
posted bymarketinginFTP
CuteFTP is the fastest, easiest way to transfer files across the Internet. Whether publishing a Web page, downloading the latest digital music and software, or transferring high-volume files between branch offices, CuteFTP provides the tools you need to get the most out of the Internet. Its user-friendly interface will have you transferring files in no time, even if you are a beginner, while its robust suite of features will make the most advanced users wonder how they ever got along without it. Key features include: Site-to-Site Transfers, Transfer Scheduling, Global Filtering, Expanded MP3 and File Finder, Connection Wizard, Persistent File Transfers, Auto Reconnect (RAS), Right-click Shell Integration, and much more.
(0 ratings)
Results 61-77 of 77