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XML for C++
posted byawtechinXML
XML4C consists of three shared libraries (two code and one data) that provide classes for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents. XML4C is faithful to the XML 1.0 Recommendation and associated standards (DOM 1.0, SAX 1.0, DOM 2.0, SAX 2.0, Namespaces). XML4C also supports a subset of the W3C Schema language (see the documentation for supported features). Source code, samples, and API documentation are provided with the XML4C parser.
(12 ratings)
posted byDave.BeckettinXML
Redland is a library that provides a high-level interface for RDF allowing the model to be stored, queried and manipulated. Redland implements each of the RDF model concepts in its own class so provides an object based API for them. Some of the classes providing the parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements are built as modules that can be added or removed as required. Features include: A modular, object based library written in C, C and Perl APIs for manipulating the RDF Model and parts - Statements, Resources and Literals, Parsers for importing the model from RDF/XML syntax, Storage for models in memory and on disk via Berkeley DB, Query APIs for the model by Statement (triples) or by Nodes and Arcs,and Statement Streams for construction, parsing, de/serialisation of models.
(6 ratings)
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