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Php classified script | classified ads script php | Craigslist Clone script

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PHP Classified Script is an advanced classified website which helps business owner or a service provider to create an own classified advertisement for your needs
Product Details

PHP Classified Script is an advanced classified website which helps business owner or a service provider to create an own classified advertisement for your needs. Php scripts mall have implemented Readymade Classified script, our classified ads script php helps you to sell the products through online marketing. Craigslist Clone script has allowed you to start an automated classified ads site; it adds most essential features that present in major classifieds sites. It has introduced our feature rich OLX clone helped to buying and selling to empower members to sell & buy products, services, real estate etc..,

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Submitted on
7th October 2017
Last Updated
9th October 2017
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License Price
USD 299

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