Multi-Level Marketing
MLM Growth Platform
posted byGegoSoft TechnologiesinMulti-Level Marketing
<h2>Compensation Plan Builder</h2>
A compensation plan builder enables administrators to design, implement, and manage compensation plans for their network business. It includes the matrix/network settings, commission settings, bouns settings, rank settings, and promotions.
<h2>Visual Genealogy</h2>
Genealogy tree show the hierarchical structure of distributors and their relationships to each other within the organization. It provides a visual representation of the sponsor, their direct downlines, indirect downlines, sales records, bonuses, commission, packages purchased, etc.
<h2>Workflow Automation</h2>
By defining a set of rules and using our workflow editor, you can automate administrative tasks and take advantage of the preloaded automation scripts. The marketing automation tool helps to build a stream of autoresponders based on User interaction and activities.
<h2>Promotional Tools</h2>
The distributors have been provided with the necessary promotional tools such as a sign-up widget, a referral link generator, a personalized content creator, and creative media banners, which will enable them to promote their link, increase new sign-ups, and build their downline.
<h2>AI Powered Training</h2>
Training is the key module in the MLM Growth Platform. Our developers reengineered the coaching module by adding AI Tools.
<h2>AI Powered Lead Generation</h2>
Lead Generation Tools like Invite Users, Replicating websites, and Newsletter blasts are now using the power of AI.
<h2>AI Powered Social Bot</h2>
Using Social Bot, we leverage AI Technology to create content optimized for Social Media Platforms. This helps members in utilizing social media for recruiting.
<h2>AI Powered Report Builder</h2>
Utilize the AI Tools to generate the necessary reports. Simply ask our report bot and it will provide the report for you.
PriceUSD 2,499.00