Joomla / Mambo Modules
VirtueMart 2 - Eurobank payment gateway
posted bytcvdveerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla - VirtueMart 2 payment module is designed for making credit card payments through Eurobank (Greece).
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Eurobank) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, Eurobank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his Eurobank backoffice to administer his payments.
This payment module supports free and interest bearing instalments.
PriceEUR 75.00
posted byIonut LupuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Allow your users to make appointments online without any hassle.
Save your staff time and let your customers book online! Save your customers time and provide them with the option to make an appointment online. It's a win-win.
EasyAppointment is an ideal solution for service providers like medical institutions, advisors, consultants, beauty saloons, tattoo studios that would like to effectively manage any task of appointment scheduling.
PriceEUR 38.00
posted byIonut LupuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
- full control over files - J!Extranet is giving you the flexibility and power you need to manage the materials you are offering to your users. Permissions to secure folders of J!Extranet are granted by the administrator, each folder/file can be accessed by users according to their privileges.
- easy management of files - You can manage your files into folders and subfolders. This is very useful for the management of files and also for the management of user rights, for each user you can decide which folder he can access and which not.
- exchange information securely - !Extranet can be used as a way to exchange information securely with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. Your users can upload private files, visible only to the administrator and to the client who uploaded them.
PriceEUR 48.00
Joomla Data Guard Professional
posted bymicrajayinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Joomla Data Guard Professional protects your Joomla website from the unauthorized copying of data, content and images. You can block the right click usage, text-selection, image drag and drop on your website, so that the individuals can't copy your data. You can also stop robots and bad-bots so that they won't steal your site data. Features and Specifications of Joomla Data Guard Pro : * Disables Right Click on your website * Disables Text Selection on your website * Disables Image Drag and Drop * 360 Degree Protection against data theft * Unreadable codes for automatic grabbers * User-type specific restriction available * Free SEO Support and much more... To enable the features, please visit the Options page after installing the Joomla Data Guard Pro on your website. Joomla Data Guard Pro is available in 3 licenses. 1 Site License is available at $65, 5 Sites License is available at $260, while the Unlimited Sites License could be purchased at $1400.
PriceUSD 65.00
Joomla Site Protector Professional
posted bybellaclintoninJoomla / Mambo Modules
Joomla Site Protector Professional protects your Joomla website from the unauthorized copying of data, content and images. You can block the right click usage, text-selection, image drag and drop on your website, so that the individuals can't copy your data. You can also stop robots and bad-bots so that they won't steal your site data. Features and Specifications of Joomla Site Protector Pro : * Disables Right Click on your website * Disables Text Selection on your website * Disables Image Drag and Drop * 360 Degree Protection against data theft * Unreadable codes for automatic grabbers * Free SEO Support and much more... To enable the features, please visit the Options page after installing the Joomla Site Protector Pro on your website. Joomla Site Protector Pro is available in 4 licenses. 1 Site License is available at $50, 5 Sites License is available at $200. 10 Sites License could be purchased at $350, while the Unlimited Sites License is available at $1100.
Magic Zoom Plus for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
You have created your content and it reads great but your images look flat. With Magic Zoom Plus you can change this. This 2-in-1 zoom functionality allows you to see images in greater detail. Hover over your image and a large zoomed area will appear. Click and the image will enlarge over your website.
There are 41 examples of how to customize Magic Zoom Plus including position, size, borders and zoom effects.
Easy to install, so anyone can use Magic Zoom Plus. It works on all major web browsers and iPhone, iPad and Android devices too.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
If you need any help, please contact us.
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Magic Zoom for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Magic Zoom is a JavaScript zoom tool. Hover over a product image and a highly detailed image is revealed to the side. It is the best way to inspect products close-up and a great way for visitors to see your images in detail. Everything is customizable - the position, size, colors, speed, fade and much more.
It only takes 5 minutes to install, it really is easy to use!
It works on all browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) but if you need it to work on iPad and iPhone, get Magic Zoom Plus which will enlarge the image on tap.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
Feel free to contact us if you need any help.
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Magic Thumb for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Magic Thumb is a zoom functionality created for Joomla. Perfect for viewing large images - activates on click or on hover. It requires two images to work. A large image (approx 450-550 pixels height) and a smaller image which will act as the thumbnail (approx 80-120 pixels height). The large image appears when the thumbnail is clicked. The image loads instantly due to the lightbox effect.
Versatile and easy to use. It is simple to install and can be done in a matter of minutes.
Completely customizable with 39 parameters available for you to choose from. These include: speed, position, size, effect and much more.
It works on all major browsers. It also works on iPhone and iPad because it uses JavaScript, not Flash.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
Please contact us if you need any help.
Magic Slideshow for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Rather than spread your images around your web page, why not use a slideshow instead? Magic Slideshow allows you to display as many images as you want one after the other in rotation. It is sleek and easy to install.
Completely customizable with over 30 options to tweak it just how you want it.
Magic Slideshow works on all major web browsers, iPad, iPhone and most Android devices too.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
If you need any help, please contact us.
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Magic Scroll for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
No more static web pages with Magic Scroll. A beautiful tool for scrolling images, text, SWF, movies and HTML. Examples of these are: latest news headlines; "people who bought this also bought" and promotional banners.
You can customize the look of the scroll with our Magic Scroll wizard which is available for beginners. We also have 16 JavaScript settings and CSS options available for intermediate/advanced designers to try out.
Works on all major browsers, iPad, iPhone and most Android devices too.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
Feel free to contact us for any help.
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Magic Magnify Plus for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
An easy way to bring a website to life is to bring your images to life. This 2-in-1 zoom functionality does just that.
You can hover your cursor over an image to magnify the picture; or click the image and it will enlarge to full screen.
Magic Magnify Plus uses Flash and JavaScript but you need no experience of either. It's really simple to install and only takes a few minutes.
It is compatible with all major browsers and works on the iPhone and iPad too - tap the image and it enlarges to full screen.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
Contact us if you need any help.
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Magic Magnify for Joomla
posted byTweakThisinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Images are important to a website, and customers want to see them clearly. Magic Magnify allows you to display your images in great detail.
Hover over an image and a magnifying-glass appears to show a close-up aspect of the product image.
The size of the magnifier is easily controlled by your mouse wheel depending how large or small you want the image to be magnified.
Magic Magnify can be used on any website, CMS, ecommerce site, shopping cart or blog so it is perfect for Joomla.
It is compatible with all major browsers. If you want it to work on iPad and iPhone, then get the next version up: Magic Magnify Plus.
This module has been created for Joomla 1.7. If you are using an older version of Joomla please visit our website and download the relevant module from there.
Feel free to contact us if you need any help.
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HD Image Rotator
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Using this Image rotator there is no beating around the bush, everything is simple and to the point. The back-end is the simplest that even non-developers feel comfortable using this Module. Image rotator is vested with more options and one of the important options, and we think a much-needed option, is adding audio files to the image gallery. So this option is also included which could give you a great feel when the image is blended with the sound.
Features Include:
Audio support available .
Supports .png, .jpeg, .gif and also swf images.
Six custom animation effects.
Options to increase the height and Width.
Options to change the shape (radius).
Navigate options simple and effective.
Option to change the skin of the Navigation tools.
Option to change the color of the icons of Navigation tool.
Can remove the navigation if not needed.
Can add up to 10 images
Supports Joomla 1.5, 1.6
PriceUSD 15.00
Social Auth - Facebook And Twitter Connect
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Social auth supports logging into Joomla web site using facebook account and twitter account. This makes the login functionality easy with the option for user to login using twitter and facebook account.
Supports Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 .
Developed as a Module so that it could be used in all pages and all menus
Option to login to web site using facebook account
Option to login to web site using twitter account
Can add both facebook and twitter login
Single page login
One click login
Easy installation
Three-way support
PriceUSD 25.00
Twitter Connect - Login With Twitter
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Twitter Connect is simplify the login process and keep the visitors to your website at ease. Any individual who has a twitter account can login to your website if you use this module. Great product with great support from Plestar Infotech.
Supports Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 .
Easy installation process
Easy to manage at the backend
One step login
Can be used with the twitter auth module of Plestar infotech, do not collide with any modules
Three-way support
PriceUSD 15.00
Facebook Connect - Login With Facebook
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This simple Joomla facebook Auth simplifies the login formality that is required when a new user visits your site. When a new user wants to be a part of your web site, you would ask him to fill out long forms asking for his name, address, mail id, telephone number, username and so on as per the web site owners wish. And again after this a password would be sent to his email id that has to be again verified to be a part of your web site or to login to your web site. How many of the visitors would vanish seeing your long form? Even if he wishes to log into your web site he wouldn’t after seeing the form.
PriceUSD 15.00
Social Share
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The social share module is an all-in-one social share plugin that is becoming the de facto standard module for any web site owners who would like to share their content to multiple social networking sites. This social share product from Plestar comes as a plugin and a module.
PriceUSD 10.00
Twitter Pro
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Twitter Pro helps to share the contents of your website to twitter through tweets and at the same time that would also be reflected in your web site. Try twitter pro and you would start to love it.
Features Include:
Six killer options .
Easy to install and Use
Will work on Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7
Options to change the shape (radius).
No need of beating around the bush, straight forward module
Option to remove undesirable options.
Widgets to help this module.
PriceUSD 10.00
Facebook Pro
posted byhdwebplayerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Facebook Pro. Facebook pro is a much needed product for all the websites created on Joomla. You could share, like, send all do all the wonders that are needed to keep you in track with the social networking world. This all-in-one social connect product, facebook pro, is easy to install and manageable. The front-end view is also great comparatively. Ready to use facebook pro, ready to connect socially.
Features Include:
Easy to install Module for all Joomla web sites.
Customizable to the need of the client. Can remove any options that is not required
Eight different ways to connect to facebook.
Could even use this for live stream
Pleasure to view in the front-end.
Supports Open graph tags
PriceUSD 10.00
Zincksoft Property Listing Component Ver. 1.0
posted byZincksoftinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Zincksoft Property Listing solution is based on Joomla. Is an Property Listing and Enquiry Solution for basic website that provides necessary flexibility and scalablity for upgarding and customization.