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Joomla / Mambo Modules

Results 201-220 of 498
Joomla CART webERP
Industrial grade, high volume sales, no maintenance shopping cart. Uses webERP accounting system files for cart products, prices, and order tracking. ERP for replenishing stock and financial statements. User chooses prices in any currency set up in webERP. Multiple price lists with sale price date ranges, discount matrix and many more features. Selection methods include webERP sales category tree, Year, Make, and Model, and inventory category criteria tree. Create Google products xml automatically. Language files for translations. Gateways include PayPal and Authorize.net and Accounts Receivable. Fully integrated with webERP for customer credit limits, credit hold, and COD shipments.
(0 ratings)
FW AuthorSpace
Are you tired of the dull, uninspiring, and unattractive way that Joomla displays author information in articles? Would you like to instantly style your Joomla articles to look more like the cooler, hipper, more stylish WordPress blogs that are so popular? Would you like more CONTROL over how your Joomla articles are displayed without extensive hacking, modifying or redesigning a thing?
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.00
FW Real Estate Import & Export
W Real Estate Import & Export is a great way to save your time and fulfill your property forms properly and quickly! If you have tens of properties or more and if you don't want to spend much time fulfilling forms one by one, then FW Real Estate Import & Export can do this for you.
(0 ratings)
FW Real Estate Latest
FW Real Estate Latest Module displays the selected number of your property images on the front-page of your Joomla! website. Due to module settings you can select module's position, the number of images and images' displayed information.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Joomla Currency Converter Live
Get a free currency converter widget for your Joomla website. Live rates updated every minute. Ajax powered to allow seamless integration. Customise colours to suit your website!
(3 ratings)
JoomInvite is a Joomla component which lets your website users send invitation email to their friends by importing contacts from their email accounts. All the fetched email ids are stored in database which can be used as a mailing list. Features include:- * Visitors can import contacts from their Gmail, Yahoomail, Hotmail, Lycos, AOL, Mail.com, Mail.ru, Rambler, Windows Live accounts. * They can select whom to send invitation mails and can send personalised message. * Admin can specify the custom subject & message from backend. * Admin can opt to receive an email listing all invites that have been sent from their site. * Admin can opt to send reminder emails to those who have not yet joined at specific intervals. * Admin can specify which email service providers to enable in the backend. * Registered users are automatically removed from reminder emails.
(0 ratings)
Members Only
Keep prying eyes away from your Website while they stay anonymous. Optionally you may allow visitors to directly register to your website with or without requiring for an invitation code. Members Only is a Joomla plug-in that hides your full-website's content from anonymous visitors. You are in TOTAL CONTROL of the kind of community you are building.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 59.97
Can't Be Ignored
When visitors arrive to your website and find what they were looking for, they may feel generous and they would like to support your good work. Then, make sure that your website has installed our Can’t Be Ignored plugin to offer an always visible tool that Can’t Be Ignored in order to receive such generous contributions. Can’t Be Ignored offers an easy way to choose a suggestive personal sentence to impulse the support to your good work. Thousands of website's owners are using the phrase "Buy me a coffee". But how about "Buy me a Beer", "Buy me a pizza" or "Buy me a drink"? Despite this are common preferences, you may prefer a coke, a hot dog, a latte, a pint or your very own personal message.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 19.99
Don't let your visitors go away from your site following the external links that you have into your own content. MLinks takes advantage of the power of Mootools already available in your Joomla!™ 1.5.x instalation and enables you to define links that will open in a Modal DHTML popup.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 12.49
Front Page Rotator
With this popular joomla extension your site will look always fresh to your visitors, because they will not see the “all the time” front page anymore. Our content rotator will do the work for you; it will select new articles from your own site stock and then place them directly in the front page.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 49.99
Simple enought for novices and powerful for professionals. If you want an acknowledgements page for all the installed extensions in your Joomla! 1.5.x website, but you don't like the default appearance of the output page from the component, then just let Acknowledge do the hard-work: "Acknowledge will: Collect all the information about active extensions from its XML files used to install them. Generate a default-style formated list of extension in a standar HTML / JavaScript piece of code. if you choose to display this result list in static mode, then Acknowledge enables you to edit the auto-generated HTML code within the same component's administration in text format. "
(1 ratings)
PriceEUR 64.99
Modal Popups
Make your content visible. Create powerful eye-catching unblockable pop-ups, taking advantage of the mootool's power already installed in your Joomla! 1.5 website. Make sure your website's visitors view the popup, because they must click to close it in order to access your website's content.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 17.97
Popup Frames
Display virtually anything you want to show to your site's visitors in a fully customized luxury popup. Make you sure your website's visitors view the popup, because they must click to close it in order to access your website's content. Made based on the proven technology of MooTools 1.2 and MediaBoxAdvanced. Display up to 10 different popups in a slideshow presentation that opens straight on the page load. The plugin stores in a cookie information about which slides have been throwed at first in order to make a rotation and make sure that all the popups are shown.
(15 ratings)
PriceEUR 44.97
Easy Contact Form Module For Joomla
Finally, a contact form module for Joomla! that’s easy to use but still flexible enough that you can customize it how you want. Easy Contact Form is available for Joomla 1.6. Use it for a contact form or for a simple quote form to generate leads for your business. View our site for a full list of features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
VM PayPal Module For Joomla!
Want an easy way to accept PayPal transactions on your site without a complicated shopping cart system? The VM PayPal Module for Joomla! 1.6+ will allow you to accept “Buy Now” transactions and donations on your Joomla site. Integrating PayPal in Joomla has never simpler. If you’ve been looking for a Joomla PayPal module and have been frustrated by your options, check out the features below and our video demo on our site. The VM PayPal Module for Joomla is the professional solution for connecting Joomla and PayPal in a no-stress, cost-effective extension. See our site for a full list of features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Jtag Calendar
Overview JTAG calendar is an event and calendar management application for Joomla websites. This application is a simple but intuitive application that allows the management of one-time or repeated events, events widgets and calendar with automated reminders to event attendees by email and SMS messaging.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
Jtag Help Desk 3.0
JTAG Helpdesk 3.0 is an intuitive, user friendly help desk component for Joomla websites. From email support management to interactive views for support tickets, V3.0 has be totally re-imaged and rewritten from code to the splashy new interface. Managing web-based tickets has never been easier – JTAG helpdesk 3.0 help’s improve customer service by reducing the time spent in managing support tickets while allowing your organization to improve efficiency. Features such as our cognitive knowledge base widget that suggests possible knowledge base articles based on product/service types or support ticket keywords. Experience a helpdesk software that is almost transparent to your customers while helping to elevate your service to new levels.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Jtag Help Desk
Managing web-based tickets has never been easier JTAG helpdesk 3.0 help improve customer service by reducing the time spent in managing support tickets while allowing your organization to improve efficiency. Features such as our cognitive knowledgebase widget that suggests possible knowledge base articles based on product/service types or support ticket keywords. Experience a helpdesk software that is almost transparent to your customers while helping to elevate your service to new levels. Features
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Pop Image Slider
Pop Image Slider is a module for Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 2.5 & 3.0 and provides an impressive and interactive way to view images. The images slide left and right according to the cursor movement and when cursor is over an image, the image is magnified. The images are also links to urls specified by you. These links may open using the lightbox effect or in parent or blank window. Also the links may refer to web pages or file types such as image, video, sound, flash. Pop Image Slider module is updated with great improvements! Better administation, more parameters, CSS3 features, even better motion and effects.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 18.00
RSS Context Factory
* displays RSS Feeds in a module according to the Keywords you set * can use feeds from: feedster.com, technorati.com, digg.com * customizable Automatic Refresh of feeds * cached Feeds (no delays on loading) * contextual keywords to specific Content Categories * two display options - tables and overlib * easy CSS customization
(0 ratings)
Results 201-220 of 498