Joomla / Mambo Modules
RSS2Image Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The module is able to display only the feeds containing images or all the feeds. The orientation can be set up vertical or horizontal and there is a minimal required size for search and display images in order not to display images like spacer 1x1 px.
rss to image Factory is also capable of image resizing. The image caption can be choosen from "alt" or "title" attributes or disabled and in case of missing caption the text can be predefined by the admin (ex. "No caption"). Regarding the caption there is an option to set up the lenght (first x characters) and the position (up or above the image).
License: GPL
PriceEUR 15.00
RSS Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
RSS Factory 1.0 was the follow-up of the later RSSReader2 - a well known Joomla Component provided by We, Skepsis Consult aquired in fall 2006 Softmarket in order to add professional Joomla knowledge to our company. All our products can now be found in our shop under
In his previous life as RSSReader2, our component had over 7000 downloads and is indexed in Google in over 750 sites! With the versions compatible with Joomla 3.0.x the numbers tripled.
If you decide to choose the relevant topics, RSS Feeds are simple and clean ways to direct genuine traffic towards your site. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results.
Content Image Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
In Joomla, images work by selecting a list of "Content images" and then adding the "image" tag in the content to specify where they should appear.
This extension takes automatically the images from the "Content images" list and place them into a module on the relevant articles page.
This would mean that the publisher will not have to add the image tags manually in the module and will have control where to place the images where ever on the page by just selecting an area for the module.
A new plugin is also available in order to supress content images and display them only inside the module if desired.
PriceEUR 18.99
Article Factory Manager
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Article Factory Manager is a very useful tool for any article driven sites. As the title inspires its an article manager with various features, like management of the articles, edit, delete, publish, etc. It also providing a new Approval System, much more simplified then the one present in the Joomla core.
PriceEUR 63.99
eBook Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Does your website contain valuable content? Would you like to sell this content as an eBook? Or perhaps, just send out newsletters with a PDF attachment of your content? Have you ever considered that your website may have articles that could be gathered in an eBook format? Ever wanted to publish your own eBooks? Now as a Joomla site administrator, the job is way more easier!
PriceEUR 78.99
Briefcase Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The user interface is intuitive and uses AJAX for several operations, therefore no page reloads to slow down your work. You can ADD more than one file at a time; number can be set in admin backend. The uploaded Files can be SHARED with one user, more than one user, all users, or with the public (registered and unregistered users).
PriceEUR 48.99
Media Mall Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Using the MediaMall solution users can post their media files on your site. For each media file a number of Credits can be perceived in order to vizualise the file. The poster will earn credits, which can be later converted into a payment by the webmaster.
Accepted upload formats are:
* video files (flw, swf, mov and wmf; avi files are also partially supported, but not all codecs are included.)
* audio files (mp3)
* archives (zip, rar, gz, bz2, arj, arc, '7z) - used generely for tutorials; if a user is posting video file with a photoshop tutorial, in the archive he can include the sample files.
PriceEUR 120.00
HOT or NOT Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The component provides an easy voting system, requiring only a single click action for a speedy process. The component can be used to rate different images like landscapes, art, etc. or if the genre mode is enabled, more particular for male and female images. The upload is very easy, allowing also multiple upload. For each picture a sharelink and the number of hits will be visible and if admin enabled the description, comments and tags. To allow the administrator content control on the site, each picture and comment can be reported.
PriceEUR 78.99
Photo Battle Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The component provides an easy voting system, requiring only a single click action for a speedy process. The component can be used to rate different images like landscapes, art, etc. or if the genre mode is enabled, more particular for male and female images. The upload is very easy, allowing also multiple upload. For each picture a sharelink and the number of hits will be visible and if admin enabled the description, comments and tags. To allow the administrator content control on the site, each picture and comment can be reported.
PriceEUR 78.99
Ads Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Ads Factory has extensive user support offering HTML description for the ads and a user extended profile. The content display is fully configurable through a template, since the component uses a template engine. This make the adjustment to the site template very easy offering full freedom - Tutorial. To this, two listing methods are offered: list and grid view mode including a expiry countdown.
PriceEUR 120.00
Reverse Auction Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Reverse auction is a tool used by many purchasing and supply management organizations for spend management, as part of strategic sourcing and overall supply management activities.
In a reverse auction, a buyer contracts with a market maker to help make the necessary preparations to conduct the reverse auction. This includes: finding new suppliers, training new and incumbent suppliers, organizing the auction, managing the auction event, and providing auction data to buyers to facilitate decision making.
The market maker, on behalf of the buyer, issues a request for quotation (RFQ) to purchase a particular item or group of items (called a "lot"). At the designated day and time, several suppliers, typically 5-20, log on to the auction site and will input several quotes over a 30-90 minute period. These quotes reflect the prices at which they are willing to supply the requested good or service.
PriceEUR 210.00
Chat Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
# users can enable/disable the chat system
# no need to register: users can chat as guests (if enabled by administrator)
# show/hide offline users from users list (only for registered users)
# registered users can block chat messages from guests
# user avatars: users can upload their own avatar, use Community's Builder avatar (if enabled), or use no avatar at all (only for registered users)
# ignore list: block messages from individual users (only for registered users)
# friends list (only for registered users)
# possibility to share a message (only for registered users)
# possibility to change status: available, busy, invisible (only for registered users)
# implemented emoticons, buzz
# minimize chat windows and preserve position when navigating through the site (only for registered users)
# quick search (only for registered users)
# advertisement area
PriceEUR 78.99
jAnswers Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Users can ask questions, Community provides answers. Once a question placed, this can be extended (as period) if not answered. A Ranking system for answers is also available. Users can Report offensive text, mark Favourite Questions or use the extended search through the Knowledgebase.
PriceEUR 120.00
Love Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Love Factory is the dating and matching Joomla! Extension, offering users fully editable member pages and custom fields which can be set by the administrator. Among the top features are:
# Member Pages
# Fully Configurable Fields
# Photo Gallery
# Comment System
# Messaging System
# Interaction System
# Rating System
# Friends List
# Ignore List
# Advanced Search
# Radius Search using Google maps
# Membership Plans
PriceEUR 120.00
Collection Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
For e-Commerce purposes, the collector only has to enable the built-in cart feature of component, then Collection Factory will offer also a full Shopping-Cart solution, with ordering system, payment gateways and invoices.
Among the top features you can find multiple item conditions and item states that can be configured from backend, fields management for item details and item listing pages (show/hide them or change their order) and much more.
PriceEUR 140.00
Raffle Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A raffle is a competition in which people buy numbered tickets. Originating in southern Italy, it is a popular game in numerous countries and is often held to raise funds for a specific event, charity, or occasion.
The raffle involves many people buying tickets for a chance to win a certain prize or prizes. At a set date, the winners are drawn from a bucket containing a copy of every number or a tombola (from Italian: tombola ['to:mbola]). The ticket is then checked against a collection of prizes with numbers attached to them.
PriceEUR 210.00
SobiPro - the Joomla! Directory Extension
posted bysigsiunetinJoomla / Mambo Modules
SobiPro is a powerful directory extension for the Joomla! Content Management System that is designed to easily create multiple directories or content types. SobiPro will allow you and your site visitors to submit, search, filter and view custom content on your Joomla! powered website with ease.
The power of SobiPro is in the amount of customization you have available for your specific website content needs. SobiPro allows you to create a functional directory that lets your website visitors submit entries from the front-end. Entry submissions can be free, or you can charge per entry, per field or per group of fields if you choose. The entries can be listed in multiple categories, and you can customize all of the output views of SobiPro through the powerful SobiPro Template system.
SobiPro is open source software and is available free of charge from Sigsiu.NET GmbH. You can get additional Applications, Support and Documentation through our SobiPro Club Membership for a nominal fee.
posted byIonut LupuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
* Live Table Management - all bookings, whether online, telephone or walk can be stored into TableBooking. This also ensures that your customers can only book tables that are available and eliminates overbooking.
* Multiple Restaurant Support - manage separate reservations for an unlimited number of restaurants
* Two Steps Process - the whole booking process it's only two steps, making TableBooking very easy to use.
* Booking Calendar - in just a few seconds you can have a full view of the days/tables booked in a certain month
* Integrated E-mail - automatically e-mail confirmations/booking details.
* Completely Customizable - you can customize the whole booking activity, from the restaurant schedule to the default booking status
PriceEUR 48.00
Fancy Tabs Pro for Joomla 1.5.x
posted byqubesysinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Fancy Tabs is an evolution of jQueryUI Tabs into Joomla. IT COMES WITH EXCELLENT 25 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM,matching your website's design. Very very handy Tabs Module,as you can enter TEXT/HTML anything for the Tab Titles and Tab Texts as well.
Key Features :
# 25 Inbuilt Styles to Choose in the Module Parameters.
# MouseOver and MoseClick Effects Selection for the Tabs.
# HTML code is allowed for the Tab Titles and Tab Texts.
# Cross Browser Support. [ Firefox 3.x, Opera 9+, IE 5.5+,Safari,Firefox MAC, Safari MAC,etc.]
# W3C Valid.
# No Image Editing or anything is needed, as it comes loaded with the theme images also.
PriceUSD 20.00
Urlin Radio
posted byUrlinSoftwareinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Urlin Radio module is designed for making it possible for Your site visitors to listen to the Internet radio during surfing. It is easy to install the radio module on the site, and the module fits well into the site design. It is possible to adjust the module for the translation of any network radios. Urlin Radio can be installed as a module on the sites controlled by CMS Joomla starting from Joomla 1.5. Capabilities:
- provides a quick adjustment for the translation of any existing network radio;
- provides the uninterrupted audio streaming translation;
- supports the translations made in WinAmp, Windows Media Player, Real Player, Quick Time formats;
- listening to the radio is not interrupted and maintain a high quality during the users surfing and opening of the other pages in the browser;
- You can enable and disable the icons demonstration for the different audio players depending on whether the network radio selected by You supports the broadcasting in this format or not.