Joomla / Mambo Modules
Urlin Protector
posted byUrlinSoftwareinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Urlin Protector 1.0.2 component is intended for the protection of content from unauthorized copying by the visitors and automatic grabbers. Urlin Protector reliably protects Your site from the plagiarists attacks. Unlike the other products designed for the site content protection, Urlin Protector not only restricts the users ability to select a part of the text in the page and block the mouses right button and some function keys but also encodes the content in the pages source code. It provides a reliable protection for the content against the automatic grabbers. Urlin Protector is installed as a component on the sites controlled by CMS Joomla, starting from the version of Joomla 1.5.
PriceUSD 29.95
Absolute Floating Menu Joomla module
posted bywdracoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Catch visitors' attention with menu or other valuable content in animated floating box.
Integrates with Joomla module and templating system to move other module(s)
following user scrolling. Can be centered or can have distanced from any window
Works in free-floating mode (not restricted to specific area, can overlap other page elements)
or confined mode (restricted to a specific area).
PriceUSD 7.00
Joomla Currency Rates Table
posted bydynamicsoulinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A simple Joomla module to install a currency rates table for use in sidebars. Select a base currency and currencies to comapre it to from the list of currencies we provide and the current crossed rate will be displayed in a table complete with countries flag. Our data is updated each hour.
Easily edit style of widget including width, colours and title text from within Joomla.
Test your design here on the HTML version first.
Joomla Currency Chart
posted bydynamicsoulinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A simple Joomla module to install a currency chart for use in sidebars. Select from the list of currencies we provide and the current crossed rate will be displayed in a historic chart format. Our data is updated daily.
Easily edit style of widget including width, colours and title text from within Joomla.
You can test a demo on our html code version here:
Joomla Currency Converter
posted bydynamicsoulinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A simple Joomla module to install a currency converter for use in sidebars. Input the amount of currency to be converted, select from the list of currencies which two you would like to convert. The value will be displayed at the bottom of the converter. Our data is updated every hour throughout the week.
Easily edit style of widget including width, colours and title text from within Joomla.
You can test out your design on the HTML version on our site before installing if you wish.
Video Consultation, Presentation and eLearning for Joomla
posted byntminJoomla / Mambo Modules
Video Consultation component and module for Joomla allows easy setup of the VideoWhisper Video Consultation software and creation of video presentation rooms. This provides live web based video conferencing, chat, live shared slideshows and file exchange features with advanced realtime moderation designed for video seminars, internet based live trainings and e-learning, online collaboration.
Also supports JomSocial groups if component is available.
Joomla features:
Backend: Setup parameters, create and manage all rooms (including permissions) and room templates.
Front End: List latest public rooms & user's rooms, create room (from template), manage settings for own rooms.
Multi Availability Calendar for Joomla
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Multi Availability Calendar is a calendar for websites that use Joomla CMS. This calendar is designed to edit (at the backend) and display (at the frontend) the availability of multiple elements. It can also be used to set and display prices for certain ranges of days. Available as Joomla Component and Module.
PriceUSD 69.99
posted bycandireinJoomla / Mambo Modules
mod_directorytree is a brand new module that will display the entire contents of a chosen server directory in a dynamic tree like structure on your website. Originally created for Joomla!, this highly anticipated module provides a seamless solution to more complex document and download listings. You will never have to alter your document or download links again!
This module can be used in html and php pages.
Features include:
* Real time server display
* Multiple directory exclusion
* Multiple file exclusion
* Custom file types
* 85 Customizable icons
* Single user license
Read the instructions in the 'README.txt' file which is included in the download.
PriceUSD 10.00
posted byRvAinJoomla / Mambo Modules
JRadio is a powerful internet radio receiver for Joomla 1.5 based websites.
Always wanted to add radiostations (streaming) to your website ?
Simply control them from your backend to show them in the frontend player, radiostations-list or radiostations-thumbnails layout.
With its great options and effects it's a must have for radio/musicfreaks and Joomla! based (streaming) websites/radioportals.
* 84 high quality radiostations
* Add your own favorite radiostations / streams
* Show/hide streamcount
* Show/hide help icon (tooltip powered Firefox & Explorer)
* Show/hide radiostations list
* Share the stream URL
* Share the stream image
* Show/hide radiostation logo thumbnails
* Set radiostation logo thumbnails size
* Enable/disable copyright footer
* Enable/disable tooltips
* Set copyright footer text
* Multilangual (en-GB/nl-NL)
And much more !
PriceEUR 5.00
Daily Scheduler Calendar for Joomla
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Daily Scheduler Calendar for Joomla is a daily agenda-type calendar for websites using Joomla CMS. This new extension is composed of a component and a module configurable from the Joomla administration and can be integrated into your website as a page content or as a module in any location that you decide to designate for it.
PriceUSD 59.99
Appointment Calendar for Joomla
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Appointment Calendar for Joomla!® , is a website calendar that can be used in Joomla CMS. Appointment Calendar gives you the possibility to create and edit appointments, like in a work organizer where daily tasks are scheduled. Joomla 1.5 native. Available both as a module and as a component for Joomla
PriceUSD 49.99
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
JoomAuditor is professionally developed PayPal history log research and investigation tool. Joomla! administrator can import PayPal history logs in comma separated file using JoomAutidor in Joomla! database. After import Joomla! administrator can further analyst data in predefined views. JoomAuditor is development using jquery.
PriceUSD 21.00
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
Start your very own Classified Ads website today or add classifieds functionality to your existing website using JoomListings. This component integrates with your Joomla! portal and has all the tools you need to create a successful, and income-earning website. We provide you with an intuitive administrator control panel from Joomla! Administrator to add, modify settings and pricing packages on your site. The component can be set up to run itself through automatic email notifications, automated billing, and other valuable time-saving features.
JoomListings is a professionally developed classifieds component that was built with you - the site owner - in mind and to assist you in generating income from your website. Whether you are running classifieds for autos, motorcycles, bicycles, real estate, jobs, or general merchandise, JoomListings component with Joomla! is the right package for you.
PriceUSD 50.00
jDownloads sh404SEF extension
posted byTY2UinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Lifetime updates, Unlimited Support. Search engines love relevant URLs! It is a well known fact that you will get higher search rankings when your URLs are more relevant to your site content. High rankings means more traffic to your site. Advertising networks will show more relevant ads! If you use an ad network such as Google AdSense it is much more likely to display more relevant ads because the URLs match your content more precisely. In turn, you make more money because your visitors are more likely to click the ads. Easier to navigate! If your URLs are cleaner looking your downloads directory will be easier to navigate and make more sense to you and your visitors. Requirements: Joomla, jDownloads, sh404SEF
PriceUSD 7.00
Price Comparison Script for Joomla
posted byAlexBarr2010inJoomla / Mambo Modules
Price Comparison Script is a complete, fully customizable, money-making Joomla 1.5 extension that is 100% ready to make you money. All you have to do is promote your website! Make money on a pay-per-click basis by driving qualified customers to merchants.
PriceUSD 49.99
Event Calendar for Joomla
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Event calendar for websites using Joomla CMS. Each date can be associated to one or more events. It is composed of a component and a module configurable from the Joomla!® admin area. Allows to pick a date and add any information related to it, which will be shown using Tooltips
PriceUSD 59.99
Visual Calendar for Joomla!
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Visual Calendar for Joomla! is a visual calendar for websites that use Joomla CMS. It's available as Joomla module and component. With this Joomla calendar you can visually associate information to date ranges or individual dates. That information will be displayed on the page in form of floating panels.
PriceUSD 29.99
SugarSOAP Diagnostic
posted bysourcecreativityinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla component allows you to check the connection with SugarCRM from Joomla using SOAP. It creates a NuSOAP object using your SugarCRM URI, get a WSDL proxy, login into SugarCRM using your user information and insert test information in the Leads module.
It gives you the possibility to copy SOAP log, requests, responses and errors. These information can help your administrator to fix the SugarCRM connection and integration issues in your environment.
Simple FanBox
posted bymtahseeinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Simple FanBox is a Joomla 1.5 Module for adding Face Book Fan Box to a Joomla Content Management Based Website
PriceUSD 3.99
Free and Commercial Joomla Image Slider 2 |
posted bybyjoomlainJoomla / Mambo Modules
ByJoomla Image Slider 2 is a professional Jquery Joomla component for photos and content presentation. Along with amazing photos / images sliding effect, you can also place and customize the content to be shown in each photos / images. With the popularity in using slider in modern website, we believe that you will love our Image Slider 2.
The component is Flash-free so content and images are compatible with most devices and browser (like the iPad). Moreover, we will release more styles, transition effect in the library so you will get more additional bonus updates usually. Please see our live demo at
You can try the Free version of ByJoomla Image Slider or purchase our Pro version as low as $14.9
ByJoomla images slider 2 is FREE at