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Joomla / Mambo Modules

Results 321-340 of 498
More online products, more currencies available, more profit. If you want to transform your Joomla website into an e-commerce shopping cart powerhouse, jStore is the ideal choice for you. jStore is our most advanced shopping cart application. Aside from being scalable, jStore is made with one purpose in mind—to help you make more sales. jStore can surpass standard e-commerce products like Virtuemart and can be your ultimate Joomla shopping cart solution. You can easily bundle your products and assign discounts for promotions. You can also choose which products can be rated and/or commented at. What's in it for you? - Coupons Management - Unlimited Category Levels - Access Level - Multiple Currencies - Smart Ordering Process Unlimited categories, coupons management and much more, jStore comes with a lot of indispensable features if you are serious about e-commerce.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 49.95
Agile and efficient, this application empowers Joomla websites to create lifetime customer relationships using email newsletters, follow-ups, offers, autoresponders, and other email marketing tools. Sending email newsletters to your customers has become much easier, faster, and powerful with this application that can manage sending copies to over a million subscribers. Isn’t that great? If you are hectic and have no time to create your newsletter, Acajoom does the job for you. With the smart newsletter, your weblog posts are automatically put together to create a newsletter. Excellent! Turn your Joomla website into an automated marketing machine now!
(1 ratings)
PriceEUR 95.95
JKayako bridge
CB 1.0.2, CB 1.1, CB1.2 support. This joomla component provides almost full synchronization between Joomla and Kayako profiles with Community builder support without any changes of core files. The bridge includes the following features: * no changes of Joomla and phpBB core files required - easy to install and upgrade your system * manage helpdesk configuration and users from Joomla admin panel * transfer users between Joomla and Kayako preserving their profile data * full support of Community Builder (additional CB plugin installation required), ability to assign Kayako profile fields to the CB ones * wrapping Kayako in Joomla as a component and browse helpdesk without reloading a page (~1 minute Kayako template changes required) Kayako and your Joomla site must be on the same domain.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Smart Former
Among thousands of different extensions Joomla form builders takes a very special place. You will need to create a resume form, survey form, registration form, login form, different feedback forms (contact us, request for services, etc.) and plenty of others. Of course you can either develop them yourself or have your Joomla website customized. It takes time and can be required regularly. We propose a great solution, our new Joomla form builder - Smart Former! Our Joomla form manager is very usable, you need only to drag and drop the element you wish and choose its properties. Grid will help you aligning the dragged elements visually with no problem; you'll be able to create a new menu item form within the form builder and check the form's logic before posting it. Now you do not need any special knowledge - just 10 minutes of free time and wish to create a new form for your Joomla website.
(3 ratings)
Joomla Instant Messaging Extensions
he Joomla Instant Messaging extensions allows you to integrate Joomla with an XMPP Server to provide an Instant Messaging solution for your Joomla users.
(0 ratings)
Share this / Tell-a-friend component for Joomla 1.5
Sharing your website pages/articles is easy for your visitors with our award winning tell-a-friend components. *** Supported Address Books/Social Networks : Hotmail/MSN.com/Live.com, GMail, Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, Mail.com, Rediffmail, Indiatimes, MobileMe (.Mac), FastMail, GMX, Web.de, IcqMail, LinkedIn, MyNet.com, Data.bg, Ig.com.br, Mail.ru, Rambler.ru, Yandex.ru, Freenet.de, Libero.it, Onet.pl, Interia.pl, Wp.pl (WirtualnaPolska), Sapo.pt, O2.pl, Plaxo, Daum.net, Naver.com, Email.It, Alice.it, Virgilio.it, Terra.es, Orange.es, Facebook, Friendster, Hi5, MySpace, Orkut, BlackPlanet, Xing, Bebo, MeinVZ, Hyves, Twitter, Outlook CSV, Outlook Express CSV, Thunderbird CSV, Thunderbird LDIF, Apple/vCard
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Art Pretty Photo
Art Pretty Photo displays images, image galleries, videos (youtube), flash and external pages in pretty highly customizable popup window. Features: * Can display single images, image galleries, videos (youtube), external pages * Several configurable options: animation speed, allow resize, show title, etc. * 4 themes * Easy to use plugin code for galleries: {artprettyphoto path="path_to_images_folder"/} * Easy to use plugin code for single images: {artprettyphoto padding="40" opacity="0.35" animationSpeed="normal" showTitle="1" allowresize="1" counter_separator_label="/" theme="dark_rounded" noConflict="1" /}
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
UrComment: Popular Article Comments Extension for Joomla
UrComment is a full-featured comments extension for Joomla 1.5, first of its kind that supports YouTube Videos, includes sleek comment themes and emoticons. Key features: Ajax-based - comment posting & voting, article rating | Add YouTube videos | BB Code | Easy Moderation - correlate comments from same article, IP, user; multiple searches by email, comment | Community Builder Avatar | Gravatar | Compatible with sh404SEF | Spam Filter - advance Akismet integration, stop words, report abuse | Security - CAPTCHA image | Ban Control - ban user IP | Nested Comments | Ajax Social Bookmarking | Ajax Tell-a-Friend | Import Comments | White Label | Full Comment Backup & Restore in one click | Statistic - graphical report of published, unpublished, spam comments; Most Active members, Top 10 articles | Trackback report | 30 Days Moneyback Guarantee | Open Source | Free Support & 1 Yr Updates
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
jFirewall IDS / Anti-Hacker
jFirewall IDS is a unique component that ensures 100% protection of your web site from hackers' attacks of any type. Our longstanding experience as security systems engineers has helped us create a professional security component specifically for Joomla sites. The most unique feature of jFirewall component is an automated security system which allows protection of any file on your web site: component, module, plug in and any other file. jFirewall is a powerful component with active security technology that automatically quarantines an attack using its own powerful scanners. jFirewall responds to any attack on your web site and immediately takes measures to block hackers. jFireWall protects from: - SQL-injection - PHP-injection - XSS Vulnerability - RFI and LFI Vulnerability - File Upload Vulnerability - CSRF Exploit - Header Vulnerability jFirewall ensures that your web site is under solid security 24/7
(0 ratings)
foobla Twitter application for Joomla
It allows you (or Joomla users) post Tweets directly from Joomla instead of go to Twitter website or using Twitter Desktop Client. It also provides Twitter Module, Social Bookmarking with Twitter support, auto updates Tweets when you add article, VirtueMart, Eventlist, Jobline, DocMan, ... (add-on installable),... FEATURES * Comprehensive solution to use Twitter in a Joomla site. * Post Tweet directly from Joomla Frontend component. * Display Tweets updates in both Joomla Module + Joomla Frontend component. * Customizable Social Bookmark Joomla content plugin: add more icon, edit, remove, ordering. * Auto updates Tweets when new VirtueMart product/Jobline/Eventlist/... item created. This works by a Joomla system plugin with add-on support (install/remove add-on in the Joomla Backend component). * ALL-IN-ONE (AIO) installation package. Easy to implement, ONE-CLICK to install the rest of solution. * ONE-CLICK to upgrades to the newer version.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 19.99
obRSS - RSS Feed Creator for Joomla!
# Create unlimited RSS Feed for your Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x site. # Included NON Front-Page articles in the feed. # Easy to put the rest of content articles into the feed. # Easy to get feed for section(s), category(s) or for the rest of content articles, up to your needs. # Auto create RSS feed(s) on the RSS icon inside the address bar on the browser. # Express Install Tools in backend. # Make RSS page on frontend looks like CNET, CNN, BBC. # Addons support (weblinks, contacts, banners, polls, VirtueMart, Jobline, EventList,...). Note: VirtueMart, Jobline, EventList addons don't include in this package. * Plugin feature: able to get source from another extensions, i.e: RSGallery (new images), Community Builder (new users), EventList (new events), VirtueMart (new products)... we will be able to install/uninstall plugins. * Express Install Tools in backend. * One-click Auto Upgrade to latest version...
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 39.99
foobla PHPlist Integration for Joomla
(aka: jLord PHPlist Integration) This solution integrates PHPlist (http://www.phplist.com) into Joomla (Bridge in other words) with an AIO (All-In-One) Joomla extension: 01 component + 01 CB Plugin + com_users patch files + com_virtuemart patch files + phpList installer (ONE-CLICK). FEATURES ( * We keep all advantages from phplist for you, you can handle all of PHPlist power from PHPlist admin, of course. NOW you can access PHPlist admin inside Joomla backend. * Newsletter embedded in the Joomla Registration page or the Community Builder Registration page or VirtueMart Registration page. * AJAX subscribe module to help visitor easy to subscribe (coming soon). * Unlimited CB fields (~PHPlist attributes) support. * ALL-IN-ONE installable package. What you have to do to implement this solution is ONE-CLICK Install....
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 29.99
iJoomla SideBars
Want to make your article pages more exciting? Want to pack more information into a single page? Place ads? Use polls? RSS feeds? Or tease readers towards another article? Sidebars are the perfect solution... and with the iJoomla SideBars Extension for Joomla, they're now a breeze to use.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.99
iJoomla RSS Feeder
iJoomla RSS Feeder allows your visitors to subscribe to one or more RSS feeds from your site. Each section and category generates an Joomla RSS feeder that your subscribers can easily add to their RSS reader or to their site. They get free fresh content and you get free exposure and incoming links that increase your site popularity with search engines. This is a great way to get free traffic, free incoming links, free exposure and grow your business. iJoomla RSS feeder is completely integrated with FeedBurner, an amazing service that Allows RSS publishers the ability to manage their Joomla RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers. Using FeedBurner became absolutely free when they were acquired by Google.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.99
iJoomla Surveys
iJoomla Surveys is a Joomla survey component that lets you easily create surveys, collect information and analyze data. It's great for business, education, research, marketing and more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.99
iJoomla Search & Archive
iJoomla Search & Archive is a 2-in-1 content retrieval extension for Joomla. With iJoomla Search & Joomla Archive, your Joomla site can offer both an advanced search page and an archive page - both fully customized. If you ever thought that the search feature of Joomla just doesn't do the job or if you've ever wanted to show your users a full archive of all your content, iJoomla Search & Archive is the perfect solution!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.99
iJoomla Ad Agency
iJoomla Ad Agency is Joomla Banner/Ads Extension designed to help publishers earn revenue by placing ads on their Joomla sites. Advertisers can submit and upload their ads online, buy packages, start campaigns and run reports. Publishers can do all that on advertisers' behalf, as well as create zones, add payment methods, approve or reject advertisers, ads and campaigns, and a whole lot more. iJoomla Ad Agency gives your Joomla site its very own ad agency -- and it's the only comprehensive ad serving extension for Joomla. If you've got the traffic, iJoomla Ad Server packs everything you need to make money from it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.99
iJoomla News Portal
iJoomla News Portal turns your existing sections, categories and articles into a live news portal. Within minutes, you can own a news site that's as professional and appealing as CNN.com or FoxNews.com! Designed specifically for Joomla! CMS, our Joomla News Portal is the ideal solution for any site displaying news content. The portal can work as a home page for site dedicated to news or as a news section within a general site that makes breaking information an easier read. The joomla news portal is generated and maintained automatically using your existing sections, categories and content items. New items will display at the top, and flow from one zone to the next, creating a truly dynamic page.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.99
Art AdminShortcuts
ArtAdminShortcuts adds quick icons and keyboard shortcuts to help administrator fast and easy access components and pages. Instead of spending a lot of time browsing through the Joomla! menu administrator can just press keyboard shortcut or quick icon to go to any page. - Created for Joomla! 1.5 CMS - Ability to select any component item/subitem to go to on icon click or keyboard shortcut - Keyboard shortcuts can be simple or more complicated: Alt+1, Ctrl+Shift+F, Shift+5, ... - Ability to use extension only for keyboard shortcuts, without quick icons - You can add any JavaScript code to be executed on keyboard shortcut - Configurable CSS styles
(0 ratings)
Art WolframAlpha
This module allows to add Wolfram | Alpha - a new revolutionary search engine - to your Joomla! page. Read about Wolfram | Alpha here: http://www.codediesel.com/tools/wolframalpha-dawn-of-a-new-search/
(0 ratings)
Results 321-340 of 498