Joomla / Mambo Modules
Advertisement Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The permitted advertisements will be displayed on custom modules, where webmasters can define the price.The following attributes are available:
# Users can buy advertisements that trigger on the number of clicks, impressions or time interval
# Create multiple pricing plans for the same advertisement type
# Full page advertisements (display a full page with an advert and redirects the users after a set amount of seconds to the original page they were navigating to)
# Keyword advertisements (applies links and tooltips to specific words found within articles)
# Availability options (set by the number of clicks, impressions or time interval) and many more!
PriceEUR 100.00
Wall Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The best part about Wall Factory is that it makes the world a smaller place and it is free to download and use. No encryption and no limitations whatsoever.
The following attributes are available:
#Post messages on walls along with attached media files (photos, audio, documents, embedded videos)
#Reporting system for offending posts and comments
#Bookmarking websites (Digg, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
#Enable/disable available media types (images, videos, mp3 files, URLs, document files)
#Set displayed user title (Joomla! username, wall alias or Joomla! name) and many more!
Social Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Following the same design patterns as our top of the line extension - Love Factory - it offers a state of the art admin interface backed up by solid code and modern templates.
The following attributes are available:
#Unlimited custom fields that can be created and published in any page
#Multiple field types (Checkboxes, Multipleselect, Textarea, Radio buttons, etc.)
#Each custom field can be set as searchable, rendering it available in advanced search
#Fully customizable CSS and template system
#Users can report comments, photos, videos, events and profiles
#Messaging system (users can create, send and receive personal messages) and many more!
PriceEUR 160.00
Micro Deal Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Sellers come to the site, create an account which links them to a payment gateway, start listing items and go on to sell them. Site owners can earn commissions based on their sales and revenues.
Multiple features facilitate communication between the seller and buyer to make sure they end up satisfied, leading to more sales and more profits for the website:
#Fully customizable CSS
#Unique or individually priced deals
#Commissions (keeps a defined percent of the withdrawals requested by users)
#Private messaging for all users and also message board between sellers and buyers with specific layout to track discussions for each order and many more!
PriceEUR 78.99
Swap Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
An overview of the submitted, received and closed offers is available for each user. They can view and accept/reject received offers or to cancel submitted offers.
The following attributes are available:
#Displayed on 6 different pages on the default product template and able to set category filter
#Each custom field can be set as searchable, rendering it available in advanced search
#Payment items: Pay per listing, Pay per image, Pay per contact, Pay for featured ads
#Embedded video integration for ads (Youtube, MySpace, Vimeo, Metacafe, Howcast)
#Automatic currency exchange rates using Yahoo conversion and many more!
PriceEUR 120.00
Jobs Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Webmasters will be able to create a broad range of implementations - from a niche website, covering only specific business areas (e.g. IT, Advertisment, Marketing etc.) to a fully fledged recruiting platform. The following attributes are available:
#Each custom field can be set as searchable, rendering it available in advanced search
#Displayed on 10 different pages on the default product template and able to set category filter
#Fully customizable template system and CSS
#Enable and set the ACL (Access Control List)
#Customizable Workflow (one step posting, where jobs information is entered on one page, or a two-steps posting, which will require users to set the category first and the rest of the details afterwards)
PriceEUR 120.00
Dutch Factory
posted bythefactoryinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A real time graphical tracker informs users about the state of the price, showing them the amount of time left until the next price decrement.
Among the top features, Dutch Factory has:
# Multiple field types (Checkbox, Image, Text input, Radio button, etc.)
# Option to set fields as compulsory
# Messaging system for sellers and bidders
# Customizable Workflow (one step posting, where the auction information is entered on one page or a two-steps posting, which will require users to set the category first and the rest of the details afterwards) and many more...
PriceEUR 210.00
CodeMirror plus Emmet Editor
posted byElearningforceinJoomla / Mambo Modules
CodeMirror plus Emmet Editor is a combination of CodeMirror Text Editor and Emmet plugin for efficient html/css code editing.
Phoca Font
posted byPhocainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Phoca Font Component is a Joomla! component. This component adds support for using downloadable fonts in your Joomla! site. You can upload and select your own .ttf or .otf font file. Font included in this font file will be rendered on your site (with help of @font-face rule).
Phoca Commander
posted byPhocainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Phoca Commander is Joomla! CMS component - it is dual panel file manager (like Total Commander, Midnight Commander, Krusader, ...) working in Joomla! cms.
Phoca Panorama
posted byPhocainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Phoca Panorama is Joomla! CMS component - it displays panoramic images or interactive virtual tours (e.g. made by krpano software) on Joomla! CMS sites. It includes categories view (list of categories), category view (list of panorama items) and items (panorama items) view.
Phoca Favicon
posted byPhocainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Phoca Favicon is a Joomla! component. It is a simple component that generates favicon (favicon.ico) on your Joomla! site. You can change the favicon of your site whenever you like. No FTP access needed.
Phoca Maps
posted byPhocainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Phoca Maps is a Joomla! component. It is a small component which displays Google Maps on your site. This component doesn't include too much of parameters, the idea of using this component is a fast creation of map on your site.
Phoca Photo
posted byPhocainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Phoca Photo is Joomla! CMS component - it displays images on Joomla! site. It includes categories view (list of categories), category view (list of images) and image view. Phoca Photo is lightweight version of Phoca Gallery. It does not include any administration (images and categories should be managed by Phoca Gallery). It includes only lightweight frontend views, which load the content fast and easy on the site.
posted byElearningforceinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Joomla! website owners can create checklist or allow users to create their own using approved or available checklist templates.
The component supports social media sharing, comments, tags etc.
Title, Alias, Meta Data, Custom Meta tags set-up assures checklists Search Engine visibility; content & xtd-buttons allow checklists inserting into articles and other Joomla! extensions. Checklists can be exported to CVS, XML, XLSX formats or be downloaded and printed.
CheckList Extension is Joomla! 3.x compatible. A detailed description of CheckList app can be found on our site! The component can be used by bloggers to insert into blog posts, by owners of Joomla websites acting as online tutorials, by event planners, consulting companies etc.
PriceUSD 29.00
Joomla Authentication Logger
posted bymbsecinJoomla / Mambo Modules
An authentication logger plugin for Joomla 2.5 and 3, which logs all important authentication events, namely user login, user login failure, user logout, user logout failure, password change, forget password and forgot username.
J-Hotel Reservation Starter
posted byvladvinJoomla / Mambo Modules
We continuously implement new features. Stay up to date with the automatic update feature.
Yes! We do custom work. Should you have any special requests please contact us and we'll be happy to provide you with a quote.
This product is licensed under GNU GPL
This extension is compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.0.
Joomla Hotel Portal
posted byvladvinJoomla / Mambo Modules
J-HotelPortal is equipped with all the necessary tools that enables you to run a booking portal:
• customized access based on user role
• charge commissions per reservation
• automated invoicing
• multilingual ready
• use multiple payment and currency options
• create enticing offers
• powerful reporting
• SEO ready
PriceUSD 499.00
Professional Joomla Multiple Hotel Reservation
posted byvladvinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Say good bye to manually tracking reservations, following up with your customers and payments. No longer is there a need to keep mounds of paper, lose customer details or lose track of payments.
Joomla Multiple Hotel Reservation Professional extension was designed to simplify the booking process and allow you to get on with running your business.
PriceUSD 249.89
J-Accordion 2
posted byvladvinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Use this Joomla accordion to get a new browsing effect, that will capture the attention of your visitors. Light-weight, easy to install and use, J-Accordion will help you give your site a new look.
It is compatible with Joomla 1.5,Joomla 1.7,Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0 versions
PriceUSD 24.00