Joomla / Mambo Modules
Questions and Answers Component
posted byamitrayinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This is a question and Answer component capable of having a site similar to It has many functionality similar to yahoo answers with point system.
Joomla Spider Contacts
posted byJohnDeviseinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla extension allow you to display information about your website group of people more effective and easy.
Spider contacts allow you to create list that will contain information about your contacts . You can easily add to your list images or other information about your contacts , you can even add contacts with feedback option .
People mostly use this extension for introducing your staff list . It's very useful and good tool for building information about contacts of people group you want .
This extension allows you to set a lot of design parameters for your contacts . It's very easy .
PayPlans Membership Software
posted byrbslinJoomla / Mambo Modules
PayPlans provides automatic subscriptions and effortless billing management. In short it is an powerful, flexible and customizable extension for converting your Joomla community / Software selling website into a paid subscription providing site.
Features of PayPlans
1.Provide discounts to your users upon likes on Facebook, following on twitter and +1 on Google+.
2. Micro-Subscriptions
3. Eye soothing interface.
4. Managed installation for easy upgrades.
5. Recurring Subscription, Unlimited Membership Plans.
6. More than 80 apps for PayPlans.
7. Professional Invoice.
8. Multiple Language support.
9. Multiple accounts of one payment gateway.
10. Application Integration: Integrated with many known applications and processors like Paypal processor, JomSocial, JSPT, Emailer, Docman, Google Analytics, Moset Tree, K2 and JUGA, 2checkout, Jnews, Sobi2, Sobipro, Eway.
PriceUSD 99.00
JArtists Manager
posted byb4ucodeinJoomla / Mambo Modules
JArtists Manager allows administrators to do the following
Artists Management
Manage Artists Profiles with just a few clicks. It's a simple step to add the Artists' Biography, main image, Facebook links and more.
Discography Management
Create a log of all the Albums, EP's, LP's, Mixtapes and Singles of each artists in the system. You can add both back and front cover, description and links to purchase.
Video Management
Photo/Gallery Management
Events/Tour Management
Press/News Management
Weblinks Management
PriceUSD 30.00
GRA4 Social Network for Joomla
posted bygra4inJoomla / Mambo Modules
GRA4 Social Network for Joomla is a free component, arming your website with full-blown social networking functionality.
After single 3-minute-long installation your website will have likes, groups, friends, blogs, messaging, documents, activity stream, market, events, and much more.
Big social networks put plenty of websites out of business, because anyone can create a group on a major Social Network (such as Facebook, VKontakte, LinkedIn, Odnoklassniki, etc.), and it's much easier than to build and support whole website.
We want to get web-masters back into the game, arming them with the same functionality the "grown-up" social networks have.
Joomla Reset Admin Password Tool
posted byshrek_rockinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This very useful tool will reset your Joomla admin password when you provide the username. As always, backup your website before using any new tools/mods/hacks/components/modules etc.
This tool is compatible with Joomla 1.5 and greater.
Joomla HD Video Share
posted byappthainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Joomla HD Video Share is a popular video gallery extension that enables you to set up a video sharing site like that of YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Metacafe and Live Leak on your Joomla website within a few minutes. Developed by Apptha, this video extension has some enviable features that makes it the most sought after and over 5000 popular websites have installed it.
The highlight of this plugin is that it provides free themes and extensions that lets you set up a video sharing site for free and enjoy a trial version.
Some of the standout features are live streaming of videos, exquisite themes to give your site an enchanting look, responsive design, importing videos from third party site, revenue generation through pre and post roll ads, HTML5 and many more. Further 3 add ons are being offered for free to provide your site visitors a phenomenal experience. So improve your revenue and enthrall your audience by installing this video module.
PriceUSD 149.00
posted bysmimedia99inJoomla / Mambo Modules
Joomgalaxy is a rich, comprehensive directory component brimming with unique features like Entry comparison, Pay per download, Tagging, Email Cloaking, Review and Rating with Multiple Attributes, add Articles to Entries, with many standard features as well.
Add to that a growing number of supported Plugins and Modules to extend your business directory.
Plus Two Built-in attractive Templates with their own configurations.
Jomsocial and Community Builder integration, Messaging, mp3 player, and other media.
Joomgalaxy is easy to Customize and Extend - Flexible out of the box.
*Now featuring Multilingual Support for Custom Field Manager*
Art Gallery
posted byartflashgalinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Art Gallery organically blends with any design thanks to flexible appearance settings. You can publish any photos and images on your site in a matter of minutes using this photo gallery. This gallery is not only your quick assistant, but also the place for the creativity. Take a chance to be a real artist in web-design.
PriceEUR 29.00
Shoutcast Radio Player
posted bybumradioinJoomla / Mambo Modules
If you're trying to make live audio streaming with shoutcast/icecast, work on all major browsers in all major OS maybe you're needing this:
Shoutcast Radio Player that works great with Shotcast and Icecast 2. It has some interesting and necessary features like reconnect on network errors to make sure users never get silence and cache management to avoid memory huge memory consumption.
Avatar K2 Slide Items joomla module
posted bytrungnqinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Avatar K2 Slide Items is a joomla’s module that allows display K2 Items look like Image Silder.
This module base on the Jquery Framework and the NIVO-Slider Effect.
Support create multiple modules on one page.
Easy to change size of module.
Config number of items can be displayed.
Set length of introtext in items.
Option set width of module in pixel or percent.
Use arrows to next or previous slider.
Cutomize time display for one image and animation speed of effect.
Multi specific select effects for slide (13 effect).
Support 5 size of k2 items image (XSmall, Small, Medium, Large, XLage).
Avatar VirtueMart Slide Products joomla module
posted bytrungnqinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Avatar VM Slide Products is a joomla’s module that allows display Virtuemart Products look like Image Silder. This module base on the Jquery Framework and the NIVO-Slider Effect.
Support create multiple modules on one page.
Easy to change size of module.
Config number of products can be displayed.
Set length of product description.
Option set width of module in pixel or percent.
Use arrows to next or previous slider.
Cutomize time display for one image and animation speed of effect.
Multi specific select effects for slide (13 effect).
Avatar Slideshow Galleria joomla module
posted bytrungnqinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Avatar Slide Galleria Extension is a slideshow module/plugin base on the Galleria library. Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. The aim is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices.
Slide image from Picasa, Flickr or Folder
Slide image ralated to string, your account, album, galleria, gruop on Picasa, Flick
Support create multiple modules on one page.
Easy to change size of module.
Config number of products can be displayed.
Set width of module in pixel or percent.
Use arrows to next or previous slider.
Customize time display for one image and animation speed of effect.
Multi specific select image folder for slide.
On/Off : autoplay, counter, navigation, thumbnails, lightbox, image pan, copyright…
Change image quality (for Picasa& Flickr).
Avatar Slideshow Skitter joomla plugin
posted bytrungnqinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Avatar Slide Skitter is a slideshow module/plugin base on the Skitter library. Skitter is a JavaScript image slider framework built on top of the jQuery library.
Slide image in Folder
Support create multiple modules/plugin on one page.
Easy to change size of module.
Config number of images can be displayed.
Set width of module in pixel or percent.
Use arrows to next or previous slider.
Customize time display for one image.
Multi specific select image folder for slide.
More than 20 effect transition.
Multi select effect.
On/Off : tools, focus, play/pause, random slider, control, progress bar, copyright…
Change navigation style : thumbs, number, dots
Change position of focus, play/pause button, number/dots align
Avatar Slideshow Skitter
posted bytrungnqinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Avatar Slide Skitter is a slideshow module/plugin base on the Skitter library. Skitter is a JavaScript image slider framework built on top of the jQuery library.
Slide image in Folder
Support create multiple modules/plugin on one page.
Easy to change size of module.
Config number of images can be displayed.
Set width of module in pixel or percent.
Use arrows to next or previous slider.
Customize time display for one image.
Multi specific select image folder for slide.
More than 20 effect transition.
Multi select effect.
On/Off : tools, focus, play/pause, random slider, control, progress bar, copyright…
Change navigation style : thumbs, number, dots
Change position of focus, play/pause button, number/dots align
VirtueMart 2 - Winbank payment gateway
posted bytcvdveerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla - VirtueMart 2 payment module is designed for making credit card payments through Winbank (Greece).
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Winbank) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, Winbank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his Winbank backoffice to administer his payments.
This payment module supports free and interest bearing instalments.
PriceEUR 95.00
VirtueMart 2 - Millennium Bank payment gateway
posted bytcvdveerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla - VirtueMart 2 payment module is designed for making credit card payments through Millennium Bank (Greece).
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Millennium Bank) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, Millennium Bank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his Millennium Bank backoffice to administer his payments.
This payment module supports free and interest bearing instalments.
PriceEUR 75.00
VirtueMart 2 - ATEbank payment gateway
posted bytcvdveerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla - VirtueMart 2 payment module is designed for making credit card payments through ATEbank (Greece).
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (ATEbank) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, ATEbank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his ATEbank backoffice to administer his payments.
This payment module supports free and interest bearing instalments.
PriceEUR 75.00
VirtueMart 2 - Alpha Bank payment gateway
posted bytcvdveerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla - VirtueMart 2 payment module is designed for making credit card payments through Alpha Bank (Greece).
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Alpha Bank) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, Alpha Bank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to hisAlpha Bank backoffice to administer his payments.
This payment module supports free and interest bearing instalments.
PriceEUR 75.00
VirtueMart 2 - Emporiki bank payment gateway
posted bytcvdveerinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This Joomla - VirtueMart 2 payment module is designed for making credit card payments through Emporiki Bank (Greece).
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Emporiki Bank) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, Emporiki Bank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to hisEmporiki Bank backoffice to administer his payments.
This payment module supports free instalments.
PriceEUR 75.00