Joomla / Mambo Modules
Subscribtion Deluxe
posted byElearningforceinJoomla / Mambo Modules
User comes to main joomla site where he sees the description of the sites or local folder he can subscribe to. He buys the subcription and gains access to the needed content.
When a user subscribes there are two options: to register him upon subscription or change his usergroups. And there are several subscription plans e.g. lifetime access, date to date, etc.
If any access is finished the user can be just blocked and he will have to pay to prolong his access.
Ajax for Joomla 1.0.x CMS - Joomla!Ajax
posted byopen4ginJoomla / Mambo Modules
Build impressive "Web 2.0" style joomla sites today with AJAX technology using Joomla!Ajax.
Speed-Up your joomla website today and bring a new experience to your site navigation.
Joomla!Ajax allow you speed-up site content loading, speed-up Core search and integrate Instant Search into Category Content Filters.
Allow display mainbody content SlideUp/SlideDown or FadeOut/FadeIn effect
Unobtrusive JavaScript
Applies Hijax - Progressive Enhancement with Ajax Approach
Integrate Ajax technology on any Joomla Template **
Integrate Ajax in Joomla Core Search
Integrate Instant Search in Content Filters
Allow select a custom ajax load indicator
Allow setup a custom ajax loading message
Automaticlly change page title on ajax load
Allow include "rel=nofollow" on all external links into site
Allow include "target=_blank" on all external links into site
Allow disable whole integration with a Single Click
Supports 3PD and Core Components **
Supports 3rd Template Custom Menus
PriceUSD 39.99
Professional Joomla Template
posted bysikumbanginJoomla / Mambo Modules
TemplatePlazza provides Professional Templates for Joomla Content Management System. The template can be installed easily from joomla backend and there are two template design released monthly. Visit our website now and get a Profesional design for your Joomla website
iJoomla Magazine Component
posted byijoomlainJoomla / Mambo Modules
iJoomla Magazine is one of the best Joomla components ever developed. It enables you to easily create a magazine layout for your Joomla-powered site without additional programming. Sites created with iJoomla Magazine look professional, not "bloggish" like so many websites. * Make your home page look great! * Create an unlimited amount of webzines using different issues * Add horizontal and vertical items * Add attractive quotes to your article pages * Control the style of your ezine.
iJoomla Magazine includes 7 Joomla modules and 1 plugin (Mambot).
Note: iJoomla Magazine is a PHP-scripted Joomla extension, and will only work with Joomla-based web sites.
PriceUSD 79.95
EXP Templates
posted bygrushainJoomla / Mambo Modules
Fed up with buying new Templates every time!?
Then EXP Templates Component is for you!!!With the aid of this component you can change your site in a couple of minutes. It is not necessary to be a programmer to do it! We made it as easy in use, as it could be!
The Templates made by means of this component can work and without a component
PriceUSD 39.95
posted byOlleinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Jambook is a feature rich open source Joomla guestbook component with spam protection, email address cloaking, flood protection, double posting checks and the ability to use Joomla wysiwyg editor, even for guests! Jambook uses AJAX in the backend to speed up some common administration tasks.
As this is a component for the CMS Joomla you will obviously need Joomla to run this.
posted bygrushainJoomla / Mambo Modules
AutoEXP allows you to manage properties in your website in an easy and effective way while using Joomla! or Mambo. This powerful combination enable you to run a autos website and use the most user friendly open source Web Content Management System (CMS) available today. Everyone can create your own independ platform in Internet for car sell by using auto component.
PriceUSD 49.95
Joomla Most Search Terms Component
posted bywebsenatorinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Most Search Terms is a frontend component that allows you to show most search terms in your Joomla site. It is configurable and customizable from configuration panel easily. You can adjust column and line number, page and component title, line styles and number of tems that will be shown on component frontpage. Most search also has the ability to create SEO friendly pages: You can set meta description and meta keywords tag from the configuration section. Meta keywords are automatically selected from the beginning of the most search terms, so it is not necessary to enter meta keywords word by word. Most search also has multi language support so that you can easily adapt it to your website. - Easy customizable.
- Multilanguage support.
- Configuration panel.
- SEO support.
- Automatically checking new version. (User defined)
eKith Arcade (formerly dcsFlashGames) - high-score flash game arcade
posted bydcswebinJoomla / Mambo Modules
eKith Arcade is a new arcade system re-built from the ground-up to be a multi-cms arcade package.
Some very exciting features including ajax powered voting, favorites and comments!
Look for much news to come as we release modules for various CMS'es
E-commerce solution for Mambo and Joomla websites.
posted byfj_marcininJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Team are pleased to announce the launch of our new e-commerce solution for Mambo and Joomla websites based on osCommerce, the world�s most popular Open Source e-commerce solution. We believe this will be the easiest way to sell products and services on a Mambo or Joomla powered website! Using our solution, you will be able to sell your products and services directly, whilst utilizing the full order tracking capabilities of osCommerce. Mambo / Joomla Features: � Based on moscommerce /joscommerce component � Integrates seamlessly with Mambo and Joomla. The solution uses a Component, Module and Mambot. � Single sign in - complete user integration so when you log into your website, you also log into osCommerce as well. � It works with the user extended component � Search integration � The module allows you to display a product tree, specials offers, shopping cart, buy now products etc. � A plug-in enables you to insert osCommerce products directly into your site...
PriceUSD 50.00
Flash Games for Joomla
posted bynsfetcuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
An adaptation of a PHP-Nuke script of the flash games for Joomla and Mambo: Arkanoid, Boules, Chess, Dare Dozen, Joga Tangram, Moebius, Pacman, Poker, Spore Cubes, Super Albi, Tangram, Tetris, Zoo Keeper and ZX Globe.
AdSense 4Joomla 1.5 Plugin
posted bymdelacruzinJoomla / Mambo Modules
AdSense 4Joomla Plugin was created with clear concepts in mind and it's the only Joomla Plugin that allow you to: - Display your ads anywhere in your Joomla site, from a Module or directly merged within your Content. The best location for your Google Ads.
- Display Ads, Adlinks or the Google Search form. All of this with only one plugin.
- Manage multiple AdSense formats, you can set up to three Ad Layouts and two AdLinks to display.
- Define and include your channels, to track your visitors response.
** Go to our site and get AdSense 4Joomla Lite Plugin for FREE **
PriceUSD 27.00
posted byecddesignsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
ECJoomCommerce is a component and module plugin for joomla, it simply loads osCommerce as a joomla component. Taken from a seemingly dead Open Source Project called Joscommerce which has not seen any action in over 7 months. All the functionality of oscommerce within joomla. Shopping Cart, Gift Vouchers, Downloads, Payment Gateways including south african based paygate.
Currency Converter Component for Joomla
posted byombinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
A Currency Converter component for Joomla. This converter uses the csv file provided by yahoo. AJAX Technique was used in this component so that it will not reload the entire page.
Mambotastic SMS RC3
posted bymambotasticinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This SMS engine will let you provide SMS functionality to your users , straight out of the box when used with the Joomla CMS. The component runs on the Clickatell gateway.
Clickatell provide one of the most comprehensive geographical coverage maps we could find, and their wide API base means we can develop additional extension components, ring tone and picture messaging for instance. Features include: Administration End - Language Manager, Clickatell Balance Query, Subscriber Management, Bulk SMS, SMS History, Send Single SMS Messages, Free SMS Message Limits.
Frontend - Registered User Setup, Offer SMS To Your Users, Update Details, Send SMS Messages, Send Group Messages, Manage Group Members, View SMS History, View SMS Credits.
EZ Skype
posted bynemesis29inJoomla / Mambo Modules
EZ Skype is a Mambo/Joomla! module which adds Skype functionality to your web site. It comes in 2 flavours - a standard module with 10 different Skype images to choose from (depending on site template design), and the only other option you need to set is your Skype user name. Also available is a multi-choice module, which comes with just one image design - but it's setup as a drop-down selector. Site visitors will have a number of Skype contact options with this module. EZ Skype has also been translated into a number of different languages - and installation is easy via the Mambo/Joomla! module installer.
EZ Realty
posted bynemesis29inJoomla / Mambo Modules
EZ Realty is a simple real estate component for Mambo/Joomla! CMS - and it's all very configurable via the admin backend. Features include:-
Category support
Secondary categorization of properties by suburb, state, country, bedroom numbers and price bracket for search purposes.
WYSIWYG editor support for full property descriptions
Configurable image/thumbnail widths to fit your template width
Javascript roll-over image previews for a slick presentation, and all thumbnails can also be opened up to full image size in a new window.
Special feature box - eg. closest major city, closest transport - easily configure the header name
Recommend property to friend, request property inspection, and print property details page features
Style sheet and full language support
Easy link to mapping services
Powerful search functions
Additional bonus modules and ready-made design template
Alternative front-end page-views
SEF-friendly URL's and many more great features
PriceUSD 129.95
Templates for Joomla 1.0+ and Mambo
posted bynakulinJoomla / Mambo Modules
JoomlaYard contains variety of templates for the users and Joomla Developers to download. We provide High Quality Template for Joomla / Mambo. Our wesbite is updated on weekly basis with new templates to choose from for our users. We can also do some custom work for you if you require.
Mambotastic Timesheets
posted bymambotasticinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Mambotastic Timesheets component gives Mambo and Joomla users a front end interface to enter and manage time spent on tasks using Mambo/Joomla as the base system.
Features include Company Management, for multiple projects and multiple clients. Task Management, create every day tasks and take the time out of logging your timesheets.
Project Management, separate your timesheet entries over different projects and identify time spent on each.
Reporting Facility, create reports on a week by week basis for a number of different search criteria.
Full Administration, administer your users timesheets with full access using the Mambo administration console.
Integrated with the Mambo User Database.
Mambotastic Timesheet is available under GNU License, and is free of charge
Chitika eMiniMalls module for Joomla & Mambo
posted byshashikiranuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This free module from Joomlaspan (Http:// fo) makes the inclusion of the popular Chitika eMiniMalls ads into Joomla and Mambo a breeze. From the same developer who also released the popular Google AdSense module.
Chitika eMiniMalls are anew way to generate income from your website. They are a very high paying service which can also be sued as Google AdSense alternative.
Get your copy of this module today!