Joomla / Mambo Modules
New Google AdSense module for Joomla from Joomlaspan
posted byshashikiranuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This new module from Joomlaspan ( fo) makes the insertion of Google AdSense ads into Joomla a very easy job. This is available free from the author's website.
Also available from the same author: Chitika eMiniMalls module. Both are represented at!
Joomla Residents for hotels
posted byJomresinJoomla / Mambo Modules
* Allows the user to present one or more properties, hotels, guest houses etc to the website visitor
* Offers 4 user groups, Receptionists and Property Administrators, registered users and casual visitors.
* Can allow for booking either a property as a whole, or rooms in that property
* Full support of language.php files.
* Receptionists, Administrators and Guests can book online.
* Offers fixed and varied length stays.
* Paypal integration for taking deposits
* Wide range of configuration options
* Properties can charge per person per night, or per room per night.
* Each property can be configured to taste.
* Image uploading.
* Wide variety of display configuration options available.
* Extra charges can be applied to rooms
* Under constant development, so new features are being added all the time.
PriceGBP 75.00
Mambo Starter Kit
posted byHowToMamboinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Mambo Starter Kit:
After many request for a simple to use local mambo installation were designers can test out their mambo template designs locally.
We decided to build one from the best distro Xampp of
This local web server works for windows only at this time.
We are working on an Apple version in the future.
Its just one simple zip file you just unzip in your c:/directory.
This creates a folder called MamboStarterKit.
It does not install any registry files or make any system level changes to any files at all.
To uninstall just delete the MamboStartKit folder in your "c:/MamboStarterKit" and it's all uninstalled in one shot.
See Flash video tutorials we will be making more soon.
Whats included:
Fresh install of Mambo CMS 4.5.2
All of the GPL Templates
MosCE Editor
ApacheFriends XAMPP (basic package) version 1.4.14
" Apache 2.0.54
" MySQL 4.1.12
" PHP 5.0.4 PHP 4.3.11 PEAR
" eAccelerator 0.9.3
" PHP-Switc
Google AdSense Module for Mambo
posted byshashikiranuinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Google AdSense is a very popular contextual ad service. Mambo is one of the best content management systems. However, inserting Google AdSense codes into Mambo can be a tedious task to an average user. This advanced Google AdSense module, version 2.0 will make that task very easy and enable monetizing any Mambo based site in a few minutes!
Transmenu - Drop down Javascript menu for Mambo
posted byMamboTheme.cominJoomla / Mambo Modules
Transmenu features:
1. Vertical and Horizontal type. Each will use independent CSS file (transmenuv.css and transmenuh.css).
2. Options to choose menutype.
3. Unlimited submenus.
4. Main/sub, hover, active menus (both main and sub) will all have independent Css settings.
5. Alpha/Shadow settings for drop down background (settings in transmenu.js).
6. Drop down styles: from top (normally for Horizontal style) or from left (normally for Vertical style)
7. X and Y padding settings for sub menus
Mambo Flash Navigation
posted bymambosolutionsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
An easy to use and attractive flash navigation for your Mambo site
PriceUSD 15.00
posted byfree28deinJoomla / Mambo Modules
'EstateAgent' is a solution for single estate agents and small real estate companies, which allows them to manage and show their real estate portfolio on their Mambo CMS based website.
Mambo Mail Lite
posted byJafoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This module will give all of your Mambo users email addresses (your domain). Any email sent to [email protected] will be forwarded to user's email address they have on file with Mambo.
Mambo - SMF Bridge
posted byOrstioinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This software allows you to display the Simple Machines Forum in a Mambo page, share registration and login data, and discuss content posted on the site within the forum. There are many features and options to customize it to your liking.
SEF Advance
posted bySakainJoomla / Mambo Modules
SEF Advance is a component for Joomla! / Mambo CMS which will extend its built-in search engine friendly URL fuctionality and raise it on a higher level.
Instead of ordinary Joomla! / Mambo URLs like: nt/view/1/2/ which don't tell much about your content you will get URLs in SEF form: on/Category/Item/
Because the URLs consist of meaningful keywords rather than numbers, SEF Advance will drasticaly increase your search engine positions. For more info visit the SEF advance site.
PriceEUR 40.00
posted bysoeren_nbinJoomla / Mambo Modules
VirtueMart is a complete Open Source E-Commerce (Shopping Cart) solution with a lot of features. It's a Plugin for the famous Content Management System Joomla! (also: Mambo). Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made for easy use in a PHP/MySQL environment. Joomla! provides the Core System and the Framework, which Virtuemart can use. So you can easily use a complete Shopping Cart Solution within your own dynamic Website ("Portal"), together with many other Plug-Ins, called Components and Modules, like a Forum, FAQ, Guestbook, Gallery and so on. You can change the look and feel of your site quickly using templates. Even if you think that you don't need a Portal or a "big" CMS - think about and just try it! You are more flexible.
posted byOlleinJoomla / Mambo Modules
mosRealEstate is a real estate agent property listing component (addon) for Mambo 4.5. It allows real estate agents to keep a list of properties that are for sale on their site and let users browse and search these. This adds a lot of value to real estate agents sites to let them be able to easily keep up-to-date information about their properties on their website. Features includes easy to use admin interface, completely translatable, SEF links, automatic image thumbnail creation, html editor support, simple and advanced search, printable pages and more. mosRealEstate requires Mambo 4.5 to run.
posted byOlleinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Offer job postings on your site with Jobline! Your users can browse jobs or search by job title and apply immediately online. Recruiters can add jobs and update job status throughout the hiring process. The administrator can approve or deny any job and controls publishing status.
The Jobline component is an extension to the Joomla CMS which lets you or you clients publish job postings on your website. Job postings can be added by visitors, or registered users, or only by the administrator. Postings can be either published automatically or set to be reviewed by an admin first. Includes application form, a search function, wysiwyg html editor support, templated html, customizeable fields and much more. The component is also translated into several different languages besides English.
Jobline requires Joomla! v1.0.x or Joomla v1.5.x (with Legacy Mode) to run.
posted byOlleinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Mamblog is a user blog component that allows you to run a page where users can register and get their own blog page where they can add new blog entries. Features includes archive functionality, html editor support, archives, SEF links, user comment support, ability for users to change blog entry appearence, online editing of configuration options for the admin etc. The component is also translated into several different languages. Mamblog requires Joomla! v1.0.x or Mambo to run.
Support Center
posted bypdanielinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This is a complete helpdesk component that to Mambo CMS, providing support tickets, knowledge base, announcements, clients, etc.
Link Exchange for Mambo 4.5
posted byjoeldeganinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Link Exchange will allow you to run a simple reciprocal links area within your Mambo 4.5 CMS. Many options to tweak LE and five different link exchange types available.
posted bysalesinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A comprehensive but easy to use shopping cart. Mambo-friendly Ka-Ching fits snugly into your payment gateway or instead, you can choose to receive emailed orders. This means that the work is done for you online, taking away the human handling time and reducing the room for error. Categorise and sub categorise your products intelligently and with ease, and watch in real-time while this refreshes onto your public site.
LoudMouth Discussion Forum
posted byadmininJoomla / Mambo Modules
LoudMouth Forum is a clean, robust, fully threaded forum built with PHP/MySQL and is available as a stand-alone package, or built into Mambo Open Source 3.0.6 and above. LoudMouth features the same clean admin interface as Mambo and the display pages are very easy to customize. New security integration with Mambo Open Source 3.0.6.