Joomla / Mambo Modules
posted byElearningforceinJoomla / Mambo Modules
JoomPortfolio is a Joomla! component, designed to arrange your projects and present your works in the most attractive way to your site visitors. It can be used both as a portfolio and a catalogue for any kind of items. The extension is compatible with Joomla! 1.5 and 2.5. It provides you the following options:
* divide the items of your portfolio into categories and the latest into sections
* show intro text on the start page
* add unlimited number of images for every item
* set the thumbnails and preview size
* show the item rating and a number of hits countered per item
* define the number of items to be shown on the page
* show/hide the description of sections and categories
* and more.
The installation package of the component includes:
- a module displaying the latest works from the portfolio section of your site
- a plugin for ArtioJoom Sef component
- a content plugin.
Find more features on our site!
PriceUSD 69.00
Views921 CSS Gallery
posted byab_dittoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The "CSS Gallery" Plugin for Joomla 1.5 is an easy to configure plugin, that enables you to display a gallery with thumbnails in a content item. Unlike other gallery-plugins the CSS Gallery works with pure X-HTML and CSS without JavaScript, Flash or any other script/player.
posted byesmartsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
T-Directory is a Joomla Component that allows you to turn your entire or part joomla site into a Directory.
This script has tons of features and even allows you to charge your members to post.
- Unlimited Posting
- Easy Nav
- Premium Listings
- And lots more!
PriceUSD 14.99
posted byesmartsinJoomla / Mambo Modules
With this Script you can add a easy to use Premium Guestbook to your Joomla Site
" Google Ad Manager Plugin and Module" for Joomla 1.5
posted byab_dittoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The " Google Ad Manager Plugin" and the " Google Ad Manager Module", both for Joomla 1.5, allow you to use the Google Ad Manager with Joomla. The plugin has to be installed and activated, it does the real work. Besides, it allows you to publish Ads, deliverd by the Google Ad Manager within content items. The module allows to display Ads, deliverd by the Google Ad Manager in module-positions.
Joomla administrator password reset script
posted bycrushedgeinJoomla / Mambo Modules
A easy way to reset your Joomla administrator password.
No need to access to phpMyAdmin or entering SQL query or such.
- a very easy way to reset your Joomla administrator password
- has a nice GUI too ;-)
posted byprojectforkinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Projectfork is a Project Management Solution for Joomla! which enables you to share your Projects and Ideas online with other Users! You can use Projectfork for your company as a private intranet solution or as a service like basecamp or Gforge.
Views1853 Simple Picture Slideshow
posted byab_dittoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The "Simple Picture Slideshow" plugin for Joomla 1.5 is a - as the name says - simple plugin to display a slideshow in content items. The images get faded out, this effect works with current major browsers. You decide if the slideshow starts automatically on pageload or is started by clicking a - created by you - link in the content item.
Views1252 "Panoramic Image Viewer" Plugin for Joomla
posted byab_dittoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The "Panoramic Image Viewer" Plugin for Joomla 1.5 is a simple plugin to display 360 degree images in content items. It works with javascript, neither flash nor any other player is required.
You decide if the panorama scrolls automatically on pageload or is directed with 2 arrows.
com_library book library manager for joomla
posted bydelbonoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
This component has been developed for publishers/libraries. In the backend you can create books and upload directly the cover image. The component will create the thumbnail for you (requires GD)
* Book list with many fields (including ISBN and price) (unlimited books)
* Book detail with order button and availability
* Book orderform
* Backend book list manager with text/category filtered search
* new/Edit books with direct upload of the cover image and on the fly thumbnail creation
* Category manager (unlimited categories)
* Order list
* Dinamic front end flash or javascript gallery (optional). You can select which books goes in the gallery by flagging while editing the book in the backend See the front end demo at http://com-library.ebooks .it/demo/
PriceEUR 25.00
"Very Simple Image Gallery" Plugin for Joomla 1.5
posted byab_dittoinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The "Very Simple Image Gallery" Plugin for Joomla 1.5 is a downgrade of the ingenious plugin "Simple Image Gallery" from Fotis Evangelou und George Chouliaras ( back to a "Web 1.0" gallery.
The modified version comes without a lightbox, the plugin shows one large image, followed by thumbnails.
The plugin offers two different modes - with or without Javascript.
With - per default - activated Javascript a click on a thumbnails switches the large image.
Having Javascript deactivated in the backend, a click on a thumbnails reloads the page and shows the clicked image on top.
The second mode offers a graceful fallback for visitiors with javascript disabled. Besides this it may be intentionally used if you need pageviews (PayPerView).
JC - JoomRSS
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
JoomRSS is very power full tool. JoomRSS has the ability to get the content from any rss feed(s) and then submits the data into individual joomla articles. You can have one rss feed url going in multiple sections/categories.
PriceUSD 25.00
Intellispire Aweber JomLink
posted byintellispireinJoomla / Mambo Modules
JomLink is an exciting new Joomla! 2.5 and 3.0 component for integrating your Joomla powered website with Aweber – The Professional Email Marketing Software. Now you can create lasting relationships with your customers by easily creating, managing and tracking the email marketing campaigns. Simply install the JomLink Plugin for Aweber and your website members will be instantly registered in your Aweber mailing directory when they sign up.
JomLink is fully compatible with all Email Marketing Software that use the AWeber back-end. These include JVListPRO, and many others. The full compliance with Aweber TOS makes JomLink the most successful bridging component for Joomla and AWeber AutoResponders.
JomLink works well with VirtueMart, JomSocial, JoomSuite and Community Builder based Joomla! websites.
PriceUSD 49.00
Top 25 Movie Trailers
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
JC - Top 25 Movie Trailers module displays the top 25 movie trailers from right on your site. User can watch the movie trailers with out using your websites bandwidth. User can click on "Review[+]" link to read the review for that particular movie.
PriceUSD 5.00
Latest Movie Trailers
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
JC - Latest Movie Trailers module displays the latest movie trailers from right on your site. User can watch the movie trailers with out using your websites bandwidth. User can click on "Review[+]" link to read the review for that particular movie.
PriceUSD 5.00
Mortgage Calculator
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
JC Mortgage Calculator - Calculates "How much house can you afford?" By taking (Annual Income, Monthly Debt, Down Payment, Property Tax Rate, Home Insurance Rate, Interest Rate, and Length of Loan) in form when user click on "Calculate" following values get caluclated (House value, Loan value, Monthly Principal+Interest, Monthly Prop Tax+Insurance, Down Payment, and Loan To Value). Calculater also shown the PMI value to pay if the down payment is < 20%.
PriceUSD 5.00
Joomla! Component Updater
posted byintellispireinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Joomla! Updater is an extension for Joomla! 1.5 that puts an "Add Software" menu item under the Components Menu. Once activated, you can install a variety of Joomla! components with just a single click of the mouse!
No more searching the Internet for the components you need, determining compatibility, then spending hours downloading, logging in to your site and uploading, then installing the new software. What a headache!
Now you can just login to your site, locate your Joomla Updater component from Intellispire, browse to the software you need and click INSTALL! Done! Not only does the Joomla! Updater allow for easy install, it also keeps your installed software updated with latest version, and security patches. Could life get easier than that? The updater allows you to install complex Joomla! based packages , such as VirtueMart, in just a few mouse clicks.
New software is added often. Contact us to get your favorites added to the Joomla! Updater.
Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator
posted byahconsultinginJoomla / Mambo Modules
JC Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator - Calculates "Amortization Comparison Chart" (i.e. monthly vs bi-weekly mortgage) also summarize - Monthly Payment, Total Interest, Average Interest Each Month, Bi-Weekly Payment, Total Interest, and Average Interest each Bi-Weekly Period.
PriceUSD 5.00
JP MediaLightBox
posted byjoomlapixelinJoomla / Mambo Modules
MediaLightBox is a new joomla 1.5 streaming media plugin realized by the joomlapixel team, an all media content with lightbox functionality. MediaLightBox file extension supported: flv - wmv - swf - quicktime - flickr - google video - metacafe - myspacetv - revver - youtube - veoh - viddler - vimeo - dailymotion - web pages
posted byjoomlapixelinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Jooget! Component for Joomla 1.5, become more flexible Here in synthesis the new functionalities: * New layout * insertion of an additional field for link to external files * module "last inserted" * module "list live categories" * module "jooget search" * redefinition of the administrative panel * creation of an access panel public for giving the possibility to the user to upload rows (authorizes to you from the qualification of "author" or more)
1) Comments
2) System vote
3) Security Code capcha, text and audio
4) Link download, without showing the direct link to the file
5) Configuration, enable comments, vote and etc..
6) BBcode
7) Other improvements