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Joomla / Mambo Modules

Results 41-60 of 498
J-CruiseReservation Standard
Benefit the ideal alternative to manually tracking reservations, following up with your customers and payments. No longer is there a need to keep mounds of paper, lose customer details or lose track of payments. Joomla Cruise Reservation extension was designed to simplify the booking process and allow you to get on with running your business.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
Avatar Articles Showcase
Avatar Articles Showcase is a joomla’s module that allows display Articles with many beautiful ways. Show articles by Category. Displayed in rows, columns, number of articles. CSS3 Effect. Show image intro, introtext of article. Odering/filtering articles. Link article to full article, external URL, unlink. Responsive. Support touch devices Edit text for Readmore Custom color for title, introtext, background of introtext,... Open link with New Tab or Current Tab. Compatibility : Joomla 3.x
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Avatar Slide Skitter
The Avatar Slide Skitter is a Joomla slideshow module & Joomla slideshow plugin. They are based on the Skitter library. Skitter is a JavaScript image slider framework built on top of the jQuery with various beautiful effects Slide image in Folder Support create multiple modules/plugin on one page. Easy to change size of module. Set width of module in pixel or percent. Use arrows to next or previous slider. Multi specific select image folder for slide. On/Off : play/pause, random, control, progress bar, copyright… Change navigation style : thumbs, number, dots Multi select effect. Change position of focus, play/pause button, number/dots align Customize time display for one image. More than 20 effect transition. Config number of images can be displayed. Compatibility : Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3.x
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Avatar Slide Galleria
Avatar Slide Galleria Extension is a Joomla Slideshow is based on the Galleria plugin. Joomla photo gallery has responsive and swipe features for touch devices and a new experience with fullscreen feature. Responsive slider. Support 3 theme (Classic/ August/ Semtember) Slide image from Picasa, Flickr, Folder, PhocaGallery, JoomGallery Load/Unload jQuery, choice version of jQuery Auto resize to fit options. Add Title, Description, URL for Image in local folder Use arrows to next or previous slider. Fullscreen mode Transparent background on/off Change Background, title, description color Config number of products can be displayed. Set width of module in pixel or percent. Use arrows to next or previous slider. Customize time display for one image and animation speed of effect. Multi select image folder for slide. Crop images to fit window true/false/height/width/landscape/portrait Thumbnails based on width or height Change image quality (for Picasa & Flickr).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Light-weight, easy to configure and use, J-Slideshow allows you to combine text and images to create the desired presentation effect on your customers.
(0 ratings)
A cool looking Joomla image slider that will give you a new way to do an eye catching presentation of your website. Combine text, images, colors in a new image sliding effect will make the most of your content.
(0 ratings)
J-Presenter allows you to combine text, images, colors, flash movies to create a new sliding effect that will make the most of your content. This flash module is easy to use, you can manage it through the module parameters in the Joomla backend: Among the features: - create up to 10 slides - use any type of image (jpg, png, gif, bmp, etc...) - use swf files (actions script 3) - present up to ten news items - Supports UTF 8 - adjust display times, image & text effects - adjust text properties: color, font, size
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Joomla Kid Shop Virtuemart Template
The first Kid Shop Virtuemart Template is here! The template is suitable with online shops that sell toys and games for children. A wide range of products such as board games, baby toys, or outdoor toys can be displayed on the Virtuemart template You can range different categories of products with appropriate representative images and a products slider with banners that links to featured product pages on the front page. This feature allows administrator to manage promotion banners and promotion campaigns easily. It’s especially useful for product news and special events. Of course, the products slider is often used for promotion purpose, so you can turn it on or off.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.78
Joomla Ebay Virtuemart Template
Are you looking for a Ebay Virtuemart template to be ready to use? Cmsmart team has developed a special Virtuemart 2.x.x template with the stylish theme ideas originated from Ebay. Virtuemart Ebay Template is packaged with an instant keyword search module and a selection of product categories. All giant ecommerce stores like Ebay or Amazon understand how importance is to help their clients find products what they need as fast as possible. That’s why they focus on the central search tool on top of the site. It is our concept to design a Virtuemart template with an unique search module on a Virtuemart shop.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 80.79
Virtuemart Mobile Template
You can easily find a Virtuemart Mobile Template to display your online shop via both mobile devices and computer desktop. However, it is sometimes very difficult to use this responsive theme due to a lot of customizations. Nothing fits all. In another situation that you are using an old version of Virtuemart Mobile Template which does not support responsive features, you can’t afford to hire a professional to update version of your current theme. You need a cost – effective solution. Our Virtuemart Mobile Template is really designed to help your site working on iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows 7, Palm Pre, Kindle and other mobile devices. This template brings your visitors into a beautiful interface of your online store.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
Amazon Joomla Virtuemart Template
Amazonmart Virtuemart template is integrated with powerful functions such as featured products, top sale products, vertical scroller, Ajax add to cart, dropdown shop carts, images cloud zoom with light box. All of them will make your site look more attractive and highly recommended by customers thanks to its convenience, steadfast quality and fast speed. A vertical menu with multi columns, images, links and videos is a great help for you to categorize your products. Thus, clients will experience shopping easily and you also have a better tool to track their products. In addtion, an extra menu on the header is extremely useful to keep your site informatively.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.86
Joomla Virtuemart Printing Company Template
As our Virtuemart Order Upload plugin is among the Most Favorite extensions for Virtuemart, we understand that many Virtuemart developers also want to have a special Joomla template for online Printing Company. CMSMART.net team decided to create one of the best effective Virtuemart templates for this niche market and we named "CMSMART Printmart Virtuemart template". For online printing website, a simple and professional layout without cheesy colors is recommended. Shoppers can choose to see various samples of printing design and service like brochure printing, business card printing, voucher printing with the exact size default. Or users can choose different size, style, color, paper materials... Then the shopper can upload their designs to bind to each of product or with the order sent to services printer.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.85
Virtuemart Multiple Image Upload Plugin
You have more than one photo/image of your products, and you want to have a super fast tool that allow you to upload other images related to your main images just in one click? Thus, Virtuemart Multiple Image Upload plugin is your right choice.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.86
Advanced Virtuemart Invoices
Virtuemart is the leading Joomla eCommerce platform, and we have to write a long list to mention its powerful functions. However, one of its weakness is the Order Management which doesn't support Invoice Creation, Batch Invoice Generation, Admin Order Creation… Many Virtuemart shop owners feel exhausted when they receive an offline order via phones and emails but they can't find a way to create an order and issue a PDF invoice for clients. Updating the invoice layout is also not possible for them. Now using Virtuemart Order Management from Cmsmart.net, the above problems will come to the past.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.68
Virtuemart Order Upload plugin
Many Virtuemart developers would like to let their shoppers to upload images or any type of files into the product detail pages or into different products before adding each of them into save cart. We’ve developed an order upload plugin for Virtuemart 2.0.x. Virtuemart Order Upload plugin allows users easily to upload multiple images and files for their products with Ajax effects at the same time. Thus, they can save big time to create more products in product listing page very quickly. Moreover , users are able to edit or remove any images and files during upload process. Especially, it can be automatically created image files with thumbnails for products and it is also simple for users to configure maximum file size for uploading.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 87.79
Ajax Drop Down Cart for Virtuemart
Almost well known e-stores today have powerful drop down carts swiftly revealing the added-to cart products in an excellent dropdown list appearance. Ajax Dropdown Cart makes ecommerce websites look tidy as well as competent, giving customer’s pleasures when reviewing products that they have chosen in shopping activities. Ajax Dropdown Cart Virtuemart extension is easy for you to set up like a regular Joomla installation. After you activate the module and include it at any chosen position in the Joomla template (top/header is recommended), then it will be ready to use the dropdown cart.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.39
One page checkout for Virtuemart
One Page Check Out for Virtuemart Plugin - No HACK, 100% AJAX, Compatiple with Joomla 3.x and Virtuemart 2.9.8. All Virtuemart sites need One page checkout to make the check out process as simple as possiple while remaining the powerful function, your payment and customer information. There are some One page Check out products on the market, but none of them is default Virtuemart plugin . Studies have shown that one page checkout can increase conversion rates up to 70%
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.68
Feedback Factory
Build easy user polls, enabling commenting and voting functionalities. And, of course, for free and with no strings attached. The following attributes are available: # Various feedback lists (top feedbacks, most commented, accepted, completed, all) # Commenting and voting system # Custom statuses for feedbacks (accepted, completed, declined, etc.) # Guest readability and posting for feedbacks and comments (no registration needed) and many more!
(0 ratings)
Spam Protect Factory
It can reject a registration altogether, allowing the user to register but blocking his account immediately, or it can allow the user to register normally. The following attributes are available: # StopForumSpam integration (biggest internet spammer database currently available) # Manual filters for registration form (IP, domain, keyword, country) # Multiple actions against spammers (block, allow, reject) and many more!
(0 ratings)
SEO Keyword Factory
The SEO link is created automatically after the search keywords that brings the visitor on that certain page.The following features are available: # SEO links are created automatically with the search keywords used by the visitors # Google, Yahoo and Bing integration # Banned words list (keywords from this list that are used on search engines will not generate links) # Keywords transformation (upper, lower, capital, unchanged) and many more!
(0 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 498