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Collection of Magento Catalog extensions to help you enhance your catalog look and feel. Extensions in this category includes product grids, lightbox for images, drop-down menu, etc.
Results 61-80 of 121
Magento Call For Price
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Take prices visibility over control. Manage your price blocks by hiding them from certain customer groups or replacing with appropriate content. Replace product prices with custom messages; Select customers to hide product prices from; Select pages where prices won’t be displayed; Hide product prices for particular products; Encourage customers to call for pricing
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Magento Super Menu
posted bymagebuzzinCatalog
Magento Super Menu extension gives store owners ability to create a more friendly navigation for the websites in the easiest and simplest way. Super Menu not only replaces your default top menu navigation but adds a sidebar navigation to your websites. - Display friendly main menu navigation - Customizable content and styles without technical knowledge - Add sidebar navigation for the website
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Related Products by Category
posted bymagebuzzinCatalog
Related Products by Category provides a better way to navigate related products when you have a big catalog. When customers choosing their desired products, this extension will allows to display all the categories which have related products in the chosen product's page. By this, customers can view these products by clicking on categories.
(0 ratings)
Magento Featured Category
posted bymagebuzzinCatalog
In your online store, you have a lot of products that are in one category. You want to emphasize these categories for customers, Featured Category is the most suitable module for you. With a description and image, you can show customers how special that category and make them spend money for those products.
(0 ratings)
Magento Mega Menu
If you are seeking a way to improve usability and navigation on your online stores, Magento Mega Menu is exactly what you need. The extension helps you organize products and categories in an excellent way. Top menu is considered as key navigation on your website, Customers access products and categories by hovering over the menu. Menu should involve a maximum volume of information needed by your potential clients and to be available at the first click.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.86
Magento Out Of Stock Subscription Extension
posted byfmeaddonsinCatalog
Magento Out of stock notification module has been developed by FmeAddons to allow store owners to keep the customers on wait for out of stock product by giving them ability to subscribe for the product stock alert email. A custom message can be displayed on product pages about the expect date of stock arrival and based on the number of subscription the store owners can decided the required number of units for a product and can expedite the supply.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.99
Magento Sort Products Extension
posted byfmeaddonsinCatalog
As the name suggests Magento Sort Product extension allows store owners to give their customers ease to browse their catalog and find the suitable product. The store visitors can arrange products with respect to best seller, new arrival, most reviewed, in wish-list, high and low priced, most hits etc.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.99
Magento Customer Group Catalog
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Manage visibility of specific categories and products by customer groups. Configure product price visibility on product and category pages. Set access to catalog pages based on your business needs; Hide price block and ‘add to cart’ button; Use a cms-block instead of price; Redirect to a CMS page or show 404 error for products; Remove product and category links.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento Out of Stock Notification
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Be aware of what products customers subscribe to - get more sales and improve customer service. Improve inventory turnaround and get more profit; Build customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction; Subscribe to out-of stock options of configurable items; Customers see and manage their product subscriptions; Track out-of-stock and price subscriptions
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento Ajax Catalog Pro Extension
posted byrosed59inCatalog
Magneto Ajax Catalog Extension has been developed by FME. This Magento Module allows your customers to browse products in two ways either Ajax will reload more products once they reached at the bottom of page or customer can view more products after clicking on More products button.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento Advanced Product Design Engine Extension
Make products unique with our product designer tool. Use your own approach in adding exceptional designs for multiple type of products as T-shirts, cards, cases, and many others. Give a try with cliparts, texts and uploaded custom images. Convert the images into a HTML 5 canvas, colorize the elements, edit the canvas size, save the products in your account to get back to them later. Enjoy and Have fun!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 360.00
Magento Custom Stock Status by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Use speaking stock statuses and get more chances that customers will come back for purchases! Create unlimited number of product stock statuses; Assign stock statuses to products automatically or manually; Display out of stock options of configurable products; Use nice-looking icons for stock statuses; Display stock statuses based on product quantity.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Magento Product Labels by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Highlight 'on sale' products, products with special price, new products. You can also emphasize other important product information like '100% natural', 'environment-friendly' and so on. Highlight products with colorful badges; Display the labels based on category, price, status, etc; Specify time period for display of labels; Use variables for label messages; Set priorities for label display.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Color Swatches Pro by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Color Swatches Pro is a Magento color selector module which helps you be creative in presenting products to stand out in competitive crowd by animating boring text attributes. -Use images for attributes selection; -No need to specify price difference for associated products; -Let customers buy configurables from category pages; - View image details with elegant zoom and lightbox effects; -Reload product images, name and description with AJAX
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Extended Product Grid with Editor by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Add the necessary product attributes and edit product data on the product grid to immensely increase time efficiency of your catalog management process. -Extend product grid with any attributes e.g. brand, cost, etc.; -Edit product attributes right on the product grid with fast AJAX; -Filter and sort the products by additional attributes; -Show thumbnails and find the products without images; -Show product categories on the grid.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Product Feed by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
A product feed is a file with data about all your store products, which you upload to comparison shopping engines like Google Product Search, Nextag, Amazon.com, etc. This extension by Amasty will help you to create your product feed in a few minutes. -+1 high-conversion sales channel; -Create unlimited number of feeds; -Automatic and manual generation of feeds; -Flexible formatting to comply with all shopping engines; -Ability to have different prices and other values in each feed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
Improved Sorting by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Let your customers find the best products fast! Give them effective options for sorting - by bestsellers, by ratings, by presence in wishlists and many more. Add featured product blocks based on the sorting options for different categories. - Offer each customer a suitable sorting option; -Enable customers to sort products by bestsellers, rating, etc; -Create product blocks using the sorting options; -Show out-of-stock products at the end of the lists; -The extension is fully compatible with layered navigation.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento Lightbox Image Slider Extension
posted byHaltngoinCatalog
5 InBuilt Lightbox Fancy Themes including FancyBox, PiroBox, etc Product Image Slideshow Support jQuery ON/OFF to avoid scripts conflicts also able to call in header.html module and or in media.html module avoiding conflicts Able to define fancybox border styles, padding and border attributes like border color, width, etc Option to switch different types of lightbox(Includes FancyBox, PiroBox, PiroBox Extended, prettyBox & Lightbox Clone) Able to define product image height & width Able to define product thumbnail image height & width Able to scale, move or Crop your Product images Able to define opacity of the Lightbox Able to display preloader image Option to include/exclude product main image with/from More Views lightbox gallery view. Option to remove default Magento Zoom Able to customise/change label name 'More Views'. Compatible with all magento versions including Magento 1.3, 1.4,, 1.4.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.1,, 1.7, etc
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Magento Automatic Related Products
posted bymagebuzzinCatalog
Automatic Related Products is an ideal solution to cross-sells and cross-promotion. With our extension, Magento store owners can easily create the rules for related products and the system will automatically showcase similar options to every product in their store In details, the module gives you an edge in generating blocks in three kinds of pages including product page, shopping cart page & category page while each block can be placed at different positions in a page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Magento Custom Stock Status
posted bymagebuzzinCatalog
Magento Custom Stock Status extension is developed to enhance your Magento stock management experience and give you great possibility to earn more money by delivering unlimited impressive stock statuses. In details, the module allows store owners to generate clearly communicating statuses like Only 5 products left, Free ship in 3 days, etc for each inventory situation. By this way, your customers won’t forget to check back with your site and you may get more orders from them. Features: - Unlimited statuses and flexible ways to assign custom stock statuses for products You can create unlimited custom stock statuses. Then you can assign these statuses for products in 2 ways + Using Quantity Range + Set custom stock status for a particular product - Using icons to attract more customers You can easily upload icon for each custom stock status. The icon will be displayed next to stock status in product detail, product listing and shopping cart page
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Results 61-80 of 121