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Collection of Magento Checkout extensions to help you enhance the checkout experience of your store. Extensions like coupon code, dynamic shipping price calculation are included in this category.
Results 81-81 of 81
Checkout Promo for Magento
posted byhsbotinCheckout
Successful retailers- whether offline or online- know the art of the upsell and cross sell. It is all about appealing to the buyer on the way out and luring the person to shell out a few dollars more. Use the Checkout Promo extension to increase your sales by making some tantalising offers to your customers. For example, "Buy Product X to get a 20% discount", "Spend more than $50 to get Product Y for $15 only!", "Buy product N to get K for free", and so on…
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Results 81-81 of 81