VK Module for PES Pro
posted byMafiaNetinMiscellaneous
With this module for PES Pro, your exchanger will allow users to gain more followers to their VK profiles, pages and groups.
PriceUSD 17.49
Free financial modeling course
posted byperez12inMiscellaneous
In this Free Online Financial Modeling Training Course, I will take an example of Colgate Palmolive and will prepare a full integrated financial model from scratch.It is the task of building an abstract representation (a model) of a real world financial situation. This is a mathematical model designed to represent (a simplified version of) the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business, project, or any other investment. This is a general term that means different things to different users; the reference usually relates either to accounting and corporate finance applications, or to quantitative finance applications.
Opencart Accordion FAQ Module By FmeAddons
posted byfmeaddonsinMiscellaneous
By using Opencart accordion faqs module you can allow your customer to ask a question on the product page. Providing such environment to your valuable customers increases the trust level and page authority. The user generated content keeps the product page fresh and such content plays an important role in increasing search engine ranking.
Key Features:
FAQs form on product page
FAQ accordion
FAQ rating
Admin approval for new questions/answers
PriceUSD 49.99
Internet Speed Test Script
posted byphpscriptsmallinMiscellaneous
We are offering Internet Speed Test Script at just 9 USD. This Speed Test Script is very simple but Power full. It allows you to do a network speed test against your internet server. The script is server platform independent and can check many server types (like Apache HTTP, Apache Tomcat, IIS, nginx, Oracle HTTP, jetty etc.) as long as the server supports POST and GET commands. Based on the download speed, this jQuery plugin can also compute a reference internet cost that the user should pay. The graphical user interface has localization support and its design is highly customizable by using CSS themes and plugin options.
For More Details: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product/internet-speed-test-script/
PriceUSD 9.00
OpenCart Blog Manager
posted byfmeaddonsinMiscellaneous
Opencart blog manager allows store owners to create a separate page for posting content related to products and services like news, articles, press release, new product release and much more. This module offers advance content posting options for adding images, videos, text, links etc.
The store managers can customize Meta title, description and URL of each blog post to drive maximum traffic from search engines. This traffic helps in increasing sales of different hot products by applying proper conversion strategies.
PriceUSD 39.99
Google Apps Backup
posted byfreyajordan86inMiscellaneous
There are a lots of features of Google Apps Backup software:
1. Download all data (Email, Contacts, Calendar & Drive) from domain user account.
2. Export all mails data to any email clients like PST, EML, MSG & MBOX.
3. Contacts & Calendar can be saved in .vcf & .ics file format respectively.
4. Download all files from Google Drive to non-Google file format.
PriceUSD 49.00
Abandoned Cart PrestaShop Module by FME
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop abandoned cart module by "FMEModules" allows you to get back your lost customers back to your cart page by giving them different special offers & discount coupon codes through an email. This extension helps you to improving your conversion rate and reduce abandoned rate. This plugin allows you to send customized followup email to your customers with different discount offers, coupons, or survey forms in emails or other things with an WYSIWYG editor at the backend of this extensions. For better understanding visit the product page and also view demo for better understanding.
PriceEUR 70.00
Push on Cart and Upsell Module for PrestaShop
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop upsell module by FME helps webstore owners to sell different related products on cart page as an upsell to increase more sales. This extension by FMM allows your customers to buy more products on cart page easily. You can show different products with different discounted labels and you can add description for the promotion too. The discount can be applied with percentage. For more details visit product page and view demo for better understanding.
PriceEUR 60.00
OpenCart Facebook Login Extension By FmeAddons
posted byfmeaddonsinMiscellaneous
OpenCart Facebok Login by FmeAddons allows store owners to place FB connect button in website to let users signup quickly. Once the user sign into the website his profile is automatically updated with the basic information i.e. Name, Email, Address, Location etc. The customers can however change this detail from their account page. Along with Facebook login this module also keeps the email signup option alive. The customers can choose to register by FB account or email address.
PriceUSD 24.99
Content Block Module By FMEModules for PrestaShop
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop static block extension by FMEModules helps emerchants to add static block on your web store. In this plugin you can add tables, videos and images by using MCE editor. You can also add a cusom CSS sheet in this plugin too.
This PrestaShop static content block extension can be placed anywhere on the website and you can add anything in this block such as html, news, signups, banner, text with MCE editor. Its backend is very user-friendly can only you have to select the place to display, you do not need to add programming etc.
PriceEUR 40.00
FMM’s Related Products in PrestaShop Add-on
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
FMM Team provides related product in PrestaShop add-on. This PrestaShop push up module enables you to increase your sales by suggesting related product to your customers on cart page. You can bring up all your precious items in front of your customers in the form of up sell. You can also apply discount along with free promotions on cart page
PriceUSD 81.09
Php YouTube Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
This server behavior is a professional development tool for displaying YouTube video in your web pages.
With this server behavior you can create, edit and positioning the YouTube video in your page and setup all the configuration parameters for YouTube video.
With this server behavior you can insert video from recordset and create some links (for each video) to StartPlay, Pause, Mute and UnMute your YouTube video
PriceEUR 11.00
Php XmlRecordset Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
The xml format is one of the most platform-indipendent compatible file format to exchange data from different platforms. Now with this server behaviors it's more simple for you add your sites this type of data exchange and use xml to display data in your dynamic php pages. With this server behavior you can create recordset from XML files. The xml file can be linked directly on your site or by the Url if the xml file is in another site. With this extension you can also filter and sort the xml data like in a standard database.
PriceEUR 14.00
Php WYSIWYG TinyMCE Editor Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
This server Behaviors lets you add a visual HTML editor to your page and the user can create formatted content pages without having to know any HTML code. It Works like a Word ProcessorThis HTML text editor brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of known desktop editors like Word. It's really lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer.This HTML Editor is compatible with the most important browsers available in the market: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+. If the browser don't support the Html Editor a TextArea will be insert into the page.
* Properties inspector (I.E. only)
* You can use the default insert/update record behaviors with this extension
* Css Style support
* Font formatting: type, size, color, bold, italic, etc
* Text formatting: alignment, indentation, bullets list, etc
* Cut, Paste and Paste as Plain Text, Undo and Redo
* Paste from Word cleanup with auto detection
* Link creation* Anchors
PriceEUR 31.00
Php Upload and Resize Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
With this Server Behavior You can upload files, trough a simple web form to Your site.After the upload you can resize the uploaded images and make thumbnails. This extension don't need any server components to upload and resize files is a Pure Php Upload
Five Extensions in One:
- Insert Record and Upload Files (Upload the files and saving the other Field in DB)
- Update Record and Upload Files (Upload the files and saving the other Field in DB)
- Upload Files (Only Upload Files)
- Delete Record Upload (Delete the record and delete the corresponding files)
- Resize images and create thumbnails
- Round image angle
- Insert thumbnail
- Show region if image exist
- Show region if image not exist
- Crop Image
- Add watermark image
- No Limit Number of Uploaded file!
- This features are for each file
- Upload folder in 3 type (Site relative, Absolute and Dynamic)
- Auto create non-existent upload directories
PriceEUR 28.00
Php Two Tables Manager Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
This server behavior allow users to insert data at the same time into two related tables. The tables must have a master-detail relationship, one of the tables having a foreign key to the other.The master table must have a primary key numeric with autoincrement and the detail table must have a numeric field to save the master table primary key value to create the relation between the master table record and the detail table records.
PriceEUR 31.00
Php TreeView Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
With this behavior you can insert in your PHP pages a PHP Ajax TreeView, without need coding, all in the design view of Dreamweaver
Easy to use to create your vertical menu, category listing, product listing and other application when you need show a list of categorized items
The behavior has a set of predefined layout but you can create your own layout in a very easy way
Static tree view
Dynamic tree view from a standard dreamweaver recordset you have in your page
Folders and Files tree view to show the content of your site subfolders
Animation speed configurable on open and close
The package contains 10 different skin and is very simple create create new skins
PriceEUR 18.00
Php Tag Cloud Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
This server behavior lets you insert a Tag-Cloud in your pages The extension has 2 versions of Tag-Cloud behavior, the Flash and the Html version.
A tag cloud or word cloud (or weighted list in visual design) is a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, typically used to describe the content of web sites. Tags are usually single words and are normally listed alphabetically, and the importance of a tag is shown with font size or color.
Thus, it is possible to find a tag alphabetically. The tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with a tag. Sometimes, further visual properties are manipulated, such as the font color, intensity, or weight.
PriceEUR 14.00
Php SpryGallery Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
This server behavior let's you insert the Adobe Spry Image Gallery in your pages. The new Ajax Adobe image galleryThis Server Behavior is a professional development tool for displaying photographic galleries in your web pages. This extension allow you to pick images from a database recordset and from a folder at run-time. The 2 methods to get images can be applied at the same time in the same page and the extension support more gallery in the same page. With Spry image gallery you can create, edit and positioning the layers within the extension and apply the extension to your page. This extension check the image size at runtimeAll without need to write code.Only for Php My-Sql
PriceEUR 21.00
Php Site security Dreamweaver Extension
posted byDwZone-itinMiscellaneous
Security site is a powelfull extension that allow you setup restricted access to an entire page or to show/hide a region in a page depending on current user rule.
You can create your own rules that determine the criteria to allow or denied access to your pages or show/hide region is single page.
The rule are based on user authentication information.
This extension is compatible with standard Dreamweaver login behavior. Once you create your rules you can apply them to a single page, to an entire folder (all the pages inside the selected folder) or to a region in a single page.
PriceEUR 20.00