osCommerce Addons
Pixmania.com automatically products update
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
Module automatically update products from pixmania.com at your Oscommerce store. Products will be added, updated or deleted after parse of pixmania.com csv file. Product will be deleted if it is not in csv file. Pixmania products is marked to separate them from your own products. Images for pixmania products shows from pixmania site.
There are ability to automate script launch if server allow cron tasks. There is link in Oscommerce admin to manually run automatically product update.
PriceEUR 59.00
ICECAT specs for osCommerce
posted byanmishaelinosCommerce Addons
You need to have an account in ICACT catalog and apply vendor part name to your product . Then script will connect to ICECAT, get descriptions in all languages you've installed and save into your database. It also get images from ICECAT and save one for product (if it's missing in your store) and can save additional images into gallery (if there is PWS gallery in your store).
There is ability to download all products from ICECAT and save them/part of them to your store. Categories from ICECAT could be added/linked to store too.
Frontend part will show ICECAT specs tab if it's exists and gallery images in case you have neede module.
PriceEUR 175.00
Ajax Dropdown Products Filter by Attributes Options Values
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
Unique filter by attributes option values to help store customers with searching or filtering products.
Filter can be used for any Oscommerce based stores (MS *, CREloaded, OscMax, WAI etc).
Store visitors can choose any option value in the dropdown. After this only "depended" values at other dropdowns will be able for select. Visitor select other value in the dropdown and rest dropdown show only depended option values for first and second selects. So after every select values at notselected dropdowns will be reduced and products at product listing will be reduced too. Any set of selected option values has at list one product at search result.
100% of the search results with products.
PriceEUR 40.00
Ajax Checkboxes Products Search (Filter) by Attributes Options Values
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
Ajax Checkboxes Products Search by Attributes Options Values
Unique filter by attributes options values improve searching or filtering products. Customers are able to choose more then one value for one extra field. Filter can be used for any Oscommerce based stores (MS *, CREloaded, OscMax, WAI etc).
Search help store clients to find necessary products using product attributes options values. If clients do not know name of the product but they know parameters then the search is very helpful. For example car wheels, laptops (notebooks), computers, rings, food, toys etc.
Visitors who use the search can check values for only available products. Other values will be disabled. Such mechanism guarantee good search result.
We use theory of combinations to develop the script and we developed unique algorithm of permutation generation which has very good speed of execution.
90% of the search results with products.
PriceEUR 119.00
Ajax Checkboxes Products Search (Filter) by Extra Fields Values
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
Unique filter by extra fields values to help store customers with searching or filtering products. The contribution is similar to our "Advanced Ajax Search for Oscommerce with Extra Fields" but customers are able to choose more then one value for one extra field. Filter can be used for any Oscommerce based stores (MS *, CREloaded, OscMax, WAI etc) with installed Extra fields contribution.
Search help store clients to find necessary products using product extra fields (options) values. If clients do not know name of the product but they know parameters then the search is very helpful. For example car wheels, laptops (notebooks), computers, rings, food, toys etc can use it to improve usability of searching, search result, store orders and success clients.
90% of the search results with products.
PriceEUR 119.00
osCommerce Amazon Export Data Feed
posted byzeesolinosCommerce Addons
osCommerce Amazon Data Feed includes:
* Amazon Apparel Export
* Amazon AutoAccessory Export
* Amazon Beauty Export
* Amazon Camera and Photo Export
* Amazon Consumer Electronics Export
* Amazon Health & Personal Care Export
* Amazon Home & Garden Export
* Amazon Jewelry Export
* Amazon Musical Instruments Export
* Amazon Office Products Export
* Amazon Pet Supplies Export
* Amazon SoftwareVideoGames Export
* Amazon Sporting Goods Export
* Amazon Tools Export
* Amazon ToysBaby Export
* Amazon WATCHES Export
* Amazon Wireless Export
PriceUSD 30.00
Store Manager for osCommerce
posted byoscommerceinosCommerce Addons
Store Manager for osCommerce is a Windows application for quick and effective management of osCommerce store. Manage osCommerce products, product attributes, categories, manufacturers, orders and other things. Batch updates - export osCommerce products to Excel and import products to osCommerce, ultimate osCommerce product attribute management, easy populate feature using clipboard copy/paste, create your own osCommerce Custom Reports, etc.
PriceUSD 149.00
osCommerce Amazon Export Feed
posted byoscommerceinosCommerce Addons
osCommerce Amazon Data Feed is a osCommerce contribution which assures the easiest export of your products into Amazon.com Amazon.com, Inc. is an American e-commerce company. It was one of the first major companies to sell goods by Internet. It is easy to sell on Amazon.
PriceUSD 89.00
Multi Admin osCommerce Template
posted byebizagendainosCommerce Addons
The Multi Admin osCommerce Template comes as a full install with many many additional features that take it from a standard ecommerce package. The only limit to this package is that additional languages have been removed, since they are not compatible with the additional features. Since about 90% of the entire planet conducts their internet shopping in English, this should not limit anyone's ability to browse and shop. This package is the lite version of our Multi Store system.
PriceUSD 159.99
Multi Store - Admin osCommerce Template
posted byebizagendainosCommerce Addons
The Multi Store - Admin osCommerce Template is the 800 pound gorilla of osCommerce Templates. This templates system comes as a full install and includes multi stores, multi admin, seo and meta tags, invoicing/packing slips, admin security login, and more.
PriceUSD 219.99
Autoload eCommerce Shopping Cart Script
posted byvyoufinderinosCommerce Addons
Based on the osCommerce core shopping cart, Autoload was built by shop owners who have tried several other shopping cart scripts before deciding to create Autoload. It's everything you need added to osCommerce for running an online storefront and eBay management utility. Emphasis has been placed on keeping the script universal in that it will work with other applications, in several languages completely, and with long-term goals for serious website owners in mind. You need a machine that works, Autoload is that machine.
New: * Added Quickbooks import functionality
* Improved Auctionblox eBay management tool integration
* Improved search engine optimization
* Improved PayPal IPN notifications
* Customers no longer need to join PayPal to order
* New attribute sets tool
* 3 new configurable categories menus options
* Easier installation procedure Google Base store export and Easypopulate improvements
* Google Adsense infobox installed for showing your ads
PomidorCartOsc - osCommerce Pin Delivery Module
posted byBermoudainosCommerce Addons
PomidorCartOsc, is a Pin Delivery module ported to osCommerce, to help you sit back and enjoy the same functionality of PomidorCart in your existing osCommerce shopping cart.
Now you can have PomidorCart integrated to osCommerce as a built-in module and start selling telephone cards or any other items involving pins using your current osCommerce shopping cart website.
PomidorCart INSTANT DELIVERY system allows your customers to receive their PIN numbers as soon as the payment transaction has been approved, with the whole process taking less than 1 minute.
PriceGBP 288.00
osCommerce Design Addon
posted bywowneatinosCommerce Addons
Shopping Cart Design includes free installation service! We will install your template order for you, for free on your website. osCommerce designs will work instantly with new and existing osCommerce ms2.2 shopping cart websites.
A new shopping cart installation of osCommerce is not needed. PayPalScripts.com will also help you install a new OScommerce shopping cart for free on your website, if requested.
PriceUSD 45.00
osCommerce drop down menu script
posted bypbeducationalservicesinosCommerce Addons
Easy to use and install drop down menu script for osCommerce based on the udm4 ultimate drop down menu. Automatically populates the drop down menu with the categories in your osCommerce installation. Simple installation, and configuration for osCommerce 2.x systems.
Based on the popular udm4 drop down menu code, this script provides accessible and search engine friendly navigation to your osCommerce web site. Great for SEO and accessibility on your site.
UDM4.com site offers support with this installation.
T-shirt Customizer For Oscommerce
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
Contribution for Oscommerce (MS 2.2, CREloaded, MaxOSC) based T-shirts stores. Customers are able to customize logo (uploadable or from store collection), text on the t-shirt with this contribution. Customized T-shirts are saved and admin can find it in the orders at admin part. There is an ability to manage logos with its categories, fonts for site administrator.
Please visit http://www.advancewebsoft .com/demo/tshirt/ to see demo.
Oscommerce MS2.2,
PHP 4*, 5*,
Mysql 4*,
PriceUSD 140.00
Ajax Search Suggest for OsCommerce
posted byAbbatWebinosCommerce Addons
This small contribution will add a nice pop-out Google Suggest like box to your usual search box of your OsCommerce store. Why should you use our �Search suggest� feature among others?
* Search is performed while customer types in the product using first letters
* The customers typing will be �auto-completed� with symbols of the first founded occurrence
* The first found letter occurrences will be highlighted with bold
* The dropdown pop-out is scrollable but only if search match exceeds the pop-out window
* Key recognition is available, press up, down or �enter� inside the suggest dropdown
* Multi language support
* Works in all modern browsers
PriceUSD 25.00
osCommerce PinkCrowLoaded
posted bypinkcrowinosCommerce Addons
osCommerce PinkCrowLoaded - osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 with cool contributions like: AJAX AttributeManager v2.1beta.zip, center shop CSS.zip, osc_admin_buttons_metalli c.zip, buttons_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 _10_11_12_13_14_15_16_17_ 18_19_20_21_22.zip, TinyMCE EDITOR 1.0.zip, HeaderTags_v2.5.9.1.tar.g z, Ultimate_SEO_URLs_v2.2.2. tar.gz, Secure Admin Login - Logout 1.5_1.zip, SEO_Assistant_V_1.5.zip, ajax_shopping_cart v2_1.zip
Google Checkout Level 2 for OsCommerce
posted byAbbatWebinosCommerce Addons
This contribution will add a full support of a Google Checkout service to your Oscommerce store. Benefits:
- Google Checkout for OsCommerce will run on any PHP4 or PHP5 enabled web-server
- No requirements for using libXML and libCURL installed. - Full google checkout sandbox support
- Full shipping support using merchant-calculations google checkout shipping
- Full tax support over merchant-calculations in google checkout using taxes from OsCommerce
- Basic shipping modules like flat-rate and per-item shipping supported
- Basic USA shipping modules: UPS, USPS, FEDEX with real-time quotes are supported
- Order management inside OsCommerce Administration area: orders placed via Google Checkout will appear in your OsCommerce admin, and you will be able to process them (Charge,
PriceUSD 75.00
Advanced Ajax Search for Oscommerce with Extra Fields
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
You are able to filter products by extra fields with this Oscommerce MS2.2 contribution. It can be used also in CREloaded, OscMAX (OSCdox). New box can be placed in left/right column or in content part of the store. First of all you are choosing category and first extra fields values for products from this category will appear. After this you can choose value of current extra field and next extra field values will appear. After you click on search button and do not choose all extra fields then appropriate products for selected values will be filtered. Unlimited count of extra fields and its value supported. It works fast and effective with newest Ajax.
Please click here to see demo.
Oscommerce MS2.2
PHP 4*, 5*
Mysql 4*
PriceEUR 40.00
ODN Beta for osCommerce
posted bykmb40inosCommerce Addons
ODN (osCommerce Desktop Notification) is an application that allows osCommerce store owners to monitor their stores in real-time from a computers desktop. This application is only 2.5 mb and runs from the system tray. It does not require an install.
Bug fix to supress random error message.
PriceUSD 99.00