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osCommerce Addons

Results 61-78 of 78
Task Manager for OsCommerce
The Task Manager for OsCommerce is a complete Project & Task Management add-on. Manage tasks, projects and assign due dates, recurring tasks, and more. Other features include: Emailing of new Tasks, Editted Tasks and Over Due Tasks, Column Sorting (Sort my Name, Project Admin, etc). A must have have for busy OsCommerce Stores.
(3 ratings)
oscommerce addon - Custom T-Shirt
This is the oscommerce addon, to design your own t-shirt in real time. Type a text or add an image over the selected shirt. This script also can be used for cups, shorts, jerseys, and other products design.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
StarTrack Express Shipping Module
osCommerce Shipping module for Australian merchants using osCommerce and shipping with Startrack Express. Designed for osCommerce 2.2 MS2
(3 ratings)
Fastway Couriers Shipping Module
Shipping module desgined for Australian osCommerce merchants using Fastway Couriers for shipping. Designed for osCommerce 2.2 MS2
(0 ratings)
Manufacturers Sales Report
Display total items sold, gross sales, and a breakdown of products sold by manufacturer.
(3 ratings)
StGeorge BankSA IPG Payment module
osCommerce payment module for StGeorge and BankSA in Australia This payment module is designed to allow you to interface directly with your St George or Bank SA merchant facility for realtime online payment processing Designed for osCommerce 2.2 MS2
(6 ratings)
FCKosc2.2 puts a WYSIWYG HTML editor into OsCommerce's admin section in product descriptions, newsletters, and the main page. FCKosc2.2 is built on FCKeditor. This editor will work in IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+. it will run on Windows, Linux, or MAC. FCKosc2.2 requires no changes to OsCommerce's's Database. Minimal changes were made to files. This wiill help reduce the posibility of conflicts with other additions. Finally FCKosc2.2 is easily upgradeable as new versions are released.
(0 ratings)
osCommerce Turbo Charged
This completely customized and customizable Turbo Charged shopping cart is now available! Save countless hours learning PHP and fiddling about trying to see what to change in order to edit the look and feel of your shop. This cart comes complete! New and improved version now with 51 contributions including contact Us Page Spam Fix.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
DVS OsCommerce PHP Shopping
OsCommerce is quickly becoming the shopping cart of choice for many online merchants! This script is simply AWESOME! You can literally have a store set up and ready to take orders within an hour! The script comes with a VERY easy to use admin section where you add all of the products, manage customers, shipping, tax, payment process, inventory, and just so much more to mention! You can use MANY, MANY different payment gateways with osCommerce including PayPal, 2Checkout, authorize.net, and many more! This version of the script is NOT simply the snapshot version THIS IS THE MILESTONE RELEASE
(0 ratings)
osCommerce Templates and Customisation
At osTemplates, we realize that many of our customers are entrepreneurs ready to seize the new opportunity ecommerce offers, but lack the skills required to design or customise a website. This is where we come in. Here at osTemplates, we provide pre-made osCommerce stores which are ready to start selling. Our aim is to have you up and running in the smallest amount of time possible.
(9 ratings)
osCommerce shopping cart templates
Professional Highly customize oscommere shopping cart template, clear style, blue style and more. Easily installed,and it will save you a lot of time to start your sucessful online business.
(3 ratings)
OSCommerce Modules, Services & Templates
Prebuilt Modules, Services, Templates and Custom Development for OSCommerce. Business Resources that make your online business more successful.
(9 ratings)
osCoders.biz -- osCommerce templates
#1 in osCommerce Templating - Your premier source for professional osCommerce templates for your professional online shop. If you want to have or if you already have an online store and this store is powered by osCommerce you may need a smart and beautiful skin for your store. Just choose an osCommerce Template from osCoders.biz . You will have a ready to run osCommerce shop.
(15 ratings)
osCommerce Skins
osCommerce Skins is a multi-platform compatible program that provides you with the tools and resources to set up your online stores with good looking designs, great features and fast time-to-market. While all the robust features of original osCommerce program are retained, our value proposition is designer looks + added features! Our range of osCommerce Skins products comprises osCommerce Templates/Skins, Graphic Addons, Flash Components, Business Specific Ready Stores for Vertical Markets and specially crafted enhanced editions of osCommerce.
(9 ratings)
Oscommerce Templates and themes
Make a professional looking oscommerce store with our premium oscommerce templates.Get the complete Graphic files (PSD,Icons,PNG images and more) and related fonts.Our free installation service will help you save time and effort.Full support after purchase without disconnecting.Our templates are made with a professional touch.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 47.00
osCommerce and STS Tutorial
I wrote this tutorial because I know how frustrating it can be without anyone to help out, plus I enjoy osCommerce but I can�t stand the default layout. This tutorial does not teach you how to design or create graphics, but what it does do is hopefully point you in the right direction for implementing your online store into your html site design.
(6 ratings)
ecommerce templates at AlgoZone.com
With our ecommerce templates, themes and skins you can update your shopping cart look in just few minutes. Give your ecommerce professional, state of the art look. Just select one of the templates and install it in to your shopping cart. Installation is very easy and quick, so save yourself time and money. We offer graphics customization and custom template development. In addition to osCommerce templates we offer other ecommerce related packages, such as CRE Loaded, ZenCart, Magento and many other modules. Large selection of AJAX empowered templates are available. Check fully functional demos. Many to choose from.
(21 ratings)
osCommerce End User Training
Download and share end-user training materials for the OSCommerce
(9 ratings)
Results 61-78 of 78