PostNuke Modules
Subjects 2.0 Postnuke module
posted byalmerinPostNuke Modules
Module is designed for structured store & display text content with a possibility to store content in file on the disc. Probably, the best one for converting existing based on HTML pages site to PostNuke.
dNET Theme API for PostNUKE (dTAP)
posted byadmininPostNuke Modules
dTAP expands the standard PostNUKE theme API, blocks, modules and administration. At this time, dTAP is not compatible with AutoTheme and Nuclei, but will have similar functionality in the near future.
AutoTheme for PostNuke
posted byabracadaverinPostNuke Modules
Create themes in HTML using your favorite editor, with no use of PHP. Full administration interface. Unlimited block positions (AutoBlocks). Customize every part of your PostNuke site. Configure which blocks display and where, for each page. Features: Custom themes for each Module and Home page, Admin pages, User pages; Custom themes for Left Blocks, Right Blocks, Center Blocks and AutoBlocks; Custom themes for individual blocks by name; Control colors, style sheets and head content for every page; All needed files packaged as a module; Faster execution and render time; Command editor; Language editor.
Many Extras (plugins)!
Multi-platform for PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, MD-Pro, osCommerce, CRE and WordPress. Themes are portable without modification!
posted byabracadaverinPostNuke Modules
PostWrap is a PostNuke module that enables virtually any web content such as html, scripts (home pages, galleries, shopping carts, php, perl, asp, etc.) to
be easily incorporated into your PostNuke site. Just call the PostWrap module with any URL and it will display it in your PostNuke main area/window. I call it a content wrapper (takes any existing content anywhere and wraps your PostNuke site around it. Uses an iframe which must be supported by the browser and JavaScript to resize the iframe (optional).
Now with new options in the admin and a block to show yor links.
posted byabracadaverinPostNuke Modules
The main use that I have found is in setting a module as your start page and being able to pass it variables (example: PostWrap). Under PostNuke Administration, Settings, you can set your Start Page (The module, index.php is pointing to), but the modules are in a dropdown box and that doesn't allow variables to be passed to the module. PostJump supports both PHP and JavaScript redirects. The default is PHP.
Magnish Realty
posted byiminPostNuke Modules
Magnish Realty is your module to manage you online listings. Though it is not complete I decided to release it because I�m not sure when will I have time to complete it. If any one has time to work on it with me let me know at [email protected].
Nuclei Blocks Module
posted bydemoinPostNuke Modules
The Nuclei Blocks Module allows themes to utilize up to 14 block areas, instead of using the standard 3 the PostNuke blocks module offers. These blocks can be added to any theme and there are versions of this module available for both .71x and .72x. In addition to 14 block areas, this module also offers the option to control the names of the blocks in the Block Admin through a file in theme's folder. If the option isn't used, the Admin uses default names for the blocks.
Nuclei Blocks Module
posted bydemoinPostNuke Modules
The Nuclei Blocks Module allows themes to utilize up to 14 block areas, instead of using the standard 3 the PostNuke blocks module offers. These blocks can be added to any theme and there are versions of this module available for both .71x and .72x. In addition to 14 block areas, this module also offers the option to control the names of the blocks in the Block Admin through a file in theme's folder. If the option isn't used, the Admin uses default names for the blocks.
vquiz module for postnuke
posted bysyntetainPostNuke Modules
Quiz generator module for postnuke. Admin features: New quiz (name, no of questions, no of answers, no of trials allowed, questions, answers, feedback per answer, points per answer), Edit, Delete, Delete all, Hall of fame of quiz (possibility to delete a user), Test, Activate/Deactivate quiz, Activate/Deactivate all
User features: Run quiz, Visit Hall of Fame.
posted byschupinPostNuke Modules
Guestbook for PostNuke 0.71+ using the PN-API and Smarty for different presentation styles.
Features: uses PN API; easy install/uninstall (PN-conform); different layouts (using smarty or php for different html templates); colors of PN-Theme are used by the default template; user can submit Name, Location, Homepage, e-mail, and message; up to five admin-defined Fields (html-templates have to be changed); ip and date/time of posting are always logged; preview of posting; Entries are paged, oldest last; Number of Entries per Page configurable; and more.
EZ Submit
posted bywebmasterinPostNuke Modules
EZ_Submit is a Postnuke module, built for Postnuke 0.714, that has a build in HTML editor for submitting news. Adding extended text (like this version of postnuke allows you to) is however not yet implemented. Only works in IE. Based on WYSIWYG Article Submit by andrewooi. Original idea by King Richards and core source code from Macromedia public domain library.
phpBB2 Postnuke Module
posted byaguilerainPostNuke Modules
Love phpBB 2? Love postnuke?, why not have them both working for your website. Most of the code of phpBB 2 was left untouched, the database structure had no changes at all, so all popular mods should work with not too much effort. Please remember that the code is still considered in alpha state, works fine, but it is not recomended that you use it in production sites yet.
Open Realty for PostNuke 71c
posted bywebmasterinPostNuke Modules
Realty / Rental listings for PostNuke 71c. Features: Up to 40 defineable property; Multiple Listing Service number field; Thumbnails and Images for properties stored in database; PNADODB and pnAPI compliancy; Display up to 6 property menus; Pagination; Defineable monetary symbol usage; Individual settings for number of thumbnails displayed in list, with property, and in featured thumbs menu; Main property image optional display setting; Defineable property types and status types; Yahoo maps option; Ability to specify default state for new properties; Defineable Instructions menu; Permissions.
Content Express
posted byccheeinPostNuke Modules
Highly configurable menu/page management module for PostNuke.
Magnish Image Gallery
posted byiminPostNuke Modules
Magnish Image Gallery is an image gallery for postnuke, and is designed for displaying large
quantity of images (great for communities). Magnish Image Gallery uses GD library to automatically create thumbnails. In this new release a config file has been added to smooth the installation and to increase configuration options. Moreover a "send to a friend this picture" is included,user permission, image description.Works almost "out of the box" with just a few variables to configure. Supports 0.70x and 0.71.x and up. You can also have a "members only" folder.
BOOKS module for PostNuke
posted bymschatzinPostNuke Modules
Integrate books recommendations into your PostNuke'd Site. With rating, comments, suggesting of books. Books may have images, descritpions and affiliate links to online bookstores. Not only focused on books, but any catalogue-driven-shop.
posted bykulapalanontinPostNuke Modules
YellowPHP is a sophisticated directory yellowpage addon for PostNuke. It categorizes information and subcatgorizes name and address information with weblink and detailed text or extra page in both text and html. YellowPHP is an extended developement version after PHPyp 1.1. YellowPHP can be quickly accessed in 4 different ways: Multi-lingual category/subcategory, Browse Category, Defined Multi-lingual Region, Type in Search Box. Also features: Side Banner Support; Map Quest Support; Easy on/off menu for PDA application or Keos System; Graphic Display can be use to replace multi-lingual need and easily apply for special purpose applicatoin; Easily modify to support shopping application or general purpose graphic directory; Various administration functions. Requirement: PostNuke .702 or .703, PHP 4.0.4, MySQL, Fair level of PostNuke Module installation required.
Flash Intro Creator (Nuke Module)
posted byinfoinPostNuke Modules
This module was developed by and works with PHP-Nuke and Post-Nuke. With the Flash Intro Creator you can easily give your site visitors the ability to create and download their own Flash Intro at your Nuke Site. It is easy to install - just drop the unzipped folder into your modules directory.