Wordpress Content Management Plugins
Collection of CMS plugins to further enhance the post and page management system of Wordpress.
IntelliWidget Featured Posts and Custom Menus
posted bylilaeamediainContent Management
IntelliWidget is a versatile WordPress plugin that does the work of multiple plugins by allowing you to create custom "Profiles" for any page or post that can be used where the default widget would normally appear. Each profile can have its own set of rules to display content any way you wish.
Use the Shortcode option to put the power of IntelliWidget into any post on your site.
Because it is generated using active titles and permalinks, your sidebar content is always current with the latest versions.
Select posts by date, category, tag, and many other ways. Combine with custom post types to create unlimited CMS-style content blocks. Combine with your favorite jQuery Slider plugin to display animated slideshows.
Reuse the settings from existing profiles to save hours of setup time.
With IntelliWidget you can add just a few sidebar areas and create unlimited page-specific content.
posted byadthemeinContent Management
Styler Icons, Fonts and CSS Generator for WP.
4721 icons + 657 Google Fonts + unlimited customizations in 1 Click!
The plugin uses a smart and complete shortcode system!
PriceUSD 17.00
posted byadthemeinContent Management
The plugin allows to create unlimited image sizes, regenerate the thumbs and to add css filters and animations directly from WP’s Media Section.
Unlimited image sizes + Thumbs Regeneration + CSS Filters and Animations + Watermarkers!
PriceUSD 20.00
AD Post Preview
posted byadthemeinContent Management
AD Post Preview is a Wordpress Premium Plugin. You can create a post preview with few click.
AD Post Preview includes 2 different preview type and 20+ Effects. With this plugin you can create a custom post preview in few step.
PriceUSD 15.00
WPAdvanced Bar - Advanced Fixed Utilities Bar
posted bywebselfinContent Management
WPAdvancedBar is an Advanced Fixed Utilities Bar. You can adding a Social Button, Social Share, Custom Menù and Scroll top in wordpress with a click!
Admin panel is very simple to configure
PriceUSD 13.00
WP Legal Pages
posted byakshaypinContent Management
List of all the 17 templates that are included
Terms of use (forced agreement – don’t allow your users to proceed without agreeing to your terms)
Linking policy template
External links policy template
Terms and conditions template
Refund policy template
Affiliate disclosure template
Privacy Policy template
Affiliate agreement template
FB privacy policy template
Earnings Disclaimer template
Antispam template
Double dart cookie template
Disclaimer template
FTC statement template
Medical disclaimer template
Testimonials disclosure template
Amazon affiliate template
PriceUSD 27.00
Sharelock: Unlock Content with Visitor Number
posted byzealinContent Management
As you may already know, viral marketing relies heavily on word of mouth marketing. There is no limit on the amount of traffic you will get as you wouldn’t have known how many people are spreading the message for you. Most people are curious, if they receive the message from somebody they know or trust, they are most likely eager to find out what’s the “buzz” behind. One of the most common technique to go viral is giving something for free. But why not giving something premium for free but with an extra challenge. In fact people loves challenge.
With Sharelock, you can easily lock and hide partial or all of your content. And the best part is that it can only be unlocked with enough visitors. Sharelock will let user unlock and unhide partial or all of your content by driving traffic to your post/page.
PriceUSD 6.00
UberPanel - Sliding Panel Plugin for WordPress
posted byClientEngageinContent Management
UberPanel is a plugin which adds a widgetised sliding panel to any WordPress theme. It provides you with an unobtrusive way to add additional space to your theme.
Unobtrusive Sliding-Panel for your WordPress Theme:
- Unobtrusively adds more space to your WordPress theme
- Supports WordPress widgets (four horizontal columns and one vertical)
- Choose from the left (off-canvas) panel or the top position
- Choose colours for the button & border, or the optional pre-defined style
- Works beautifully on all modern devices
PriceUSD 14.00
Word Press Job Board
posted byoribasinContent Management
-100% free
-Get number of resumes from the candidates interested in your job offers thanks to the agreements between Osclass and major job websites worldwide for free.
-Communicate with your potential employees, rate their resumes, add notes, arrange meetings and job interviews, or simply discard them if they do not meet your requirements. Everything in the same place.
-Choose between 4 free themes (two of them are responsive) that we offer you, so you can express better the image you want to give to your job board.
-Receive email updates each time a new candidate applies for your job offer.
-Customize every detail of your job board: images, fonts, colours... No limit!
-Allow your users to apply with their Linkedin profile or by uploading their CV.
-Share all your jobs and job offers via social networks.
Category Widget
posted bybuffercodeinContent Management
Easy way to display the number of post in that particular category by selecting from admin dashboard widget.
Through this plugin user can,
• Add the custom text as a title to display
• Able to select the specific category, so that that category post title will be displayed in webpage.
• Able to select the number of post title can be display in the webpage, ranges from 1 to 10.
• Show/Hide Bullet style
Multi-Layers Popups - Premium WordPress Plugin
posted byhalfdatainContent Management
With Multi-Layers Popups plugin you can realize your imagination and make unique multi-layers popup windows. You can create multiple layers with whatever-you-want content and add custom transitions/animations for each layer. You can embed AJAX-ed subscription form which works with popular autoresponders (MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, iContact, Campaign Monitor) and collect users' names and e-mails. You can raise popup window on page load or show it on click event. You can make your website more attractive and pay users attention to certain stuff.
PriceUSD 16.00
Article Difficulty Level
posted bybuffercodeinContent Management
Through this plugin, user can able to select the post difficulty level in admin dash board post area for each post.
1. User can add custom name for displaying the rating
2. User can select to display the rating in above or below the post
3. User can change the star color
4. User can select upto 5 different size of stars
5. Default message for the post where rating not selected
6. User can select where to show the difficulty level either in post or home or both.
7. Users can view the Difficulty level in Admin dashboard post list
Frontend Text Customizer - Wordpress Visual Editor
posted bygoldtigerinContent Management
With the Frontend Text Customizer Toolbar, you can customize any text on your Wordpress website including menu-, template or any plugin elements. The toolbar provide the most important functions to add your custom style. Easy to set the font-color with the RGB HTML5 color picker, the font size with a user-friendly jQuery slider, select the font family from over 650 font styles and you make the text to bold, italic or underlined.
PriceUSD 18.00
WP News Aggregator
posted bymakemeabloggerinContent Management
Add a news aggregator to your WordPress site or start a news aggregator from scratch.
News articles are crawled from the sources you specify and there’s no limit to how many sources you can crawl.
Simply define keywords to create an entire category of news.
Related news is displayed with each article, so users can get more of the story, from a variety of news sources.
PriceUSD 97.00
WP Ultimate CSV Importer Free Plugin
posted bysmackcodersinContent Management
WP Ultimate CSV Importer Plugin helps you to import any CSV file as post, page or even as custom post type. Convert your offline database maintained for years into your valuable website content. Also do periodical content changes, maintenance, content update, prices, offers, coupons and inventory etc.This simple but ultimate plugin as you can import everything needed to create as any WP post types from admin as simple as CSV file. Just in few clicks to map your CSV data set to match the WordPress fields to import. Thats all, now your imports are turned as WordPress site content in matter of seconds. You can import all the essential data as WordPress post and skip unwanted things. Provided you should have a theme that supports custom fields. So you can now make use of your offline data, inventory, price catalog, information data, database and any other excel data sheet for online content distribution to your valuable visitor or customers.
Columns Creator Pack Premium WP Plugin
posted bythescripinContent Management
This plugin creates content that can be ordered and inserted in any page / post through their shortcodes. Themeforest have themes whose content are built for that specific theme, with this plugin you can extend those themes without you inserting html codes on wordpress editor. It was created to allow easy content creation and ordering though theme columns / blocks, and each column / block can have their specific editor. If need each column/block can have their specific javascript or css code.
Order content
Organized content and quickly created
Javascript Editor
Cascade Stylesheet Editor
HTML Editor
Visual Editor
4 Shortcodes
Works on any theme
Content Builder
Produces Valid HTML codes
For beginners and advanced users
Easy to use and create
Can be used to insert css to the meta head on your theme and javascript
PriceUSD 14.00
Wordpress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro
posted bysmackcodersinContent Management
WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro Plugin is a simple all in one but powerful importer plugin to meet all your needs. There are currently 10 modules that helps to import any thing in bulk to your wordpress site. You can import posts, pages, custom post types, users with their roles, categories, nested categories, tags, custom taxonomies, wp commerce and eshop products. Importing in ultimate csv pro is very simple and easy by mapping your csv headers to relevant wp fields. That's it, the importer will import all your data under csv headers to relevant fields one after other. Just a little work to format or alter your csv file as prescribed in the guide. Also the pro importer supports many advanced features like nested categories etc. For complete features list please check our demo and PDF manual.
Posts and Pages Module, Custom posts, Category / Nested category, Tags, users with their roles, custom taxonomies, wp commerce and eshop products.
PriceUSD 149.99
WordPress FAQ plugin
posted byJohnDeviseinContent Management
WordPress FAQ plugin created for managing FAQ section on your website . That will help to your visitors to get answers to their questions . This plugin have a great design and user friendly admin interface . You can manage what you need without any problem .
You can use you existing categories for your FAQ plugin . There is custom search function in FAQ section .
PriceUSD 19.99
Smart Links by Allembru
posted bysrblairinContent Management
Just install the Smart Links by Allembru Wordpress plugin, add your links to the plugin, and it will do the rest. Smart Links can also display additional information when a user hovers over a Smart Link with our new Advanced Tooltips. This optional feature allows you to assign a title, description, and even a small image to be displayed in a sleek Advanced Tooltip.
Namaste! LMS
posted byvoyo1979inContent Management
Namaste! LMS is a free learning management system for Wordpress. Supports unlimited number of courses, lessons, assignments, students. You can define various rules for lesson and course completeness. Admin can accept/reject homeworks, add notes, and more.