Image Gallery Bridges
xTechnos Content Slider
posted byzagham.naseeminImage Gallery Bridges
xTechnos Content Slider is jFlow base slider. You can add both images and content in the slider, to make it easy a seprate post type is created. Use following code in any php file (of the theme) to install xTechnos Content Slider: $xtn_custom_content = new xtncustom_content(); $xtn_custom_content->my_content_slider();
posted byhseditorinImage Gallery Bridges
WP-Gallery-Remote includes albums and images from any Gallery installation using Gallery's Gallery Remote Protocol. Images are display as thumbnails in you posts and pages. Thereby you can choose between a plain output of the thumbnails and a CSS and Javascript based carousel mode. Have a look at the screenshots to see how that looks like. If the Lightbox Plugin is available and activated, clicking on a thumbnail opens the respective image using the lightbox effect. If the plugin is not available or activated, the image is shown in a new browser window.