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Wordpress Site Search Plugins

Results 1-5 of 5
Profi Search Form
ProfiSearchForm enables you to easily create a unique search filter for your WordPress application. You can use your Custom Fields and Taxonomies to create selectboxes, check- and radioboxes, rangesliders, inputfields. You can create a fulltext search which actually highlights matching phrases and with it is possible to create outstanding search result listings with all the information, your visitor needs. What is a search for products of a specific price range without showing the price, right? You can include the search as widget or shortcode and it is completly AJAX driven. You can add conditional fields. Lets say, you can search for hotels and restaurants, if your visitor selects restaurants, you want to show him additional possibilites like Chinese, French etc. With the conditional fields, you have the ability to do so. You can also add a Google Map. Your visitor can drag and drop a rectangle and will only get blogposts within the specific Latitude and Longitude!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Google Custom Search Plugin
The default search engine that ships with WordPress is not the best search engine and bloggers every where should make the switch to WordPress Google Custom Search plugin. This plugin is a drop in replacement and works with minimum hassle. See a working Demo.
(0 ratings)
Search Unleashed
Search Unleashed extends the standard WordPress search with customisable search engines, including MySQL’s full text and Zend’s Lucene, as well as word highlighting and the ability to search across posts, pages, comments, titles, URLs, and meta-data. The plugin also ensures that a search is performed against what a web browser sees, not what is contained within the database. For example, a lot of plugins will insert data into posts using shortcodes. Because this data is inserted run-time it is not included in any search results – the data is invisible.
(0 ratings)
Dave's WordPress Live Search
Dave's WordPress Live Search adds "live search" functionality to your WordPress site. As visitors type words into your WordPress site's search box, the plugin continually queries WordPress, looking for search results that match what the user has typed so far.
(0 ratings)
Search Everything
Search Everything increases the ability of the default WordPress Search, options included: Search Highlighting Search Every Page Search Every Tag Search Custom Taxonomies ( new ) Search Every Category Search non-password protected pages only Search Every Comment
(0 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5