EP-Dev Whois
This whois script will act as an ordinary whois script, returning whois information natively on about 200 different extensions with the ability to add more. It also acts as a whois script for registrars who can pass available domains into a billing system for customers to order. These two modes contain a multitude of features: price table, automatic alternative domain searches, ability to pass the full domain and/or extension (tld) to another script, backup nameservers, domain search logging, multiple extension (tld) and domain searches at one time, query limit bypass, custom keyword and query formats for each nameserver, enable/disable nameservers and/or extensions, custom currency support, Internationalized Domains (IDN) support, contact querying support, image verification, whois protection, query caching, and much more. All of the configuration can be edited from within control panel. Template driven and easy for one to edit almost every element of the display to fit any website.
cWhois is a PHP script that can check the availability of a domain name and if required retrieve the registration details. cWhois works with over 800 domain extensions such as .com, .co.uk, .ro, .name, .de etc. Supports IDN and DAS required by some whois servers. The script can be used as a PHP function or with the supplied form handler and example pages. For a limited time you will also receive cWhois Domain Cart free if you purchase cWhois.
PriceUSD 29.95
domain class
posted bysven.wagenerinWhois
This class checks the availability of a domain, gets the whois data and more. Supports a variety of tlds.
phpWhoiz0r is a php script that makes a network connection to network solutions to request whois information. It is exreamly easy to setup and will work on any platform.