Scripts & Applications
posted byJacobFinScripts & Applications
Lightweight shoutbox backend using jQyery, PHP, and SQLite.
Instead of a complete drop-in shoutbox, Shoutlings lets you turn any div on your site into a shoutbox!
posted bymy_mudspringinScripts & Applications
echPCBuilder is an AJAX(Javascript+XML) PC builder/configurator having the following features:
* Lists components under matching categories
* Automatically filters for compatible components based on selection
* Increase or decrease the quantity of certain components
* Lists the available ports, slots & connectors
* Could give a warning if the component to be added is incompatible to the current build
* Build price is updated dynamically
* Displays the potential look of the PC build as soon as the right components are selected
* Almost everything is handled by CSS classes so you're only limited by your imagination on how it is presented
PriceUSD 50.00
jQuery AJAX Chat Script
posted byninjaofwebinScripts & Applications
Do you need a jQuery chat on your website like you see on Facebook and Gmail? You're in the right place!
This powerful, ready-to-use AJAX chat is easy to insert and adjust!
PriceUSD 39.00
Google+ Activity Widget
posted bymike-moreinScripts & Applications
As Google+ API was just released a couple days ago, it is time to have a posts widget for it. So, this widget was created to display your Google+ profile and slides down your recent posts with any attached images. You can use the widget to display the posts of your Google+ Brand Page too.
CMS Blog with Ajax - jQuery
posted byMarPloinScripts & Applications
MarPlo CMS Blog is a Blogging tool for Simple Blog pages, created with PHP, MySQL (using OOP technology, and PDO), HTML5, and JavaScript (Ajax - jQuery). Accesible from desktop browsers, and Mobile devices.
The page context, and menu are loaded with Ajax. The content is stored in MySQL tables, also in cache files on server. The last 5 pages that the user accesses are stored in memory with JavaScript; if the user accesses again those pages (before closing the window) the content is instantly displayed, without request to server.
Light, and easy to administrate, to Add, Modify, Delete Categories and Articles.
Ajax Upload
posted byhseditorinScripts & Applications
This plugin uses XHR for uploading multiple files with progress-bar in FF3.6+, Safari4+, Chrome and falls back to hidden iframe based upload in other browsers, providing good user experience everywhere.
Multiple Select Dropdown List with AJAX
posted byMarPloinScripts & Applications
An AJAX script that can be used te create dynamically multiple Select lists with data from a MySQL table.
When the user chooses an option from the Select list, it calls an Ajax function that acceses a PHP file that will return another select Drop down according to the option selected.
Multiple upload files
posted byMarPloinScripts & Applications
An Ajax script (with PHP and JavaScript) that can be used to upload multiple files in the same time, by adding multiple uploading boxes in the form.
This script can be included and used in both HTML and PHP files
SplineTech AJAX Combo Table Control
posted byinfoinScripts & Applications
SplineTech AJAX Combo Table Control is a multiple field database search ajax drop-down table control (combobox)
PriceUSD 70.00
Ajax AutoSuggest
posted byScriptDirinScripts & Applications
suggestion box that would list out all related search entries. User can choose from suggestion list using keyboard or mouse.
AJAX AutoSuggest is built using:
The plugin offers variety of features that could help the web developers in enhancing their websites.
PriceUSD 4.00
Ajax calendar class
posted byar2rsawseeninScripts & Applications
This class can be used to display month calendars browseable using AJAX.
It can generate HTML and JavaScript to display a month calendar with links to browse the months using AJAX to avoid page reloading.
The class can make given days be displayed as links to event pages. The browsing may be restricted to given dates. The months and week day names are customizable. The presentation details may be customized using CSS.
ajax image uploader
posted byfcharruainScripts & Applications
This web application allows the uploading and deletion of images from a page without having to refresh it. It makes use of a hidden iframe in order to emulate AJAX behavior.
Ajax Shoutbox 1
posted byScriptDirinScripts & Applications
People can express opinions, chat and give you feedback about your website. This shoutbox uses AJAX so that people don’t have to refresh your page to view the messages. However, people who have javascript disabled can also post and read through the shoutbox. Excellent feature for your website to make it more dynamic and user-friendly.
PriceUSD 6.00
Easy Basket
posted byeasybasketinScripts & Applications
Easy Basket is a very original shopping cart application which enables us to sell items inside any web page without any big code/structure updates.
Once installed, the products and basket can be inserted into any part your web page where they will start functioning instantly.
When an item is added to the basket, a sliding + Ajaxed basket can appear to to show the total price and display the checkout options. Also, you can drag 'n' drop a product into the shopping cart as well.
Comment System + Reviews Bubble
posted byyosmanyinScripts & Applications
The product Comment System + Reviews Bubble features an ajax based comment system plus comment counters for page links. While the Comment System allows to publish and moderate the comments, the Reviews Bubble helps to insert links to the comment pages through the website with an indication of the number of comments on each page. The product is a Dreamweaver extension, this way you will find easier to install and use it.
PriceUSD 36.00
posted bydavedansoninScripts & Applications
Display of data through DataTable facilitates data management: - The rows can be ordered by clicking on the header of the column that you wish to order by. - You can set your own table size: set width, height, or both. If you set the size, scrolling bars will be shown when the amount of data requires it. - For tables with a high number of rows: Rows can be separated in pages, thus allowing to move between pages; you can also change the amount of rows per page; - Each row in the table will show a column defined by user - either Delete the row, or Edit it. Packaged into a Dreamweaver extension. No hand coding needed.
PriceUSD 29.99
ajax agenda calendar
posted byfcharruainScripts & Applications
This little web application uses JavaScript DOM programming and AJAX to display a simple agenda on a web page. The date on the calendar can be changed, and all entries can be fetched and saved without refreshing the page. The look of the agenda calendar is managed using configurable inline CSS.
Website Picture Gallery
posted byMoonbeamDevelopmentinScripts & Applications
The Website Picture Gallery is an advanced picture gallery, made simple!
You simply install into your website, configure it to your needs, and with little to no programming knowledge you can have an advanced AJAX based image gallery on your website that is easy to maintain and database driven so you can have multiple categories and as many galleries as you wish.
If you are looking for a powerful and professional web gallery solution, Website Picture Gallery is a perfect product for you. It contains all of the important features you need. We would be glad to help you to customize the Gallery to suit your specific needs. Save time and money, why spend thousands of man-hours if we have done it for you?
PriceUSD 99.00
Ajaxel CMS - for all kind of online projects!
posted byajaxelinScripts & Applications
Ajaxel - (AJAX element) is the fast and convenient desktop user friendly CMS. With this CMS you will be able to create website, CRM, intranet or another big or small online project. Why is it so good? The answer lies in a rapid change in the site through the windows desktop, double click on the shortcut menu and enable the web master to add or edit content quickly and conveniently. Contains a lot of modules and convenient structure, user-friendly links, not only looks beautiful on the outside but inside that makes the system pleasant for programmers.
PriceEUR 25.00
iPhorm - Powerful Ajax contact form
posted byTyco99inScripts & Applications
iPhorm is a simple yet powerful ajax contact form that you can easily embed into any web page in a matter of minutes. If you need a simple contact form to put on your website iPhorm is sure to suit your requirements. It does everything without reloading the page which makes for a sleek user experience that is sure to make a positive impression when your visitors contact you.
PriceUSD 6.00