Tutorials, Training & Tips
InfiView Review
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
InfiView is one of the Ajax based application offering a highly interactive platform for building maps or charts. The output made with this application could either be presented with the same application or could be integrated in a website. InfiView is another application built by Bindows � one of the world�s leaders in the development of Ajax based applications for enterprises and business. Instead of developing codes, Bindows is more known to develop Ajax based GUIs which is literally a challenging feat for any Ajax based developers. With Bindows you are literally developing an application that does not need any downloads at all.
jQuery Reference Guide Review
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
Among the JavaScript library released, few have been recognized to be as effective as jQuery. This lightweight library has been the subject of different discussions since it was launched in 2006. Basically, jQuery has the ability to flawlessly string together JavaScript together with HTML. Because of its effectiveness, there have different types of lightweight applications and plug-ins launched using jQuery. Ajax based websites that offers simple interface would virtually work together using jQuery�s simple interface. Because of language�s popularity several books have been published to cater to the need of the increasing popularity of the program. Even though the library is relatively young, the response is almost overwhelming. Budding developers looking for information online might end up reading a highly complex article that it almost confuses the developer where to start and where to end.
NetBiscuits Integrates Flash and Ajax
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
NetBiscuits is one of the known developers in mobile technology. Based in Germany, this development company has made a mark in mobile development because of their platforms that enable developers build their applications. From downloads to online applications for mobile phones, NetBiscuits were able to integrate commercial use of their applications with service. By injecting advertisements in the users� mobile phones whenever they use their services, NetBiscuits and the developer�s applications have advertisements wherein they could easy earn money through that scheme. Other�s have built an online store using NetBiscuits and have earned considerable success through mobile download stores.
FJAX The Flash Based Ajax
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
AHAX, an HTML version of Ajax provides almost the same functionality however, does not have the really cool features of JavaScript. It goes to use HTML so that it could render XML in the webpage. It is really simple and looked better compared to simple HTML but I think it defeats the purpose of being a great alternate to Ajax since it does not offer the exact RIA that we are looking for in Ajax. Now another alternate to Ajax is steadily getting a buzz. I checked them out and it is pretty impressive when you take a look at their example. Although I have only seen the theoretical side of this programming technique, it looks very promising. FJAX stands for Flash JavaScript and XML and although it replaces the A for Asynchronous, it still offers the same behavior you would expect from an Ajax based website.
HIJAX - Simplified Ajax
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
At first glance, Ajax is definitely one of the most complicated web techniques out there. The combination of JavaScript, XML and HTML might be just too much for budding developers, literally requiring months of development for a simple Ajax application. Because of its complication, developers have been backing out from Ajax and looking for some alternatives. Fortunately, alternates have come out. One of them is AHAH wherein an HTML version of Ajax is proposed. AHAH has almost the same output but with simpler coding. Another version called FJAX has been circling around the web as it uses Flash to transfer XML files faster with efficient cross browser capabilities.
Preventing Improper Authorization in Ajax
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
In a simple HTML website, developers will always have the luxury of keeping sensitive information to themselves. When you log in to the admin page of the website, the information that you see is solely for those who have proper authorization. Without username and password, hackers will have a really hard time figuring out how to access the information based on what they can extract from the webpage. On the other hand, an Ajax based website does not have the same luxury. When an Ajax
JavaScript PHP Remote Method Library
posted byonesandzerosinTutorials, Training & Tips
This PHP5 class allows your Prototype JavaScript AJAX applications to natively call PHP methods and get data back as if the methods were written in JavaScript. I modeled this somewhat after AMFPHP for Flash remoting. I wanted to be able to simply write methods in a PHP class and then call them in JavaScript and not write any more code than that. This pretty much does that. You can see it in action at my website: http://onesandzeros.biz/j sphpremoting/
Microsoft Ajax Repeater Control
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
Apart from being used in complicated RIAs with colorful interfaces, Ajax is also used for a more practical use such as data control and interaction. There are functions that any developer could use to display data in an Ajax way which does not only look good but has efficient functions which could not be seen in HTML based sites.
Enhancing JSON Security
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
More and more Ajax developers are choosing JSON for their data transfer instead of XML. Although XML has been the pillar of Ajax (X is for XML), JSON has become the choice of most developers because it was particularly built for JavaScript. Compared to XML, JSON is lighter and will work faster compared to XML. This lightweight function enables Ajax based websites and applications to run faster. The reason why JSON is very efficient in data transmission is its ability to function in itself. By this function we mean that JSON has the ability to �EXECUTE� without the aid of other functions. XML is only a format which will be used to transmit data and files, but JSON is very effective in terms self execution.
Using Compressor to Load Ajax Faster
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
One of the biggest challenges of any developer is to enable the webpage to all visitors as fast as possible. Unfortunately, our knowledge always precedes our available technology. Although we can create very interactive websites with the ability to watch videos while having to look for information on the webpage itself, it requires advanced technologies that every one cannot afford. Until today, there are still people who rely on dial-up so that they can access the net. Most of today�s websites are optimized for broadband speed but the broadband speed still needs some work so that people can access the website faster. Although Ajax already uses lesser bandwidth, the fact that we can even make it faster opens up so many possibilities in web development and more information for users.
JPSpan A Smarter Way of Using PHP in Ajax
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
Thanks to open-source, One can have practically everything for free in a computer. Although some advises against this because of possible viruses and spywares, you just have to look for a trusted source while sticking to your firewalls and anti-viruses to ensure you have a good program.
In my opinion, open-source (free) frameworks are one of the best ways to revolutionize web and applications development. Think about it: there are thousands or even millions of developers in the world and only a handful of them could actually have their hands on licensed frameworks. Without the open-source frameworks, they cannot possibly build better application and would have to stick to very traditional programs. Consumers will also have to wait and pay for things they might not use at all.
AJAX and the Back Button Problem
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
If you are starting out in your first Ajax based program, one of the biggest challenges that you have to face is to let your users remember not to hit the back button. Most of the time, Ajax based programs does not like the back button. Unfortunately, Ajax does not have that functionality in bookmarking the previous page so that it could be reloaded anytime. With this development or some call it a disability; it is quite clear that today�s browsers were built without thinking
posted byJohn_JacobinTutorials, Training & Tips
One of the best thing about the hype created by AJAX was the reaction of other developers. Of course, there are individuals they are willing to build an alternative for every hype which is usually considered as a rip-off of the original hyped programming. Such programs frequently fail even before it gets started. For example, just look at different web-based office applications since zoho.com made a mark. Though lots of alternatives are available, almost none came even close.
Beginning Ajax and ASP.NET 3.5
posted byDotnetindex.cominTutorials, Training & Tips
Ajax is a great helper to us while developing rapid applications without worrying us at power of asynchronous. In Visual Web Developer 2008 comes with built in Atlas and ASP.NET3.5 . In this tutorial, I try to show you what's ajax and database querying at same time. Now let's build our scene. Open an empty web site and dop a ScriptManager and UpdatePanel from Ajax Extensions tab. Close the tab and open standard controls and drop one textbox and one button. Place a label inside ajax control and one more outside of UpDatePanel. The second label will display that we are using Ajax and page is not posting back. I will add some hard codes and I have put s SqlDataSource and a GridView. Complete code is included
Ajax PHP tutorial
posted byphpf1inTutorials, Training & Tips
In this article I will try to summarize the basics of Ajax and PHP communication. At the and you can find a full working Ajax - PHP example.
Fetching additional content when end of page is reached
posted bybaglaninTutorials, Training & Tips
At times, pagination does not convey any meaning - say when you have a essentially endless list of articles from various RSS feeds. One solution is to load all the articles - that's out of question when there are more than a handful; the web 2.0 way is to load additional content when reader is at the end of content.
Delayed content loading
posted bybaglaninTutorials, Training & Tips
Additional content, or decorations, can be loaded after the basic content is displayed by "including" an external file with an AJAX call.
AJAX sorting with Script.aculo.us
posted bybaglaninTutorials, Training & Tips
Script.aculo.us lets create sortable lists which can be synchronized with the back-end with AJAX.
Getting User IP with Ajax (Javascript/PHP)
posted bybasisbyteinTutorials, Training & Tips
A small tutorial where I describe how to get a Userip with Ajax and making it afterwards available as javascript var. I describe two ways - in a pure php site and how to do it in a htm or html site (with Ajax). Perhaps it may help you, as I see it very often that people have problems with this issue.
Using AJAX to Post Form Data
posted bysuper3boyinTutorials, Training & Tips
JAX, short for asynchronous javascript and XML, is one of the "in" web technologies at the moment. Although it is currently being utilized in a wide variety of ways, it's original intended method was simply sending data and retrieving responses without waiting for a page to reload. We're going to take a step back to the time where that was all it was used for.
To start off, we're going to write our PHP script that we are POSTing to. We're just going to have it echo our name back to us. Simple, but we've gotta start somewhere!