Tutorials, Training & Tips
AJAX-loaded pages
posted bysuper3boyinTutorials, Training & Tips
In javascript we declare variables by using the var keyword. Translation: when we want to tell javascript that we want to make a variable, we have to use the word var. It�s a special word that javascript recognizes.
But what is a variable? Something that holds a value that can change. For example, in math, �x� can be �blue"...
How to implement COMET with PHP
posted bykerphiinTutorials, Training & Tips
Comet is a programming technique that enables web servers to send data to the client without having any need for the client to request it. This technique will produce more responsive applications than classic AJAX. In classic AJAX applications, web browser (client) cannot be notified in real time that the server data model has changed. The user must create a request (for example by clicking on a link) or a periodic AJAX request must happen in order to get new data from the server.
I will explain in this document how to implement a simple Comet application with PHP programming language.
You First AJAX Application
posted bysimac111inTutorials, Training & Tips
This is a simple tutorial that will teach you the basics of AJAX. There are step by step instructions written to assist you on your first application. You will also find the source code and a demo for the application.
Explanation of Javascript/AJAX
posted bystuff4webinTutorials, Training & Tips
This in-depth article explains exactly what Javascript and AJAX actually are.
Testing for Security in the Age of Ajax Programming
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Ajax programming is one of the most exciting new technologies in recent history. Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) allows a web page to refresh a small portion of its data from a web server, rather than being forced to reload and redraw the entire page as in traditional web programming. Since they can make frequent, small updates, web applications written with Ajax programming can present user interfaces that are more like desktop applications, which are more natural and intuitive
Errors That Developers Make With Ajax
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Errors That Developers Make With Ajax Basic Things That Developers Must Avoid While Ajax has been the subject of hype for its ability to make web applications much more interactive, with power comes responsibility, and Ajax can be dangerous in the hands of developers who do not know how to use it properly. While Ajax has a great deal of potential, it is far from being perfect. There are a number of UI problems
Ajax at a Glance
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Ajax at a Glance Introduction Ajax is a system that is comprised of a number of different technologies, and some of these include DOM, HTML, JavaScript, and DHTML. These technologies together are used to create an approach that will allow users to transform static web interfaces into those which are highly interactive. To fully understand the power of Ajax, you must be able to first understand how these various technology
The Capabilities of Ajax
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
The Capabilities of Ajax The Importance of Ajax on The Java Platform If you have used Flickr or Gmail, you should be well aware of the fact that new web applications are becoming prevalent on the web. Many of these applications are prominently seen in programs like Flickr, and you are probably wandering what makes them distinct from traditional web applications. The primary difference between traditional web application
How To Pick an Ajax Framework
posted byjkolarovinTutorials, Training & Tips
In the last year, nearly 500 Ajax frameworks have been created. Picking the proper framework is extremely important, because it will determine the success of the features, maintenance, and development time for your project. There are a number of questions you will want to ask yourself when it comes to choosing the proper framework. If you are looking for a list of the available frameworks, some of the best places to start would be Wikipedia, as well as the Ajax Projects. As far as questions are concerned, will the server be independent? Frameworks which use independent servers will help out with mashing up server systems.
How To Use Remote Scripting With Ajax
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
How To Use Remote Scripting With Ajax Implementing the Protocol Remote scripting is a technique that permits JavaScript to make a request for data via a server without needing to refresh the web page. This basic definition describes everything you need to know about remote scripting. The other factors which go into creating a streamlined web application will draw on the standard methods of altering the DOM, or Docum
Ajax and JavaScript
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Ajax is a combination of technologies that increase web page usability. It is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax performs its functions by encoding all requests between the server and the browser in the common programming language of JavaScript. Communication between server and browser in a standardized language like JavaScript and the Ajax XMLHttpRequest object allow for page updates to occur asynchronously through
Ajax Business Applications
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Ajax is a method for building highly efficient and interactive web sites. It stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Through a combination of technologies, Ajax makes it possible for most of the processing work for web page interaction to take place between the server and the browser, not requiring the user to wait for the entire page to re-load each time a request is processed. Ajax applications offer a layer of communication between
Ajax vs Flash
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Adobe�s Flash/Flex and vendor-independent Ajax are both used to design dynamic and interactive web applications. Both allow for interface animation and are platform independent meaning content will appear the same across platforms. There are many similarities and Flash/Flex is often used as a partial substitution for Ajax interface technologies. However, there are significant differences as well. For example, Flash
Google and Ajax
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction In a recent article, reporter and web developer Sean Michael Kerner declared �The AJAX World Belongs to Google�. This article refers to the dominance of Ajax in Google�s web applications and how Google�s continued incorporation of Ajax techniques is bringing Ajax to the mainstream. Ajax is an acronym for �Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. By collaborating the functions of various pre-exist
Open Standards and Ajax
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Ajax is currently one of the major forces in web development. It�s an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It describes a set of technologies that work together with JavaScript to create more dynamic and interactive web applications. It is not a specific product, but its strategy is currently being incorporated in much product development. Through Ajax, web applications behave more like desktop applications,
Ajax Disadvantages
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Ajax is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It incorporates a suite of technologies aimed at improving user experience with web pages. It also allows programs written in different programming languages on different browsers to communicate with each other. Translation, communication and function between web applications happens remotely and, ideally, instantaneously. Another primary aim of Ajax is to reduce user delay
History of Ajax Components
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Ajax is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. However, rather than functioning as an acronym it better describes a technique for producing faster, more interactive, and usable web pages that don�t require re-loading every time a user changes a request. This is accomplished by increasing web page responsive-ness through the exchange of small pieces of data by an invisible server. The prerequisites of Ajax are a collaboration
Ajax Frameworks
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction Ajax frameworks support Ajax technologies to build dynamic, client-side web sites. On dynamic web pages, users can make requests of a database contained on a server. Within an Ajax framework the data is sent to or read by the server through the use of JavaScript. This allows users to make specific requests that are processed and implemented using dynamic factors like specific user input, time of day or search history to determine the content
Ajax Advantages
posted bysanereddyinTutorials, Training & Tips
Introduction One of the major concerns of information technology (IT) in the present historical moment is making the Web and web applications as efficient as possible. This insures a business� competitive edge in this era where operating systems and applications are increasingly accessed and/or stored on the Internet. Web applications that can function on a variety of platforms or in a variety of contexts have been difficult to attain.
Create a searchable Google map
posted byjkolarovinTutorials, Training & Tips
The GSmapSearchControl Solution is a simple to use application of the Google AJAX Search API that is designed to let you easily add a searchable map to your pages, sites and blogs. The rest of this page discusses this topic in detail - but if you just want to cut and paste some code, the �hello world� of the Map Search Control solution is available at the end of this article.