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Tutorials & Tips

Results 281-300 of 654
Tracking and Displaying Real-time Visitor Time Zones in a Chart
Part 4 of a Multipart Series - In this tutorial we will learn how to add real-time visitor time zones tracking to our website. We will also create two (2) time zone charts for our website which will allow us to view where all of our visitors have mostly come from, and also to see in real-time, current active users' time zones. Click the link to see the sample charts and images.
(0 ratings)
Data Source Controls in ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorial introduces a number of new Web controls designed for accessing and modifying data in ASP.NET 2.0. You can perform all common database related tasks like displaying, editing and updating the data with minimum effort. ASP.NET 2.0 has got some smart and intelligent new data source controls which can even manipulate specialized data sources like XML files.
(0 ratings)
About GridView Control
In ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft has introduced GridView control which displays tabular data in a grid. With GridView control, you can display, edit, and delete data directly from different kinds of data sources with out writing any single piece of code. This tutorial explains how GridView makes the life of the developer easier by providing all DataGrid functionalities inbuilt including paging, sorting and selecting.
(6 ratings)
Client Side Script Debugging in ASP.NET
Tutorial explains how to use Client Side Debugger, to simplify the debugging process of javascript code in ASP.NET web application. Every one of us is well aware of problems posed when debugging client side script code. This article talks about various new techniques and troubleshooting tips that help debug client side script code efficiently in Visual studio 2005.
(0 ratings)
Cross Page posting in ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorial explains how to post data between web forms, using new Cross Page posting functionality. Keeping in view limitations in ASP.NET 1.x, Microsoft has reinstated Cross Page posting feature in ASP.NET 2.0. Many of us might not be aware of Cross Page posting feature in classic ASP.
(0 ratings)
Generating Excel Report in ASP.NET 2.0
Explains how ASP.NET web application can interact with Excel files, both reading and writing. Excel is such a powerful tool that many companies make extensive use of it for analyzing data.
(9 ratings)
Introduction to AJAX and Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Framework
Explains how to use AJAX to make more dynamic and responsive ASP.NET Web applications, which ultimately results in rich user experience. AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML is a group of technologies like Java Script, XML, CSS, DOM, HTML and DHTML.
(0 ratings)
Web Site Navigation in ASP.NET 2.0
Explains how to give consistent ways for the users to navigate the website. Web applications that you develop will have multiple pages interconnected with each other in some fashion. You need to have a navigation system in place which can help the end user to successfully work through your application.
(0 ratings)
Creating Line, Bar, and Area Charts with ASP.NET
Part 3 of a Multipart Series - In this tutorial we will learn how to create line, bar, and area PNG charts on the fly and incorporate them in our website statistics application. Specifically, we will create area charts of daily visits and page views for the last 12 months, and display them in the reports section of our application. Again, all code has been explained in detail, and is available for download.
(3 ratings)
Creating Windows Services in .NET
This article will guide you on creating a simple WindowsService. WindowsServices are applications that can be automatically started when the operating system boots. They can run without having an interactive user logged on the system. You can configure a Windows Service to be run from a specially configured user account or from the system user account.
(0 ratings)
Improve your ASP.NET Site performance with Caching
Caching is the process of storing frequently used data on the server to fulfill subsequent requests.You will discover that grabbing data or objects from memory is much faster than recreating the web pages or items contained in them from scratch. A Proper use and fine tune of caching approach of caching will result on better performance and scalability of your site. However improper use of caching will actually slow down and consume lots of your server performance and memory usage. Good candidate to use caching is if you have infrequent chance of data or static content of web page.
(0 ratings)
Delegates and Events in C#
What makes them special is that unlike the C function pointer, the .NET delegate is type safe. Delegates exists for situations in which you want to pass methods arounds to other methods. Using a delegate allows the programmer to encapsulate a reference to a method inside a delegate object. As a .NET developer you will be using delegates and events extensively, especially when developing the Windows Forms applications.
(0 ratings)
Security Features in ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorial covers number of new features and tools to secure ASP.NET applications. The authentication and authorization of users and resistance against the malicious attacks are important tasks in web applications.
(0 ratings)
Visitor Informations From Request.ServerVariables Collection
Tutorial explains few methods to know more informations about your web site visitors. The ServerVariables collection retrieves the values of predetermined environment variables and request header information. If you've ever wondered how to get your website visitor's name, or their IP address, or the referrer address, then look no more. Request.ServerVariables is almost all you need.
(0 ratings)
Basics of .NET remoting
This article will explores about .NET remoting. .NET remoting is a technology that allows you to invoke or accessing objects on remote server. For those who are familiar with Java technology, it is called RMI (Remote Method Invocation) in java world. .NET remoting supports accessing your objects by using HTTP,TCP and IPC channels. Similar with Web Services, .NET remoting also support calling your objects via HTTP protocol. However Web Services provide platform independence and you also get loose coupling between your client server objects which means that easier to deal with versioning issues. Unlike Web Services, .NET remoting requires both of your client and server objects running on the same .NET Framework version. and it has a tight coupling between client and server because the same object types are shared.
(3 ratings)
CAPTCHA - prevent bots and automatic submissions in ASP.NET
In this article I will explain the use of CAPTCHA and provide a sample class that you can use in your projects. So, what is CAPTCHA? Standing for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart", A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that most humans can pass, but current computer programs can't pass.
(0 ratings)
How to use TreeView control in ASP.NET 2.0
ASP.Net 2.0 introduces many new controls including a TreeView Control, which can be used to consume information from hierarchical data sources like an XML file and then display that information. In this tutorial, I am going to statically data bind the TreeView control with the contents of an XML file.
(6 ratings)
File Upload & Compression in ASP.Net
This article will show you how to upload a file to the web server and compress it using the compression methods provided in .Net. I will use the open source compression method to compress to a .gz file. The method is available in System.IO.Compression.
(0 ratings)
E-Mail in ASP.NET
In this article we will explore three different and important e-mailing techniques; to send a simple text e-mail, to send HTML content via e-mail, and to send attachments in ASP.NET Web Application.
(3 ratings)
Using NHibernate and Log4Net in ASP.NET 2.0 applications
Hibernate and Log4J are a de-facto standard of ORM (Object-relational mapping) and logging (respectively) in Java world. That's why both were ported to .NET runtime environment. NHibernate is ORM solution and is intended for transparent binding .NET classes to database tables. Log4Net is logging framework which is useful for tracking errors in application and can write logs either to database table or flat files.
(0 ratings)
Results 281-300 of 654