Tutorials & Tips
.NET Compact Framework Distributed Weight Slider Control
posted byinfoinTutorials & Tips
The control offers a very user friendly mobile device experience in that it allows the user to use their stylus / mouse to adjust the weight for a given decision criteria instead of typing the numbers.
XmlSerializer to Serialize .NET Class to Xml
posted byinfoinTutorials & Tips
Learn how to serialize .NET classes to Xml at runtime using System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer. Then, use SQL Server's OPENXML functionality to bulk load hundreds of records across multiple tables in a single stored procedure call.
Validate using RequiredFieldValidator
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
In this tutorial you'll find out how to validate a TextBox and RadioButtonList control on a webform using RequiredFieldValidator, which will show a warning and stop the submission of the form if a required field has no value.
One Web.config For All Developers
posted byk_younginTutorials & Tips
Working on a multi-developer ASP.NET project while sharing one web.config can be time consuming and troublesome. Usually, each developer may have path and other settings specific to their development machine, such as Database connection strings, paths, e-mail addresses, etc. For example, each developer on a project may be running a database locally that the application relies on during development. Therefore, the connection string would be different for each developer.
Real World Best Practices for Handling Dates
posted byk_younginTutorials & Tips
Ideally, every application built would be designed with correct date handling techniques. In practice, applications are often built using ad hoc date formatting to match a corporate culture, the default format on a company�s server, or the favorite format of the lead developer. Also, many applications are not locale aware or were not designed to be deployed in an environment where locale issues were not considered important. Because of this it is extremely important to know the date formats in use for input and output when building applications that will integrate with other systems or databases and to handle these formats explicitly.
How to bind a DataGrid to an array
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
It simply shows how to bind a DataGrid to an array using C# code.
Using the DataList control
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
This tutorial covers the creation of a DataList control to retrieve records from a database. Also shows you how to make the DataList esthetic by changing its attributes.
Creating and using stored procedures
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
The tutorial shows you how to create stored procedures, after which you'll see how to use stored procedures in an ASP .NET web application.
Connecting to a SQL database from ASP .NET II
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
This is part II of the tutorial that teaches you how to connect to a SQL database from ASP .NET using SQL Authentication. This part shows you how to connect to the database using ASP .NET code and Visual Studio .NET's features.
Connecting to a SQL database from ASP .NET I
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
This is part I of the tutorial that teaches you how to connect to a SQL database from ASP .NET using SQL Authentication. This part shows you how to set up MSDE for Mixed Mode and how to use Web Data Administrator to create databases and users.
Performing custom validation
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
Demonstrates how to use custom validation on a form by checking to see if a string in a TextBox is not the same with a string from an array (or database), case in which it displays 'This name is already taken'.
Handling cookies in ASP .NET
posted byGeekpediainTutorials & Tips
How to create a cookie, how to get the value stored in a cookie, set the lifetime, path and domain for a cookie, edit a cookie, delete a cookie, remove subkeys from a cookie...
Creating Custom Configurations
posted bykarlinTutorials & Tips
ASP.Net's introduction of the web.config file went a long way to filling the configuration hole we had to deal with in classic ASP. We actually went from having very little (global.asa was the closest thing) to a well-structured, change on the fly XML file. For the most part, the web.config file does the trick fine. However there are some limitations and constraints with using it, which you are probably already aware of. What you might not know is how easy is it to surmount those issues by creating a far more flexible alternative.
Creating multilingual websites - Part 2
posted bykarlinTutorials & Tips
With a solid foundation created in Part 1, we now turn our attention to more advanced topics. We�ll use context rewriting for some professional looking and hassle free state-management, talk about good database design with respect to multilingual applications, and dive into more advanced Localized controls for ultimate flexibility and productivity.
Creating multilingual websites - Part 1
posted bykarlinTutorials & Tips
Extend the existing globalization capabilities of .Net to create flexible and powerful multilgual web sites. First create a custom ResourceManager and then create custom localized-capable server controls to easily deploy multilingual functionality.
Using and consuming Web Services with ASP .NET / C#
posted bybitzoneinTutorials & Tips
Shows and explains you how to make an ASP .NET Web Service, an ASP .NET Web Application and how to consume the Web Service with the ASP .NET Web Application.
ASP.NET Datagrid Web Server Control (KB100026)
posted byStephanBreninTutorials & Tips
This article walks you through the process of building a thin-client ASP.NET bug tracking application, with a Microsoft Access XP backend. It uses nearly every documented capability of the .NET datagrid web server control to allow you to select, edit, update, or delete any item listed in the datagrid. The Issue Tracker uses advanced features, such as reading values from lookup tables, and then conveniently providing these values to the user in Edit mode as dropdownlists. It also employs the IE Web Controls, including the Tab and MultiPane web controls, which allow you to display considerable user functionality on only one web page, yet without cluttering the user interface with confusing complexity. After working through this tutorial, you will have explored and applied all of the main functionalities of the ASP.NET DataGrid control. Happy Coding!
Creating Custom RSS Feeds � Part 1
posted byosamahinTutorials & Tips
This article explains how to use the .NET XmlTextWriter class to create a custom RSS feed. I have decided to write this article in 2 parts. In this part, I will focus on creating the RSS feed and how to consume it from an asp.net page. In part 2, I will focus on creating a dynamic RSS feed with ADO.NET.
Cookies in ASP.NET
posted byosamahinTutorials & Tips
We probably all remember how agonizing it is to create client-side cookies using JavaScript. HttpCookie class offers an easier way to accomplish the task and with minimal fuss. This article takes a close look at HttpCookie class and how to use it to store cookies on the client machine.
.NET Serial Port Communication
posted byprostoalexinTutorials & Tips
Microsoft's .NET Framework 1.1 does not provide proper utilities to communicate with the serial ports on a Windows machine. The RS232 library and this quick tutorial will have you talking to a COM port on your machine in no time.