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Results 1-14 of 14
Web Wiz NewsPad (Blogging and eNewsletter Plateform)
posted bybruceinBlog
Web Wiz NewsPad is a free advanced multi-functional Blogging Platform and eNewsletter software, with many advanced easy to use features. Web Wiz NewsPad is an easy to use Blogging Platform that can allow subscribers to receive eNewsletters or Blog Posts or Website Email Campaigns Simple online setup, unlimited Blog/Newsletter Category's, Templates, Personalised Newsletters, RSS Feeds, , WYSIWYG Editor, Import Tools, Upload and attach files/images to Blog Posts & Newsletters, Double Opt-in eNewsletter Subscriptions, Admin Email Notify of new subscribers and Blog Comments, batch send eNewsletters, extensive online Admin, integrates with Web Wiz Forums, + lots more. Access, SQL Server, mySQL versions.
(0 ratings)
RSS Reader for ASP
RSS Reader for ASP websites. Allows to insert a RSS reader in your website with the information provided from external RSS feeds. RSS Reader for ASP has Dreamweaver integration available, so you don't need coding skills to use it. The script is supported by all modern browsers.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
ASPired2Blog is a powerful Blog management tool. Create, edit, and manage your blog with ease. ASPired2Blog uses an Access database, style sheets, and a simple administration panel to create informative and easy2read blogs.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Movable Type API .NET Class Library
Movable Type Class Library (API) for Microsoft .NET web sites and applications (C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET). The Movable Type .NET Component provides an easy-to-use interface to the Movable Type API to download recent posts, fetch blog trackback information, fetch/update post categories and download blog category lists.
(0 ratings)
Blogger API ActiveX
This ActiveX component provides a powerful API for inserting, updating, deleting, and fetching blog posts from blogger.com. It also provides a general purpose Atom API for manipulating Atom feed documents.
(4 ratings)
BP Blog
posted bynamrehsinBlog
Features: - ASP 3.0 - HTML Editor with image/file upload - Only one line of code to change (the connection string to your Access database)! - Simple Gallery (requires ASP.NET for thumbnail creation)
(77 ratings)
posted bypeterinBlog
This ASP source code is capable of requesting an RSS file from a remote server (only HTTP) and parse the returned XML-file into easy to manage classes.
(6 ratings)
Matthew1471's BlogX
posted bymatthew1471inBlog
Based on Chirs Anderson's .Net example, the Matthew1471 BlogX has been completely re-coded in to Classic ASP, with improvements such as POLLS, SPAM protection, PINGBACK, Spell Check..and more!
(12 ratings)
posted bymikeinBlog
RBlog is a fusion of the RSS and the Web log concepts. You can log in from anywhere, add, edit and remove news information. Almost anyone can come to this website and get an RBlog in minutes. This information can be picked up by others-- web portals, wireless devices, news sites, et cetera. In addition, we provide visitors to the RBlog site with the ability to do two other things: - Search our feeds for information. - Build a digest of information to suit your needs. RBlog is a fusion of two good technologies that each have their strength: RSS is good for Information delivery; Blogs are powerful because of their "create anywhere anytime" approach. RBlog allows you to publish news of any sort even if you don't have a website. Blogs available as RSS are not uncommon. RBlog is an RSS Feed created with a blog-styled tool.
(3 ratings)
dBlog - blog CMS and weblog open source
posted bydbloginBlog
Free (under GPL modified) weblog/photoblog and CMS platform to share your content online without technical skill. Fast setup, WYSIWYG editor, user comments, email notification, IP tracking, calendar, charts, polls, template editing (the standard one is XHTML/CSS compliant) and much more. Code from italy: docs in italian (soon in UK, DE, SP, FR too), the platform is fully localizable. Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
(70 ratings)
Ublog Reload
posted bypragmainBlog
Features: Member login, Blog Archive (calendar,categories, etc), Comments, Toolbar to add formatted text, Upload image/file, Polls, RSS Feed, On-line configuration (CSS), Email configuration (a wide range of email components), Multilanguage support, Anti-spam settings, Amend/Remove blogs or comments, Categories Management, Users Management , Polls management, Bad Words Management, File management, Compact Database (Access version), Box management, Database driven ( Microsoft Access or MySql).
(25 ratings)
Price 25.00
Tagger Pro
posted bydrumsterinBlog
Tagger Pro 1.1 comes with some improvements and minor bug-fixes over v1.0. This is a very simple to use and robust Tag-Board that you can use for your blog and your website. It allows vistors to leave quick comments on your website. The price has been drastically cut to $2.50 only!! To check out a demo just visit the link mentioned above.
(12 ratings)
posted byerokeseinBlog
Added RSS feed for news aggregators (ClickFeed) ClickBlog 2.0 now has the ability for unique user accounts Added user/password management Multiple unique user postings per date now allowed The calendar view now indicates which days have entries Standard ISO date formats work on US and European servers Improved User Interface Several application performance and bug fixes View and manage your online journal(blog) anytime, anywhere with just a browser. ClickBlog is fully functional Active Server Pages (ASP) journal application that is easily incorporated into any existing web site that supports ASP.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.95
posted bypragmainBlog
The Ublog includes:Toolbar to add images, links,etc. to your blogs; Blog archive by date; Calendar to select blog; Possibility to select the kind of weblog; Possibility to comment a blog; Notify via email to the administrator; Anti-spam settings (Cookie); Password protected control system; Amend or remove blogs or comments; On-line configuration; Multilanguage support; Customisable look through CSS;Easy integration into any webpage.
(175 ratings)
Results 1-14 of 14