ASP Picture Calendar
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
The ASP Picture Calendar is a calendar for web sites that allows to display images directly on the cell for each day. ASP Picture Calendar stands out from other similar products because of the advanced features of its administration panel: it includes uploading without need for installation of additional components on the server, its code being 100% classic ASP.
PriceUSD 59.99
ASP Multi Availability Calendar
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
ASP Multi Availability Calendar allows to edit availability for multiple items or persons, thus permitting to offer a quick overview of days that are booked and days that are available - all in a single calendar. It's packaged as a Dreamweaver extension and can be used in any webserver with support for classic ASP scripts.
PriceUSD 69.99
ASP Database Appointment Calendar
ASP Database Appointment Calendar is an appointment calendar to book, show and edit appointments including database support for MSAccess, ODBC and MSSQL databases. This calendar is highly flexible, you can create periodical schedules (i.e., events each 20 minutes, or every hour), as well as changing schedules.
PriceUSD 49.99
DW ASP Database Event Calendar
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
ASP Event Calendar with Database is an Event Calendar with support for MSAccess, ODBC and MSSQL databases. Dreamweaver ASP Event Calendar is an extension for Dreamweaver that allows a fast and simple insertion of this type of calendar into a webpage. It can be easily adapted to all kinds of purposes. You can manage and show information in many different ways.
PriceUSD 59.99
ASP Daily Scheduler Calendar
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
The ASP Daily Scheduler includes three types of appearance/uses for a website: small, large and reservation calendars. All admin and visualization is made using modern Ajax technologies. This product does not require any programming knowledge or any hand coding. It allows to create entries for each day, indicating, optionally, start and end times for each entry, supports some types of recurring events (* please read the complete description carefully), includes a WYSIWYG editor to edit the calendar information and support various languages and date formats.
PriceUSD 59.99
Appointment Scheduling Software
posted bygracewebdesigninCalendars
With our very user-friendly, full featured, visually attractive scheduling software you can easily meet the theme and requirements of your business or current web site. And as this is the most affordable scheduler on the net you can fit in your budget without hurting the bank. Purchase or subscription options available.
PriceUSD 16.99
Advanced ASP Reservation Calendar
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
This Calendar has the following features:
* works as a date picker for forms. Selected dates are saved in hidden fields within the form to be sent to the server later.(*);
* allows to set available and booked (unavailable) days from the Admin system;
* optional floating panel with information on dates or ranges of dates in the calendar on the public site;
* optionally, you can link any day in the public calendar to a URL;
* booked days can be shown in different colors, and additional text information can be added;
* simple, visual insertion from Dreamweaver and visual Admin, from a browser. Uses modern Ajax technologies to achieve a swift and user-friendly interface.
PriceUSD 59.99
ASP Appointment Calendar w/ HTML Editor
This is a special version of our standard Dreamweaver ASP Appointment Calendar, it contains all the features from the standard version and includes the following special features: [1] HTML (WYSIWYG) Editor included. [2] Improved formatting in the public site. [3] High interactivity: The floating panels are closed automatically when the mouse leaves the calendar's area and the floating panels area. [4] Supports 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock. [5] Includes all the features from the standard ASP Appointment Calendar.
PriceUSD 49.99
Dreamweaver ASP Event Calendar
posted bydreamweavercalendarsinCalendars
Dreamweaver ASP Event Calendar can be easily adapted to all kinds of purposes. You can manage and show information in many different ways. Initially it was designed as a calendar for events, but several features were added to it and now it can be used perfectly for activities, appointments, bookings, links, or simply to show information associated to specific dates and/or range of dates.
PriceUSD 59.99
ASP Appointment Calendar
With the ASP Appointment Calendar for Dreamweaver you can easily create three types of calendars, #1 - an appointment/reservation calendar designed to receive requests/bookings from your users; #2 - a classic schedule calendar designed to show the activities planned during events, school classes, etc; #3 - a small and informative calendar that can be used to show information related across days & times. The administrative interface covers the entire calendar functions, making it easy to manage even to users without HTML or development skills.
PriceUSD 29.99
posted byinteliservinCalendars
WebCal is an ASP based availability calendar designed primaraly for holiday homes with an admin interface to add bookings and prices.
PriceUSD 45.00
Annual Leave Software
DIGILEAVE is a Web Based application that allows you to manage annual leave/holiday/vacation booking through your website or Intranet. Web-users are able choose the start and end dates which will automatically deduct the total from their remaining time. Administrators can review employees annual time remaining. Users receive emails when their leaves are validated. People can also see others employees leave. A leave category manager has been included which allow you to choose the types of absence you want to record, like sick day, and associate a color with it.
PriceUSD 399.00
Dreamweaver ASP Link Calendar
Dreamweaver ASP Link Calendar is a calendar that can be inserted into your web pages from Dreamweaver and managed from a visual administration interface that allows to link web pages to dates, allowing you to implement easily calendar-based web sites.
PriceUSD 29.99
Dreamweaver ASP Visual Calendar
Dreamweaver ASP Visual Calendar is a calendar that can be inserted from Dreamweaver and allows to associate floating text layers to dates. The calendar is built with ASP and Ajax technologies and can be managed from a HTML administration console without requiring programming skills.
PriceUSD 29.99
ASP Reservation Calendar
ASP Reservation Calendar is a Dreamweaver extension that allows to insert into your reservation form a reservation calendar that to select visually check-in and check-out dates. It contains a little administration console to block and/or mark reserved dates. It has to work modes: reserve full days or partial days (more appropriate for hotel's reservations). The calendar is available in a large number of languages.
PriceUSD 29.99
Intellogy Calendar Manager
The Intellogy Calendar Manager is web calendar software for ASP,, PHP, XML and Flash sites. Now you can design interactive event calendars that even novice Internet users can maintain.
PriceUSD 19.00
posted bySteve FrazierinCalendars
EZScheduler is now EZCalendar and is mobile friendly. You can allow users to schedule events or you can restict scheduling to Admin only! Admin can schedule events through the Password Protected Control Panel. Admin Can view Events by selected day or month or view all events at once! When Admin views an event Admin can delete or edit the event. Admin can also change the colors of the calendar by changing the values in text boxes in the control panel. This Scheduler is totaly customisable to fit your website. Uses an MSSQL Database and is installable from the browser.
aspWebCalendar FREE
This script allows you to easily add a calendar of events to your website. Supports an HTML template that gets wrapped around the calendar itself and a full color scheme interface that allows you to easily match the calendar to your site.
Ocean12 Calendar Manager Gold
Web-based events calendar that features AJAX-powered interface, multi-day & recurring events, maintain unlimited calendars from a single application, provide users with administrative access, export events to VCAL, users can RSVP events, and much more!
PriceUSD 24.99
ASP Simple Calendar with details and summary
posted byUKAspWizardinCalendars
This ASP Calendar uses an access database and has a creative front and back end which will help to make your organisation more efficient by clearly defining events and locations of events. Particularly useful for Charities and National organisations for students etc.
PriceUSD 29.00