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Click Tracking

Results 1-4 of 4
CodeAvalanche LinkTracker
CodeAvalanche LinkTracker is asp script for tracking clicks. Using this script webmasters can mesure click throughs their links, count number of downloads or just hide links from prying eyes.
(3 ratings)
CodeAvalanche LinkExchange
Using CodeAvalanche LinkExchnage webmaster can automate link exchange, get valuable hits and boost page rank. Easy add and mantain database of your link partners. Show most valuable link partners first.Allow your visitors to submit new links.Approve submited links. View click through history for all links. Microsoft Access driven.
(0 ratings)
IA-SiteRating makes it easier than ever to collect feedback from your website's users. Let users vote on the usefulness of each individual page and you as the administrator can view a summary report of the feedback. Allows for users to leave a comments for the webmaster. This software is an easy to use, easy to install, multi-featured, self contained system written in ASP and Javascript.
(0 ratings)
Count Click Throughs (With a Db)
Easily count and display the number of click through from your site with a database. Simply set all the links that you want to track to a single asp document and pass the URL as a querystring variable. The following example will display a page with a few links. Once a link is clicked on it will insert the URL and users IP address into an Access Db and redirect the browser to the URL clicked on. Included in the download is a document that will allow you to view people are clicking to in a number of ways.
(13 ratings)
Results 1-4 of 4