Content Management
Simple ASC CMS
posted bytigreinContent Management
Simple ASC CMS permit to create websites in minutes with its dynamic genaration of menus links and pages. It use Access Database and is simple to install. There is admin panel where you can manage all features. It use with TinyMCE WYSYWIG editor. It has advanced features as Forum and Guestbook.
It is totally Open Source product.
Complete ASP Dating Software To Start Your Own Dating Site
posted byndsbinContent Management
Complete ASP DATING SOFTWARE that comes with 100% full unencrypted source codes, free dating site template, tons of features including real time chat, online messaging, advanced search and matching, and it's the best out-of-the-box dating script you need to start your own dating website.
PriceUSD 99.00
KudzuASP for Classic ASP
posted byaffriedlinContent Management
KudzuASP is the most powerful and easy to use template engine for ASP ever built. Completely separate your HTML presentation from your business and data logic. Write Master Pages in Classic ASP!
Simple API and builtin library system allows you to extend the template engine without needing to modify the template engine. KudzuASP is Open Source - that means FREE.
DMXReady Billboard Manager
posted byfcalabinContent Management
DMXReady Billboard Manager allows you to manage and display content including news items, ads, or important messages in a billboard on your website:
* Easily add a new billboard item through any standard web browser
* Add a thumbnail image to your billboard item
* Use built-in WYSIWYG editor to add pictures, links, Flash, and other design elements to your billboard item.
* Add item name, description, category, and related link
* Deactivate item without deleting it
* Pre-configured Access database (MS Access not required)
* Automatically updates order with each item added
* Fully customizable � change the layout to match your website design
PriceUSD 19.97
DMXReady Portfolio Manager
posted byfcalabinContent Management
Add, Edit, Delete portfolio items quickly and easily, Anyone with basic Internet skills can manage their own Portfolio – no coding required!
PriceUSD 49.97
posted byzabossinContent Management
EzPub is a simple Classic ASP Content Management System. Features so far:
* 3 option to run it: as a site, as a blog, or a magazine;
* WYSIWYG editor for pages and articles (tiny mce);
* You can create pages, subpages, articles;
* Articles can be grouped in categories/sections;
* RSS 2.0 feed;
* HTML and CSS compliant code;
* Comments (email subscription, unsubscription, CAPTCHA verification);
* File manager (upload, delete, rename files);
* Language file for simple translation;
* Easy to change layout - just edit CSS file.
The CMS is intended to remain as simple as possible for the ease of use.
Leave Comments Script for ASP - Free
posted byBecca800inContent Management
Finally, one that works on asp pages. Free. There is an admin panel where you can delete comments and ban ip adresses. You can incorporate wordpress to eliminate spam. Simple script, see the details on our site.
SmartDeCat Content Management Software CMS
posted bysteve1010inContent Management
We have used our expertise to create a Content Management System which is simple to use and packed with numerous, flexible, practical and powerful features which enable you to set up a professional online presence quickly and easily.
SmartDeCat is a potent online tool. It includes as standard superb SEO capability, multi-lingual features, secure members area, testimonial, FAQ and links` managers, an image gallery and the ability to create pages and sections at will. (There are many other available aspects which can be found in our full features list.)
PriceGBP 150.00
Realm CMS
posted byRealm CMSinContent Management
Three levels of nested categories. Pages disk caching. MS Access database. Manage several pages personal web site or thousands pages enterprise web site.
Bp Articles
posted bynamrehsinContent Management
*ASP 3.0
*HTML Editor with image/file upload
*Only one line of code to change (the connection string to your Access database)!
*Can be used as a Lite CMS
*RSS 2.0
posted byjub-jubinContent Management
AtomatiCMS is a Content Management System (CMS) based on ASP for Windows environment (IIS) that is lightweight and provides a simple-to-use administration interface. Add, edit, delete and move content and pages easily; includes an optional web-based WYSIWYG editor. Open sourced and free; AtomatiCMS can extend its functionality via modules.
Compatible with Access, MS SQL Server and MySQL.
ImageIsland - Website Photo Gallery Software
posted bywhitepacificinContent Management
With ImageIsland, you can instantly turn your current website into a professional Photo Gallery and Image Management System. It will allow you to upload, create thumbnails, rotate, resize, manage, and share photo galleries and albums online with friends and family using your existing website. ImageIsland Professional 3.0 includes a complete photo gallery management system, 6 custom skins, folder/group manager, 10 gorgeous image web pages, uploader, thumbnail creator, and more! You can create your own Photo Portal as well, as ImageIsland includes user logins and full security system. ImageIsland is also CSS and XHTML compliant, as well as cross-browser compatible with all the major browsers. Software installation is very easy to do. No database, desktop software, plugins, or subscription required. Just drag-and-drop the ImageIsland folder onto your website. FREE or full versions available! Also, try VideoIsland, AudioIsland, and MediaIsland.
PriceUSD 39.00
Car Site Manager CMS - Auto Dealer Solution
posted bymginternetinContent Management
Car Site Manager is an advertising tool for Auto dealers to display pictures(automatic resizer) and details of vehicles, information on their company, staff, financing and their contact details. Secure Admin Control Panel with full CMS,
PriceEUR 400.00
Property Site Manager CMS
posted bymginternetinContent Management
Property Site Manager (realty cms) is a full ASP/VB content management system (CMS) for property companies and real estate agents to easily update their listings with site statistics,admin control panel, mailing list manager,image upload, simple template.
PriceEUR 400.00
allinta CMS
posted byallintaCMSinContent Management
Create an easy to edit instant Multi language web site with full asp cms (content management system) using a WYSIWYG Editor, Login levels, Audit Trails, Security, Statistics, Instant Templates, Access, SQL or MySQL scripts & much more.
Code ASP 3.0 & VBScript
Features of allintaCMS
- Multi-Language functionality
- Provides page edit history & audit trail
- User Level Security Settings
- 20 Free template designs & color themes
- Multiple menu levels
- Automated Site Map
- Site Calendar
- Advanced File Manager for images & downloads
- FAQs
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Website Statistics
- Content Tree Navigation
- Easy Form Builder
- Newsletters
- Export to Static HTML files
Benefits of using allintaCMS
- Powerful, Easy to use
- Economical
- Fast site build
- Rapid new design implementation (one click)
- A multi-language site is now easy to manage
- Allows non technical people to manage their site
- Flexible and fully customisable by ASP programmers
ASP Spell Check - Spell Checking For ASP, Ajax , Flash & ASP.Net,
posted byJacob.mellorinContent Management
ASP Spell Check is a SpellCheck component for Microsoft ASP web applications.
ASP Spell Check provides international spellchecking in 11 languages - including English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish and Spanish.
SpellCheck integrates seamlessly with Forms on Websites, Content management systems, Web-mail applications, Rich Editors (WYSIWYGs) & Intranets.
ASP SpellCheck works very much like popular word-processing spellcheckers.
Advanced Suggestion ranking algorithm (based on Genome mapping technology). A new JavaScript interface allows you to use the spellchecker without ASP at all.
ASP SpellCheck has many unique and advanced features spellcheckers, including: AutoCorrrect, Grammar Checking, Profanity Filtering & Personal Dictionaries for each User.
Now Supports Flash Actionscript, JavaScript, ASP, ASP,Net and AJAX.
Asbru Web Content Management - ASP
posted byvejruminContent Management
Out-of-the-box, full-featured, database-driven web content management system with community, e-commerce, database and statistics add-on modules for creating, publishing and managing websites with advanced, dynamic end-user and website administrator functionality. Includes advanced WYSIWYG editing, workflow, staging, scheduling, automatically generated content lists, multilingual content, advanced scripting, personal workspace and access permissions for website administrators as well as for visitors. Easy creation of as many templates/style sheets as required. Example usage: Create a multi-lingual website and Extranet and Intranet websites with product catalogue, shopping cart, user registration, message boards, discussion forums, weblogs and email newsletters. Manage the website with multiple website administrators with differentiated access restrictions and publishing workflow processes. Includes open program source code for unlimited customisation and integration with other systems.
PriceUSD 150.00
Printer Friendly
posted byliviolivioinContent Management
The "Printer Friendly" version select the main content of your page, removing the menu, header graphics, advertising and foot content. The script performs the HTTP "get" method via the XMLHTTP object to retrieve the page to be printed. Using the XMLHTTP object instead of something like FSO means that the ASP page is actually executed and not just 'read' as a stream of characters. Assumes that your page has printable content within two comments.
CodeAvalanche Articles
posted byxfairguyinContent Management
CodeAvalanche Articles is asp application which allows webmasters to easy publish articles on their website. Application has a control panel for adding and editing articles. Users can search articles and even see what other users search for.
posted byfcharruainContent Management
Although it is possible to use include files in ASP, I found that it was not possible to do so during runtime. VBScript seems to be lacking an include function. So I wrote these 3 functions: asp_html_include(), asp_vbs_include(), and vbs_include(). The reason for this is that I could not create a function that executed VBS AND displayed HTML.