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Shopping Carts

Results 61-65 of 65
dsiCart SmallBiz Store
dsiCart SmallBiz Store is an easy to use cataloging system for Microsoft FrontPage 2000. Combination of Active Server Pages and Templates make dsiCart SmallBiz a fully customizable and very affordable cataloging sytem for hundreds of products.
(0 ratings)
CactuShop is an ASP shopping cart system comprising .asp scripts and a choice of MS Access, MS SQL or MySQL database. Its the only major ASP cart to feature the latest W3C standards compliant code (XHTML 1.0 strict). Cactushop features an advanced "skinning" system to enable a visual designer to create or edit the skin in dreamweaver or frontpage, without having to edit any ASP pages. The software is designed with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind: - latest W3C compliant HTML - google sitemap - SEO friendly URLs (PRO Version). v6 of Cactushop now features a setup routine to make installation even easier. Just copy the files to your website, configure the database connection (if required) and then go to the setup script and follow the wizard. Advanced features for handling downloadable products (skips shipping charges), advanced tax (including zero rating EU orders after validating the EU vat number given by the customer), customer groups, group pricing, etc.
(7 ratings)
e-SELL is a scalable Internet Store/Catalog package that enables merchants to affordably sell their products on the World Wide Web. Unlike most typical web sites which contain static text and graphics, e-SELL is a real on-line store, presenting customers with a dynamic, ever-changing, interactive shopping experience. Unlike typical web sites, e-SELL includes �behind the scenes� functionality like inventory management and custom reporting. Merchants use only a browser to setup and configure their stores.
(0 ratings)
CartEasy is a robust Web Shopping Cart solution for Windows NT. Main features include: No Messy DLL's to install, Source Code Included, We Easily Integrate with AuthorizeNet, 4 Types of Automated Shipping Calculations, and Real Time Inventory Management. CartEasy integrates with many payment systems including Cybercash. FCS, has also partnered with eCharge which allows any Internet user not comfortable with using charge cards over the Internet (and there are millions) the option of seamlessly charging their purchases to their telephone number.
(0 ratings)
VisualCommerce� Constructor
VisualCommerce Constructor is a wizards-based development tool that automatically integrates Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition, Microsoft� SQL Server /7.0, Windows NT� 4.0/Windows 2000, Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0, and Internet Information Server 4.0 into a cohesive database-driven commerce site. Targeting developers who serve mid-sized businesses, Constructor is an easy and inexpensive way to build a site. Additionally, Constructor saves hours of development time allowing developers to focus on customization. Users simply select the features they want to include in their site, and VisualCommerce Constructor generates the entire store. These features can then be modified using Microsoft Visual InterDev.
(0 ratings)
Results 61-65 of 65