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Form Processors

Results 1-20 of 26
Nobots Form Obfuscator
Nobots is an include script that allows you to dynamically rename form and field names in Classic ASP. This can help prevent scripted attacks on your ASP based forms by generating form and input field names that change every time the page is requested. Nobots is a unique script that allows you to encode and decode names on the fly.
(0 ratings)
Advanced Form to Email ASP
Advanced Form to Email ASP is an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver that allows you to automatically send data from a web form to an email address. It recognizes automatically and in real time all the fields present in a form, allows to customize the "From", "To", "CC" and "Subject" fields, allows to exclude specific form fields, to send an "auto-reply", automatically processes file uploads, allows to use it in multiple forms with different configurations and other additional features all with a full Dreamweaver integration.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
Dreamweaver ASP Forms Toolbar
HotDreamweaver ASP Toolbar is a collection of 7 popular extensions designed to work with forms, including a 100% standalone ASP captcha (security image) that does not requires third party components, form to mail and form to excel processing, browser-side form validation, dependent fields (related select lists and auto-calculated fields), mark-all/unmark-all control checkboxes and fields that perform uploads in background, all these tools integrated in one Dreamweaver package.
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 128.99
ASP Form to Excel and Mail
ASP Form to Excel and Mail is a tool based on ASP scripts that allows to save a submitted form into an Excel file (CSV file) and to send a copy of the submitted data to an email address. The form's data is identified automatically, even the uploaded files! The uploaded files are saved into a folder on the server and optionally are included as attachments in the email sent. ASP Form to Excel and mail is a Dreamweaver extension, so you don't need ASP or HTML coding skills to make it work because all the process can be carried out from the Dreamweaver menu and design view.
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
ASP Form Captcha
Allows to generate captcha images from ASP without requiring any additional installation on the web server. No ActiveX components required, this is build with ASP standard code. You can configure the captcha's look & feel to match your web site design. No hand coding required. All the process is made from the Dreamweaver design mode. The protection code is inserted automatically into your web page. It works on any web server with ASP support.
(31 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
ASP Form to Email
ASPForm2Mail send the contents of any HTML form inside an email. The form fields are identified automatically without hand coding required. This script is presented as a Dreamweaver Extension and can be used visually from the Dreamweaver menu. Forms with uploads are also accepted, the uploaded files are sent as attached files into the email. There are no external plugins or components required, this is a 100% ASP VBScript tools. Includes automatic country identification based on an updated IP-to-Country database. Emails are sent with the standards CDONTS or CDOSYS components (automatic configuration).
(40 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
BotDetect - ASP CAPTCHA is a website security component designed to protect your registration, comment, and other online forms from automated spam submissions. It generates CAPTCHA images that easily tell spam bots and humans apart. 50 different CAPTCHA algorithms, custom size and image format, sound support that allows access even to visually impaired! 'Developer Edition' includes FULL SOURCE CODE and ROYALTY FREE distribution rights!
(13 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
ILD form creator
Form creator is an easy asp tool that you can use to generate your forms features: unlimited fields complete validation optional and required fields control you can submit the form to database or to your email Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Advanced Form Mailing and Creation
Complete form solution. Designed for both novices and web experts. Form Creator, Form Processing, Form data store. Create complex fields in seconds. Processing includes: email to both responder and site owner. Template driven allowing you full control over messages being sent. Optionally store results in a database (Access, MYSQL or SQL Server) for editing, printing, exporting and bulk mailing. Administration and error messages can be in any language. Free and commercial versions. Form Creator can be used to generate plain HTML or used directly without the need to view the HTML. Can be used as full application or can be used to create HTML fields to be copied and used else where. Free form creation service.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 95.00
select populator
I find that when developing input forms, adding select tags is one of the most tedious tasks. This is especially true if they have to remember the values assigned to them. Realizing this, I wrote this function to facilitate things.
(3 ratings)
PRE Webform Generator
Pre Webform Generator generates online web forms within few steps. Pre Webform Generator has ability to create multiple form handling, dynamic results page, field verification, custom error messages, HTML autoresponder, multiple admin notification, and can store customer data in a email format or Access database. No need write a code for your website form. Just complete few step and you online website form is ready to work live. Pre Webform Generator has ability to generate all web forms in ASP with Access database. General Features Generate forms with unlimited fields. Contact Form, Email form, Appointment form, FAQ form, Signup Form, Comment Form, Support Form, Order Form, Tell-A-Friend Form, ect... Generate forms with complete Validation script. Generates Administration Control with complete control of database (edit &delete) Optional field verification for required fields. Admin notification email can be sent to any e-mail address. Optional text or HTML format auto resp
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
This is the ASP version of params.php. The function is not as necessary in ASP as it is in PHP, but it makes translating my scripts an easier task.
(0 ratings)
PDF formGenie
Submitting PDF forms via email has never been easier. Using the simplicity found in the popular FormMail script, formGenie allows developers to control who the form is sent to, what the email subject,message and what confirmation page to display to the user.
(0 ratings)
Absolute Form Processor
A powerful tool for processing your web based HTML forms. Don�t waste time developing server code, validation rules, form mailers or auto responders for your forms, this application does all this for you. It is the perfect solution for gathering feedback and customer information on your site. It is an application with many, many uses : use it to create surveys, order forms, registration forms, collect e-mails for your mailing lists, create reservation forms, sweepstakes, support and contact forms and anything else where you need to capture your customers information.
(13 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
MX Looper Suite ASP
For Dreamweaver MX programmers who create dynamic websites, MX Looper Suite is a collection of Commands and Server Behaviors for the PHP, ASP and ColdFusion server models that create complex repeated regions. Unlike the Macromedia default repeat region that allows you to create only simple loops, our product helps you easily create dynamic generated webpages including nested repeat regions and horizontal loopers. Features: --Horizontal Looper Generation; --Nested Repeat Regions; --Multiple server model support.
(0 ratings)
Display All Form Variables and Names Posted
The following ASP code will allow you to Count through all form field names and values posted to this script. It can be easily adapted to make simple feedback form mailers, where this code allows any new forms fields to be automatically picked up and included in the post.
(3 ratings)
FORMMAIL.asp CDONTS w/database functionality
*Formmail.asp processes a form to email, a form to database or both.<br> *Easily customized actions based on switches set in the form.<br> *This is a secured form to email script that keeps your site from being used as an open relay (by a spammer). *One script does it all!<br> *The time saved will easily cover the cost of this script.
(153 ratings)
Fill out web based forms from Visual Basic
This product will help you complete web based forms from within your Visual Basic application. The product is delivered as a module which will show you how to connect to a form on an web site, fill it out and submit it. This method has been used to automate account signups with several online sites.
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 15.00
ecFormBuilder is an easy to use dynamic web form generator. Complete flexibility using a template driven form definition method. Client side and server side validation, easy integration with recordset data for single row or multi-row display, set default form values, includes integrated SendMail function for email forms.
(0 ratings)
Price 79.00
CyberCoded: Email & Database Form
Get input, post to database and email all in one form. Utilizes MS Access Database and CDONTS. Source code is one page and one database.
(12 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 26