Image Display
Evisio Anti-Leech script
posted byEvisioinImage Display
Evisio Anti-Leech is a script that prevents visitors of your website to leech your pictures for use at websites or forums without your permission. When they try to copy the image url they will only be forwarded to a specified image that says that their action has been blocked by Evisio Anti-Leech.
Image Viewer CP Pro ActiveX OCX SDK
posted bysupportinImage Display
Convert PSD, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, TIF image files to PDF file. Convert multipage TIF to multipage PDF. Loading, printing and save image files that include BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, TIF. Draw multiline text on image and provide over 50 different text styles. Adjust brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Hue, Saturation of image file. Support save as multipage TIFF images ( Packbits, LZW, CCITT G.3 and G.4).
Create multipage TIFF images from BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, TIF Files.
Read, write EXIF image information. mark a selection, crop, zoom in , zoom out on selection and rotate the image function. Read, write binary data types for storage of images embedded in the database table. e.g. Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL. Import Image From PictureBox, Clipboard. Export Image to HBITMAP, PictureBox, Clipboard.
Resize image resolution to specific size and export to JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG file formats.
PriceUSD 100.00
posted byaspphoto2inImage Display
This is an ASP component to resize JPEG images. Images can be saved to disk or streamed to the browser. Functionality allows for files images to be scaled by factor or resized to pixel dimensions. Simple image manipulation includes rotate, crop and flip. JPEG compression and DPI can be adjusted. Images can be read from greyscale or CMYK format. Simple commands are provided for streaming to the browser and resizing to fit a specified rectangle. Input can be accepted from a binary variable making it usable with upload components. It can be supplied bundled with our own upload component to make a complete upload and resize solution for JPEG images. Free trial available.
PriceUSD 50.00