Link Indexing
ASP SupaLinks Ultimate
posted bysupascriptsinLink Indexing
To get a higher rank in search engines, your website needs link popularity. This popularity can be achieved by getting links from other websites and in reverse linking back to them. This can be easily achieved with ASP Supalinks Ultimate.
• Save on advertising money
• Get preference in search engines
• Get highly targeted visitors to your web site
• Increase your traffic significantly
• More customers and more sales
ASP Supalinks Ultimate is a user-friendly, professional database driven Link Exchange system, it is a fully search engine friendly category and link indexing directory. ASP Supalinks Ultimate includes an automatic reciprocal link checker and automatic Google PageRank checker to automatically approve links. Features include new link notification, ability to manage links as well as manage unlimited hierarchy categories/subcategories. Also you can easily email webmasters with the automatic email sender. A link popularity checker is also included.
PriceUSD 99.00
Reciprocal Link Exchange Ultimate
posted bywsdwscriptsinLink Indexing
A Secure web based administration area with easy navigation, unlimited and fully managable hierarchy structure of categories/sub categories,a fully controlable links directory with banned word detection and snap shot previews for each website you are linking to, automated and fully managable email notifications, a multiple link checking system which allows you to detect and remove any backlinks when your site has been subsequently removed by your link partners and a fully customizable front end features that allow the application to integrate smoothly with your website.
The Link popularity checker, Alexa Rank checker, Google PageRank checker and PageRank display make link exchange a simple task with this automated link management application which works through the clock even when your system isn't running, links will be automatically approved and rejected in accordance with your requirements. Sponsered links, Google adsense, PayPal ready. For full list please visit.
PriceUSD 129.00
Website Link Exchange ASP Script
posted byddiproinLink Indexing
Pro Data Doctor reciprocal link exchange ASP script source code increases the back links page popularity and has been developed according to search engine optimization requirement. SEO friendly website promotional automated web directory manage swapped links without any manual efforts and instantly index your links on others site. Script offers to add unlimited categories and sub-categories in internet directory and boost your online visibility.
PriceUSD 69.00
Reciprocal Link Exchange Lite
posted bywsdwscriptsinLink Indexing
Reciprocal Link Exchange Lite is a user-friendly, professional database driven Link Exchange system, this is a fully search engine friendly category and link indexing directory. Features include new link notification, ability to edit, delete, approve and reject links as well as edit, delete and add unlimited link categories. Also you can easily email webmasters with the automatic email sender.
Reciprocal Link Exchange Lite makes managing your links a simple task, using the web based admin section which can be accessed wherever you are around the globe.
PriceUSD 25.00
ASP Link Exchange
posted bykkrashidinLink Indexing
Asp Link Exchange allows you to mange your Link exchange page. You can add any number of category with any deep levels. And you can add any number of links to each category. Our system will also check reciprocal links to others site and if your link is not found there then it will delete their link form your system".
Link Manager:
This software helps you to manage you links in easy way. You can easily use this software to exchange links. Software comes with full fledge admin panel.
Unlimited category and Sub category:
Form the admin side you can add unlimited category and subcategory.
Admin Panel:
This software comes with admin panel form where you can check the number of links and do the options like edit / delete . Admin can set email setting form the admin panel.
Reciprocal link checker:
Admin panel comes with the reciprocal link checker. Admin can check the reciprocal link in their link partner sites.
PriceUSD 29.99
hySite - A Simple Link Directory Application
posted byheronginLink Indexing
hySite is a simple Website directory script. It can be used as a simple personal Website bookmark tool or as a Website resource management tool. Features of hySite include: keyword search; site ranking, IP address tracking; and admin editor. It is written in ASP and requires a MS Access database file.
CreaDirectory - Directory Software
posted bycreascriptsinLink Indexing
Creadirectory is a very powerful and highly customizable directory script. It allows you to build a fully branded directory system or a link exchange system. It includes many great features including google sitemap generator, paypal integration, adsense inclusion, static or dynamic URLs and much more.
Its features include: Adsense inclusion, Dynamic inclusion of Alexa images, Paypal integration, dynamic (.asp) or static (.html) URLs, Dynamic google sitemap generation, Unlimited number of categories and sub-categories, Unlimited number of listings, Customizable header and footer, Customizable colors, IP filtering system, Email configuration, Reciprocal link option.
PriceUSD 99.00
GLink Business Directory Edition
posted byinfoinLink Indexing
GLink Index is a powerful business directory system. The complete code is clean and open to re-design. It is highly recomend to use in business portals which need to handle a company-database in many topics and categories. System can provide and solve many problems and brings you affordable solution to manage a web portal system. Your clients can browse into categories and get more information about listings. Each listing in your system can provide your clients contact information beside a rating and voting system. Clients can add their comments and recomend to his/her friends. Getting success in internet is not so far away with GLink Business Edition. Give your clients a chance to take advantage it.
PriceUSD 84.95
JiRos Links Manager
posted byRobertssoninLink Indexing
JiRos Link Manager is an essential element for any webmaster, it allows you to easily build and maintain a directory of links on your web site using our feature packed administration facility.
PriceUSD 24.95
Display Google Page Rank on your website
posted bydypsoprograminLink Indexing
DyspoPRank Checker is a standalone component which enable you to show dynamicaly a small icon that displays the current Google� PageRank� of any URL... No links to our website is needed to perform that!
PriceUSD 18.69
Reciprocal Link Exchange
posted byacidutzuinLink Indexing
Links Lite is a professional database driven category and link indexing directory with an automatic reciprocal link checker. Feature rich Links Lite amongst other things new link notification, admin approval, and allows admin to easily send email to the webmasters who removed your link. Links are organized by category making for easy management and easy visitor navigation. Links Lite can hold as many categories and links as you like.This software helps you to manage you links in easy way. You can easily use this software to exchange links. Software comes with full fledge admin panel.
Product Features �Show Reciprocal Link Page Rank
�Automatic reciprocal link checker
� Category and Link indexing
� Admin link approval
� Category link approval � Categories and links can be added, edited or deleted
� Web based administration area with easy navigation. � Administer Links Lite from any internet connected computer in the world.
� Secure administration area
� Easy configuration
PriceUSD 25.00
Reciprocal Link Exchange Pro
posted byacidutzu2inLink Indexing
Reciprocal Link Exchange Pro is an reciprocal Link Exchange software intended to automate link exchange management, increase website visitors and revenues. Our Link Exchange Manager script combine all up-to-date features along with flexibility, stability, possibility to make custom changes, therefore well professionally organized entire script configuration and lot more.
Features: SEO Static Pages, Ban Words ,WYSIWYG Template editor, Duplicate Check, RSS Ready , Adsense Ready , Unlimited Anchor text, Select Min PR allowed , PayPal Ready , Unlimited Category, Reciprocal check, Google Page Rank , Directory Search , Easy to administrate .
To get higher rank in search engine you need the link popularity of your web site, this popularity can be achieved by getting link from other web site and in reverse giving link to them. This in turn can be easily done through this Script.
Buy Before Your Competitor Kicks You Out
of 1st Page in Search Engines.
PriceUSD 25.00
posted bymtn_roadieinLink Indexing
Much more than a simple links manager, SuperLinks allows you to easily build and maintain a directory of links anywhere on your site. From quick installation, to complete customization/integration with your website to a feature set that just seems to go on and on and on... SuperLinks will quite simply make the job of managing your links effortless. Period.
CodeAvalanche Directory
posted byxfairguyinLink Indexing
What is CodeAvalanche Directory?
CodeAvalanche Directory is asp script for managing resource directory. Using it webmasters can run its own directory of software, music, scripts or any other resource.
FunkyASP Link Checker
posted byfunkyaspinLink Indexing
How often do you check that sites you have link swapped with still link to you, this script will automatically check the sites that you exchanged links with and tell you if they are still linking. We used to spend hours checking people were still linking to us so we made a script to check for us.
Price 30.00
Reciprocal Link Checker
posted bystealthsidinLink Indexing
Source code and sample implementation of ASP code that will search any number of URLs for a text string that you specify. If you are implementing a reciprocal link program on your website, this code should be helpful in automating the process.
posted byMindFunkinLink Indexing
Easily integrate a top referer script into your website with ASP. Almost ready to go, change a few lines of code and you are all set. Designed for a mySQL database.
Glink Index
posted bywebmasterinLink Indexing
Glink Index is a powerful link index system for site owners to manage a link index services. You may run a complete directory service.
posted bymichaelinLink Indexing
Create a search engine friendly online web directory with LinksPro in minutes. LinksPro is an ASP link directory script that supports categories and subcategories, PayPal, GoogleAds and much more as well as being fully XHTML V1.0 Transitional and CSS compliant code.
You can use LinksPro to create a link directory, business directory, article directory, restaurant directory or company directory.
PriceUSD 129.00
ActionPath Portal Directory
posted bysalesinLink Indexing
ActionPath is a portal directory management and administration system for web site resources such as links, files, ratings, text reviews, and email newsletters. It instantly add powerful directory management capabilities to your web site. Index links and files and implement an automatic review and rating system. Point-and-click customization for style sheets and HTML templates enables seamless integration into your web site.