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Results 21-40 of 117
ASP job website software
This ASP Job site is fast and uses less resources. This software has excellent functions on both job seekers and employers control panel. Admin can set almost all the options and features from admin panel. Features like search job, list jobs, today jobs, email alert, job basket , search companies, category listing e.t.c are there where as in admin panel , admin can set category, manage job, manage job seekers, manage employer, set email format, s
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
DMXReady Landing Page Manager
With DMXReady Landing Page Manager, you can: 1) Use the built-in WYSIWYG editor to create pages, or cut and paste HTML, javascript and css code from another source. 2) Display your landing page URL for easy cut-and-paste into your PPC, banner advertising or search engine optimization program. 3) Cut-and-paste your Google Analytics or Traffic Counter code directly into your landing page. 4) Easily manage all landing pages from one centralized Admin page.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.97
Simple Select Case example
This is a simple example of how to use the Select Case functionality in ASP.
(0 ratings)
SAS Hotel Management System
SAS Hotel Management System and reservation portal. Agents, Hotel and Resorts owner can submit their hotels and resorts for booking. Email alerts on rooms or resorts reservation for both buyer and owner. Website owner hotels and resort listings will appear always on the top of the list. Website owner hotels and resorts photo gallery. Agents and hotel owners can submit images during registration. Powerful admin to control register hotels, agents and their payments. 2Checkout, Paypal and Manual payment options.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.00
Pre Hotel and Resorts Reservation Portal
Pre Hotel and Resorts reservation portal. Agents, Hotel and Resorts owner can submit their hotels and resorts for booking. Email alerts on rooms or resorts reservation for both buyer and owner. Website owner hotels and resort listings will appear always on the top of the list. Website owner hotels and resorts photo gallery. Agents and hotel owners can submit images during registration. Powerful admin to control register hotels, agents and their payments. 2Checkout, Paypal and Manual payment options. Note: Listings submitted for UAE only you can start checking script by registering your own hotel or resort.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.00
ZIP code radius search
ASP/SQL-SERVER code example for zip code distance calculation. Download php/mysql function to integrate postal codes radius search into your website. Georeferenced postal code files available for 50 countries worldwide.
(4 ratings)
IP2Location DB14 in ASP
This is ASP script to enable lookup geographic location such as country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIPcode, Timezone, ISP, domain and netspeed from IP address by using IP2Location database. By knowing the location of visitors in real time, Web sites can display localized content, server bandwidth balancing, improve click-throughs and sales, prevent Internet fraud, and implement many other solutions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1,099.00
Battle Blog
Battle Blog is the first personal scale blogging application to incorporate democratic content controls. Entries and comments left by users can be promoted or demoted, and the worst comments can be "Battle Blasted" off the system completely. Written in classic ASP.
(0 ratings)
RecruitOffice DB� - An Open Source System
RecruitOffice DB� is a web-based staffing, recruitment management system that streamlines your sourcing, screening, clients (employers) management and candidate (job seekers) management process so you can more quickly fill your open positions with the most qualified candidates. URL: http://rodb.takveen.com
(0 ratings)
Geocode with GEOList Geocoding
Most of the geocode solutions available today want to sell you a subscription, limit your access to only a small number of searches or simply bill you into the stratosphere for access to what is essentially public data. We simply think there's a better way. Introducing GEOList. The most affordable geocoding solution available on the market because you only need to buy it once. Period. No subscription fees. No per search fees. No stratospheric license fees.
(0 ratings)
VP-ASP IP To Country Database
VP-ASP IP To Country Database do the verification that the country provided by the customer matches the country from which the order is being placed. Display native language and currency . Uses : Redirect based on country .1. Reduce credit card fraud 2.Web log stats and analysis 3.Auto-selection of country on forms 4.Filter access from countries you do not do business with 5.Geo-targeting for increased sales and click-thrus
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.99
Online Courier Web
Online Courier Web is best ecommerce solution for courier business. If you need to setup a new courier & cargo business then Online Courier Web is your quickest solution. Very easy to setup and manage powerful administration. Provide online tracking system of consignment and shipping detail for International or domestic shipping.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 36.00
Calculate Distance and Radius in ASP
This ASP function calculates the distance between two locations by using latitude and longitude from ZIP code, postal code or postcode. The result is available in miles, kilometers or nautical miles based on great circle distance calculation.
(0 ratings)
J4l-Maxicode activeX
ActiveX control that creates Maxicode barcodes. It has been programmed with Visual Basic 6 and the source code is available.
(0 ratings)
Hospital Management System
Pegasus�s Healthcare System (PHS) consists of software mechanism that centralizes and consolidates patient, provider and clinical objects and business rules across the enterprise. PHS overcomes operational challenges faced by healthcare organizations, letting them: Manage business transactions consistently in the patient care process, thereby increasing the efficiency, quality and competitive edge of the organization Maximize clinical data reuse and portability through the use of standards, enabling seamless integration and consistent implementation between variant healthcare information systems Enable protocol-based decision support, based on a complete view of patient information Enables caregivers in providing flexible solutions with the User-friendly Interface
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 2,500.00
GT Navigation System
Global Tornado Navigation system is an innovative program written in mainly with asp and sql. the main purpose of this program is to have a dynamic navigation system were you can edit the skin and add, edit, and delete links online. Features: � Default page � Online Control Panel � Online Skin Editor � Online Link Adder � Online Link Editor/Remover � Login Screen for security
(0 ratings)
IP Address to Country, City, Latitude, ISP and Domain Name in ASP
This is ASP script to enable lookup of country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ISP and domain name from IP address by using IP2Location database. The script supports several database types such as Microsoft Access, MS SQL and mySQL. Internet geolocation has been widely used in the products or projects below. 1) Select the geographically closest mirror 2) Analyze your web server logs to determine the countries 3) Credit card fraud detection 4) Software export controls 5) Display native language and currency 6) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service 7) Geo-targeting in advertisement
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 799.00
Project Manager
Web based software to track and manage system and software project requests. Manager you small business tracking system with easy and accountability.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.95
Today in History V.1
This application will display "Today In History" based on the current month and day. Let your visitors know what happened today in History.
(0 ratings)
IP Address to Country, Region, City, ISP and domain name in ASP.NET
This is ASP script to enable lookup of country, region, city, ISP and domain name by using IP2Location database. The script supports several database types such as Microsoft Access, MS SQL and mySQL. Internet geolocation has been widely used in the products or projects below. 1) Select the geographically closest mirror 2) Analyze your web server logs to determine the countries 3) Credit card fraud detection 4) Software export controls 5) Display native language and currency 6) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service 7) Geo-targeting in advertisement
(6 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 117