Security Systems
posted byvenmoreinSecurity Systems
Classic ASP CAPTCHA system written to stop the spam bots submitting your web form automatically.
Relies on users making simple addition and checks this via JavaScript and Visual Basic with added cookie protection. Fully tested on sites suffering from attacks and now none get through.
DMXReady Members Area Manager v2
posted byfcalabinSecurity Systems
DMXReady Members Area Manager allows you to quickly create a whole area of your website that is 'members only' so you can control who sees your content!
Plug in automatically into DMXReady CMS or secure any web page on your current ASP-enabled website with one line of script
Secure newsletter pages, organizational news, photo galleries, paid-for content, and any online content you like
Unlimited security levels
Name your own levels i.e. "Visitor", "Member", "Subscriber", etc.
Easy-to-use Control Panel means anyone in the office can adjust security settings
Members sign up themselves, which means less administration work for you
Built-in member messaging feature - send to all members or only certain groups
"Lost Password" feature sends password to members automatically
Fully open source so you can customize even further
PriceUSD 295.00
Nigeria or other country blocker
posted bycbangainSecurity Systems
This little ASP script and database lets you ban a specified country from accessing your website or shopping cart.
Most community webmasters or online merchants know how annoying Nigeria scammers can be.
Add this script to your website and they are history!
The script block all IP's from whole countries, you can block as many countries as you like.
I will provide a link where you frequently can download and update the IP database, so that your allways up to date with every IP ranges.
I have made a log function so that your always up to date with how many scammers you have blocked from your site.
Please keep in mind, that some scammers might be able to fake their IP number.
The script uses Classic ASP and Access database.
PriceUSD 35.00
posted byLOMFinSecurity Systems
If you have a classic asp application that is not secured against SQL injection attacks then SecureRequest is the way to go! By replacing the original request object you have full control of all data that the user may manipulate. You can filter, ban, replace or even distort values with keywords or Regular-Expressions! Either make your own rules or use one of our templates.
SQL Injection Blocker
posted byInspyreinSecurity Systems
Inspyre's SQL Injection Blocker is a server-side component (COM Object) designed to stop the nasty. ongoing SQL injection attacks that dynamic sites get daily. If your database has been hacked with Javascript references, mysterious tables, or even lost data, you need this component. Takes seconds to install and only minutes to implement into your includes and ASP processing files.
CJWSoft Captcha System
posted bycwilliamsinSecurity Systems
How many times have you gone to a site only to be presented with a CAPTCHA image so distorted that it took you 3 tries just to get by it? Well, instead of relying on distorted images that are hard for even a human to read I decided to create a CAPTCHA system that is extremely easy for a human to deal with, yet very difficult for a computer program to figure out.
PriceUSD 24.95
TeleportJobs free captcha
posted bydanskapiainSecurity Systems
TeleportJobs free captcha verification system allows you to verify that your visitors are actually human before they submit your forms. This captcha system uses a JavaScript to send the verification string to our servers and then receive a JSON response letting you know if the string is valid or not. This is a free system granted you adhere to the free licensing agreement.
posted byVision's EdgeinSecurity Systems
ASPired2Encode is a CAPTCHA system for adding anti spam protection to your forms. ASPired2Encode uses a distorted image that the user must decode to proceed with the form. This prevents computers from automatically entering data into your forms. This is a great asset for blogs, forums and guestbooks.
What is a CAPTCHA? CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. When used this program sets apart personal users and computers.
posted bybruceinSecurity Systems
Free CAPTCHA Security Image application that is simple to integrate with your existing web forms to protect against automated spam and brute force hacking. Unique Security Code Images produced on the fly to protect web forms from automated spam and bots. 100% ASP, no DLL's or Active X required! Easy to configure colours, noise levels, and distortion levels. ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Pro OCR was unable to detect security codes, in 5 hours of testing!
DypsAntiSpam a free anti spam CAPTCHA system
posted bydypsoprograminSecurity Systems
When you sign up for a Web-based e-mail account,the site displays a small rectangular graphic containing a short word obscured.As part of the account registration,you are asked to type the word in an adjacent box. DypsAntiSpam is nearly free can provide you the same functionality on your website !
PriceEUR 15.00
Classic ASP and ASP.NET Security Image Generator (CAPTCHA)
posted byemirtuzulinSecurity Systems
- Completely FREE.
- The specific versions for Classic ASP and ASP.NET
- Randomly generated security codes.
- Dynamic image processing.
- No image file required.
- No need any extra server components.
- Create a cross browser compatible BMP images.
- Custom color palette for image.
Encryption Library
posted bypdavisinSecurity Systems
Don't spend over $100 on an encryption utility. This COM-accessible full-featured encryption library supports all of the .NET encryption types because it's made in .NET. Use it from: ASP, VB 6, VC++, Visual FoxPro, C#, VB.NET, and any other language that supports COM or .NET. Supported encryption types include: DES, 3DES, RC2, Rijndael (AES), RSA and DSA. Features also include: CSP private key storage and retrieval, support for PKCS #12, DER encoded binary X.509 certificates, and more. Purchase includes unlimited internal developer use, royalty-free distribution, complete MSDN-style API documentation, and basic sample code for encryption in ASP, VB6, C#, and VB.NET. Free to try with a 10 second delay on all encryption and decryption calls.
PriceUSD 50.00
Pre IP Blocking System
posted byPreprojectsinSecurity Systems
Pre IP Blocking System is most enhanced anti fraud system. Block and control incoming site visitors Internet Protocols (IPs) and prevent your website from online frauds. This script allows website admin to block and unblock visitors Internet Protocols (IPs). Just enter a IP or range of IPs to block specific area or country. Included just one file into your required website pages and Pre IP Blocking System will start working. Also admin can unblock IPs from Administration Panel any time. Smart way to get rid of online frauds.
PriceUSD 38.00
mysql login
posted byfcharruainSecurity Systems
Make ASP generated web content available only to you! This is the ASP version of mysql-login.php. I have added an extra parameter, specifying the database to log into.
ASP Expert Obfuscator
posted bymhuginSecurity Systems
Protect your intellectual property by obfuscating your ASP code, so that the code remains executable on the IIS server, but cannot be changed or extended by your customers. This is the only tool that applies an XMLHTTP based self test to every asp file changed. Goal is to guarantee, that the resulting code will always run perfectly. ASP Expert Obfuscator 1.0 itself is written in ASP, it consists of one script only which contains all necessary methods. Obfuscation methods supported are: Include file resolving, file renaming, HTML/VBScript/Javascript comment removal, indent-adding, code-merging, function- renaming, HTML-encoding, free pattern-replace definition, garbage code creation, garbage file creation, MS script encoding.
Price 20.00
posted byfcharruainSecurity Systems
Make ASP generated web content available only to you! This is the ASP version of login.php. isLogged() returns true if the cookies named UserName and PassWord are the same as the variables UserName and PassWord, the first 2 paramters of the function. If not, it displays the content of LogInPage, the 3rd paramenter. Unlike the PHP counterpart, all parameters should be passed to this ASP version of isLogged(), instead of ommitting LogInPage, you should pass "" an empty string.
posted bymailbeeinSecurity Systems
MailBee S/MIME ActiveX allows your application to process S/MIME e-mails (encrypt, decrypt, verify and sign). Supports file and registry certificate stores, PFX files, digital signatures. MailBee S/MIME can interoperate with other components like MailBee POP3, IMAP4 or SMTP. 32-bit and 64-bit. Borland Delphi, VB6, C++, ASP and other languages with ActiveX support. Royalty-free distribution.
PriceUSD 99.00
Verification code
posted bymohamed_nagyinSecurity Systems
a code that create verification code like that you see on hotmail singup page or yahoo ... it will stop automated submition please vote for me!
posted bymhuginSecurity Systems
Encrypts any URL, in order to protect tags such as id, name, etc. The encrypted URL can be decrypted with the help of the available function. The algorithm has been built especially for web usage: It's a non-symmetric solution, with these advantages:
- Browser-secure encryption. All URL-characters are translated with an alphanumeric (BASE64) string, which changes in every encryption process.
- The encrypter uses server-, session-, timer and static information, making every encryption process unique. You can further add password security or any other information.
- Every URL is unique, even if the base URLs are equal.
- Very easy implementation - just call two functions (Encrypt() / Decrypt()), and the script does the rest.
- The tag values can be extracted directly from the encrypted URL.
- You can extend this script at will (RS4, SSL, etc.), since you'll get the source code.
Price 10.00
Active Asp Uk Postcode Authentity Checker
posted bybarryinSecurity Systems
This little asp script uses MS XMLParser to check the validity of any UK postcode. It can be easily adapted to be added to forms to stop users progressing without a valid UK Postcode. Ideal for UK webmasters who want to validate their members. This script is recommended for users of the secpay (c) system as it uses their web validation system via an XML call.