URL Submitters
TagTooga Social Bookmarking ActiveX
posted bytagtoogainURL Submitters
Social Bookmarking Submit ActiveX Component for del.icio.us, furl.net, simpy.com, tagtooga.com, shadows.com, blogmarks.net, spurl.net, and netvouz.com.
Boost traffic search engine rankings with magic of CreateDoorwayPages.com
posted bymessengerchatinURL Submitters
Creates unlimited doorway pages
* ANY page extension (asp, php, htm, cfm, html etc)
* Editable page extensions
* Editable DEFAULT page
* NO links back to us (at all)
* NO embedded ID tags generated
* NO Spy ware, NO ad ware, NO scum ware
* Creates sitemap
* Add full URL path option for sitemap
* Super lite, Super fast
* Adds up to 10 keywords per page
* Creates INDEX or DEFAULT page in each folder
* Templates designed from Your website
* Create Single folder or Multiple folders option
* Keyword Capitalization tool