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User Authentication

Results 1-20 of 35
ASP Form Registration and Login
ASP Form Registration and Login is a product based on classic ASP and MSAccess or MSSQL databases that allows the creation of registration forms and to protect the access to specific webpages with a login system. These scripts can be easily installed from the Adobe Dreamweaver Menu since Dreamweaver integration is available, however you can also use a independent sample included (anyway the Dreamweaver method is preferred).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
dot net Login - Multiple User VB .Net Web Application
Dot Net Logn (Multiple User) VB .Net Web Application - is designed to provide you a building block and save hours programming your next project. The program simplifies the work in designing and coding the login and interface front end to an Access database or MS SQL database, so you can concentrate on writing the application. This application is perfect if you need a startup application to progam with databases, write utility programs, or projects. Built with VB.Net with full source code. Features: An Easy Solution to give you a jump start on your next development projects Setup one or more Companies (Multiple Company Version) with multiple divisions Add/Edit/Delete Users - with security level Group level security Users can change their password Assign multiple job numbers for each division Install on your Intranet or Internet. Built with ASP.net - fully customizable.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Login System 2
More then one person managing your website then use this great login system which is written in ASP language for an organised user management system. Which comes with pages like 'Failed Login', 'Login', 'Welcome', 'Administration Centre', 'Register', 'Users Area', and much more.......
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 40.00
FWXLogin Lite
Easily password protect any page with one simple file include.
(12 ratings)
AuthBot ASP Script
AuthBot is a simple asp image verification that you can use to increase the security of your online forms, such as user logins, contact forms, or email forms by verifying a dynamicly generated random security code. Authbot accomplishes this without making users struggle to read skewed or misaligned text images, Using Flash it creates a clearly readable piece of text that is NOT readable by machine. Give it a try!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 65.00
ClanMan ASP Login
ClanMan ASP Login is a small program that allows secure protection for your entire website. Some of the features: Unlimited security levels, Encrypted Passwords that can be on or off, Email verification, Cookie support, Full support of CSS
(6 ratings)
Stealth License Kit
The Stealth License Kit is a COM component designed to aid developers in the license management of their applications. The kit is mainly comprised of two COM classes: the License Key Generator and License Key Manager. The License Key Manager accepts both static license keys and license keys created by the License Key Generator. The key generation can be done manually, through a GUI supplied with the kit, or programmatically by calling the Generator's COM methods, both of which require the input of a secret key known only to the developer along with a string that uniquely identifies the licensee.
(0 ratings)
User Engine ASP
ASP User Engine is a User Signup and Authentication system which only requires simple configuration. User Engine uses Microsoft Access 2000 Database to store user information and logs date and time of user logins, as well as login counts. Also allowing users to signup with fully validated inputs to protect against SQL injection. Further features are 'Remember Me' option using cookies to allow users to stay logged in until manually logging out and template based error pages.
(3 ratings)
Price 4.99
AJLogin Ultra-Lite
This is a bare minimum ASP page protector. There is one password to protect unlimited secure pages. It is intended to protect admin pages that are only supposed to be viewed by the webmaster. Written in ASP and Javascript; compact, clean code - no DB, password stored in config file. The login page remembers the page the user was attempting to view when they were redirected, and sends them back to that page in the event of a successful login.
(3 ratings)
nCubed Free Members Only
The nCubed.com Free Members Only script was developed in response to the many requests from online development communities requesting a simple password protection schema. Adding the password protection to your page is relatively simple: Add two "include" files, insert a couple of conditional statements, add your members to the allowed members list and you're done... easy peasy. What if you know nothing about ASP/VbScript? No worries at all. The files you download are all but ready to use. There are comments in the code explaining exactly what you need to do and what not to touch. All you really need to do is copy and paste your content into the appropriate area and add your members to the allowed members list.
(58 ratings)
Secure Login Manager by DMXReady (100% Customizable)
DMXReady Secure Login Manager allows you to quickly and easily password-protect individual pages on your website. * Restrict access to any web page with a single line of script * Three built-in levels of security * Add Login page for authorized users to access restricted areas, complete with automatic Forgotten Password e-mail feature * Internally add, modify, and delete user information through central Admin page * Secure all application files * Includes pre-configured MS Access database (MS Access not required) * Fully customizable - change the Login page to match your website design, and add different layers of protection * Integrate with other DMXReady apps like Registration Manager
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.97
ASP Login
The ASP Login script is a simple script that allows you to create a password protected area off your web site for either a members area or to protect pages that you don't want others to have access too. The script uses a password protected Access Database to store the names of users so you can have as many users as you like as long as they have different user names.
(299 ratings)
ASP LaunchPaD
ASP LanuchPad allows you to have a global authentication system for your website, and protect any no. of pages on your website. Elegant forms and error displays. Uses advanced session time techniques to give accuracy upto 3 milliseconds for timeout timings. Classes allow you to get user info, query the DB, etc by one line code.
(6 ratings)
VideoGuard provides membership, Pay-Per-View, Pay-Per-Minute and other feautes. Administrators can set up the stream so that only your system members can watch video, other visitors will not be granted access. You can also design your system to allow viewer to watch a video only once. If the person wants to watch the stream next time, he would have to request permssion again, otherwise he will be denied access. With VideoGuard Pay-Per-Minute faature, you can program streams to be viewed for a specified period of time, after which the video will be disconnected. The user can request more viewing minutes while viewing the stream.
(3 ratings)
Flogin - User Authentication
Now Supports Multiple User Authentication. Flogin! is an ASP script which can control access to web pages. Just include flogin.asp in your page and the content after the include would be protected from unauthorized users. It is a simple ASP login script mainly to differentiate between an administrator and other users. It uses the Session Variable to restrict users to access pages which you wish to protect. The access username and password can be simply changed by editing the flogin.asp script variables "fUName" and "fPWord".
(21 ratings)
CyberLogin is a Login and Autorization system that stores information in MS Access Database. Features: Login system using email address as the user name; Forgot password email; Automatically emails user with a temp email; First time login force user to set password; MS Access Database driven; Includes all Demo pages and Database.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Protect your steaming media today. Feature: Restricts the connection of user IP addresses. Validates Form Login against ODBC database. Checks content access rights against ODBC database. Updates intensive reports of media steaming to ODBC database. Limited Concurrent Logins: Dictionary Attack Protection (DAP): Limited contents by IP address in a given time.
(0 ratings)
PacLog w/Cookies
This Login System uses cookies. Comes with admin area for adding and removing users. Also comes with lost password form to automaticaly email it to the user. Quick and easy setup.
(0 ratings)
Login system complete with admin area and lost password retrieval via email. Password protect all or part of your site in under ten minutes. Well documented and easy to follow setup instructions.
(0 ratings)
My ASP Page Lock
Updated! - My ASP Page Lock is an easy and fast way to restrict access to any page in your site. Completely idiot proof, you should have no trouble installing and using it within a matter of minutes. Uses only one password, no database required. "Securely locks any webpage with one line of SSI code".
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Results 1-20 of 35