Web Traffic Analysis
Monitor current traffic
posted bysupportinWeb Traffic Analysis
ASP code snippet to detect visitors and monitor their current activity.
Monitor and display which visitors are currently visiting which web page, IP number, user-agent, language preference, page referrer and more. In the settings file you can specify for how long to retain the display, for example show visitors activity for the last 2 hours.
For a demonstration online please see http://www.artistscope.com/detect-visitors.asp
Download the code - http://artistscope.com/download/detect_visitors.zip
Site popularity and Google PageRank checker
posted byseo-page-rankinWeb Traffic Analysis
The "Site popularity and Google PageRank checker" is easy to use script to make your site attractive. Brings Google PageRank value information, Fake PageRank detector and number of popular search engine backlinks. PageRank value button can be easily installed and links to your homepage.
PriceUSD 5.00
Simple Unique Visitor Tracking Global.asa
posted byiloireinWeb Traffic Analysis
This code stores "unique visits" (defining that as visits from different IP addresses) to the site and will send a daily detailed activity report (entry point, Referrer URL, IP, User Agent, etc) to the specified e-mail account. This script solves a common problem when using global.asa Session_OnStart to just increase a counter of unique visitors. Many stateless clients (like web spider) reject session level cookies, so the result using that technic is not very accurate. (for example, a web spider hitting 20 pages of your site would count as 20 visits using the simple Session_OnStart counter technic)
ASP Sheriff
posted bychrisridgeoninWeb Traffic Analysis
ASP Sheriff allows you to watch and see what they see and log a visitors's activity upon request. See a list of active sessions on your website and view what they view as they browse through your website. ASP Sheriff can even enable you to watch users from within a LAN with fast session switching. You can also log a users activity to a text file on the server and review it later.
PriceUSD 49.99
ASP Stats Generator
posted bywepposinWeb Traffic Analysis
ASP Stats Generator is a powerful application to track website activity. Includes lots of features and options to customize the application to own needs and to track detailed informations about clients, referers, search engines, traffic and countries. It's available in differents languages including English. You can see a live demo on the site and ask questions on the support forum.
JiRos Statistics System
posted byRobertssoninWeb Traffic Analysis
Who are visit your homepage, when did they visit and where are they coming from?
Tracks:Page views, Unique Visitors, Visits, Returning Visitors, Operating system, Browsers, Color depth, Screen resolution + much more...
PriceUSD 7.95
!BWM Web Stats
posted byadmininWeb Traffic Analysis
!BWM Web Stats logs daily hits of your website into an Access Database for later viewing. You can look at the search engine queries used to get to your site, their ip address, Browser/System and much more! For more details visit the website.
Reverse Lookup IP Address to Country Using ASP
posted bysalesinWeb Traffic Analysis
IP2Location� is geolocation service provider that translates IP address to country. The free script allows you to lookup the country of the user by using his/her IP address. It can be used in projects such as:
Developers use this component for projects related to:
a) Display native language and currency,
b) Redirect based on country,
c) Digital rights management,
d) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service,
e) Reduce credit card fraud,
f) Web log stats and analysis,
g) Auto-selection of country on forms,
h) Filter access from countries you do not do business with,
i) Geo-targeting for increased sales and click-throughs,
j) Detect spam emails.
Free sample database download is available. Other informations such as state, city, coordinates, ISP and domain name are available.
Price 49.00
Country Detection COM Object
posted byadmininWeb Traffic Analysis
ITICountryDetect is a COM DLL component for ASP that allows easily target your internet visitors geographically, providing lookup for country code or name of the country by IP address. ITICountryDetect covers 98% or all allocated IP addresses in 246 countries.
ITICountryDetect may be used for:
Redirection based on the visitor country;
Auto-selection of the country on forms;
Access filtering from countries you do not do business with;
Reducing credit card fraud;
Web log stats and analysis;
Geo-targeting for increased sales and click-thrus.
Full Range Trial available.
ixtreme stats
posted bymattinWeb Traffic Analysis
A free ASP stats program using an Access Database. ixtreme stats captures the date, time, page requested, ip of requester, and the referrer.
posted byperinWeb Traffic Analysis
With GeoIP you can detect where your visitors are coming from. You can use this information to deliver personalized information, reducing credit card fraud, analyzing web server logs, target banner ads, etc.
IP2Location� ActiveX/COM
posted bysalesinWeb Traffic Analysis
IP2Location� is an activeX component that translates IP address to country. It uses its internal IP to Country database to report visitors country of origin.
Developers use this component for projects related to:
a) Display native language and currency,
b) Redirect based on country,
c) Digital rights management,
d) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service,
e) Reduce credit card fraud,
f) Web log stats and analysis,
g) Auto-selection of country on forms,
h) Filter access from countries you do not do business with,
i) Geo-targeting for increased sales and click-throughs,
j) Detect spam emails.
Free demo is available with sample source codes.
Price 79.00
posted bychadinWeb Traffic Analysis
MetaTraffic generates live traffic reports on your web site. Several reports such as who's online, page views, visitors, browsers, keywords, robots, screen area and more. Now includes graphing, secure access to the report generator with optional username and password protection, choice of MS Access or SQL Server and support for international date formats. Several different methods of logging including ASP includes, Javascript for HTML pages and redirects for downloads or multimedia files.
posted byinfoinWeb Traffic Analysis
Professional and affordable Website statistics and traffic analysis tool. Access your statistics from anywhere, anytime. All your statistics are compiled and presented in a very nice, and easy-to-use, standard web interface.
Web Site Stats
posted byrhealeyinWeb Traffic Analysis
Website Stats created in asp. Using a Access Database , MS SQL, or MySql database. Includes referring sites, top ip, top browser, by date, hour, month, or day of the week. Custom stat ranges so that you can find stats for any time period. Easy to use.
StatTrack - Website Statistics Application
posted bysupportinWeb Traffic Analysis
A complete website statistics application for ASP web pages. StatTrack tracks Hits, Page Views, Downloads, Banner Ad Click-Throughs, and Much More. StatTrack also comes enabled for use with MS Access 2000, 97, and SQL Server.
posted bypeteruinWeb Traffic Analysis
IpLookUp is an advanced Active Server Component that enables you to resolve IP addresses to a visitor's City, State & Country. There are many applications for this product including marketing, web site stats,d emographic information, and fraud detection.
posted byyourwebimageinWeb Traffic Analysis
Online web traffic analysis tool for multiple websites. The application comes with 2 versions: a light version that uses MS Access database - recommended for intranet environments or small websites, and a professional version that needs a SQL Server 7/2000 database engine and it's for tracking websites with heavy-traffic. It generates more than 30 charts and reports; beside the usuals (date/time, browsers,OS analysis), you have charts on global users distribution according to their timezone, per-country distribution, user's behavior within the pages of the site and many more. Also there is a downloadable wizard (.exe) for the users to quickly modify their pages and start using the web traffic application.
WebTracker Gold
posted byrichardinWeb Traffic Analysis
A Web site statistics program. Features: configurable DSN name; ability to personalize the web tracking panel; No limits on shown data, you can configure the amount of entries you like to see displayed; Shows and logs demographics from visitors; Displays statistics in a graphical manner, and displays per page information; Referral statistics are displayed in a per page fashion; Enables the webmaster to remotely clean up the database if and when needed; and Will email the webmaster statistics if requested via the control-panel.
ASP WebTracker
posted byrichardinWeb Traffic Analysis
Webtracker allows you to get clear statistics on which pages of your site are receiving the most hits on daily basis. It also keeps track of referring websites and the amount of times a website has referred visitors to your site.
By just inserting one line into your pages you can see what is going on, which pages are popular and which aren't, who has referred the most traffic to your site, the total amount of visitors that visited your website.