Web Traffic Analysis
Visitor Tracking
posted byBroadband1inWeb Traffic Analysis
Web Traffic Analysis and Web Statistics software for tracking site visitors in your WEB SITE, WEB STORE, or web applications. Bar charts are included for trend analysis over a rolling 60-day period. The program records each visitor's referrer and IP address for validating advertising investments so that you can see where money is best spent. Visitor Tracking is unique among web statistics software because it connects all of the page visits for a visitor and creates a VISITOR PROFILE... allowing you to track their footsteps through a web store or web application. By using a permanent keyed-cookie for authentication, each visitor's history is kept intact for years after their initial visit. It can be used with your existing web site/apps or WITH OUR OTHER ASP SOFTWARE for: SHOPPING CART, contact management, help desk (CRM), calendars, invoicing, time sheets, inventory and project management.
PriceUSD 99.00
Active LogFile
posted byinfoinWeb Traffic Analysis
Active LogFile is a Hi-performance text file logging for ASP/VBS/VBA applications. Lets you create daily/weekly/monthly log files with variable number of logged values and extra timing and performance info. Features: Variable number of logged values; Daily/weekly/monthly log files; Variable date/time format, field and array separator; Encoding logged values; and Both threading model.
Smart Referrer
posted byanitainWeb Traffic Analysis
Give those important pages of your site individual attention. Smart Referrer is a compact product that consists of only one optimized ASP page for all funtions including administration panel, comprehensive reports and help section. Very easy installation! You will just have to add an include file to your page to be monitored and add the page URL to the admin panel. Reports generated include: Brief Report; Today's Report; General Reports; and No Hits Report that gives all the referrers that have not accessed you page today and the details of when it was last hit.
2eNetWorX StatCounteX
posted byhakaneinWeb Traffic Analysis
StatCounteX is a web site statistics collecting and reporting application written in pure ASP. It collects data from the visitors of your site and stores it into an Access database. Being a lot more powerful than a simple page counter, StatCounteX features detailed access statistics using ASP and an Access database.
Tracking Site Statistics
posted bystevenatorinWeb Traffic Analysis
This application allows you to track a variety of site statistics, including hits per hour/day/week/month, IP address of hits, and browsers used.
Current User Tracking
posted bystevenatorinWeb Traffic Analysis
This ASP application demonstrates which users are currently connected to your page, using a SQL Server 6.5 Database to track them.
posted bywebmasterinWeb Traffic Analysis
StatMentor is a totally free visitor statistics script written entirely in ASP. It logs number of visitors, number of pageviews per page, referers. Somewhat advanced show stats function, where you can see stats for just a single day or summarized for many days. No Access database (just simple text files) and no global.asa configuration. Just include a file and call a subroutine called StatLog.
w3 Hitcount
posted byinfoinWeb Traffic Analysis
w3 Hitcount keeps track on the number of visitors per day, number of visitors coming back, which OS and web browser they use. w3 Hitcount is a real-time web component that reports visits as they happen. No more over-night server updates, this is real-time, online action. You can also use w3 Hitcount to see if your advertising campaign generates extra visitors.