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Content Management

Results 21-26 of 26
13amp SparkPlug CMS
SparkPlug is a powerful, full featured, multi-site, database-driven Content Management System (CMS) with powerful features that enable easy publishing and management of both static and dynamic Web sites. Main features: Multiple sites; Multiple users; Author, Editor, Publisher and Admin user roles; Editorial/Approval workflow; Personalized workspace; Static(HTML) or Dynamic (CFM) modes; Switch modes on the fly; Intuitive content ranking system; Template-based Web sites; Single/Multiple templates; RSS Feeds; Search Engine-friendly URLs
(0 ratings)
Price 50.00
CommonSpot Content Server
As a full-featured, browser-based, out-of- the box, Web publishing and dynamic content management solution, CommonSpot Content Server allows end users to easily participate in the efficient creation, management and delivery of Web content, without the help of a Webmaster. CommonSpot�s flexible template and data-driven architecture, granular access controls and a multi-level approval workflow process, give content managers control over the integrity and structure of the site, while greatly simplifying overall content management. Developers appreciate CommonSpot�s open and extensible architecture, enabling fast and seamless integration with existing Cold Fusion applications and custom modules.
(7 ratings)
NQcontent is a powerful web content and site management solution for medium and large corporations and an innovative development platform/application framework. What makes this product unique is the fact that it's functionality is not limited to performing the traditional content management tasks. NQcontent comes with a rich set of features like: External Database Integration - Simply specify your table and NQcontent allows you to instantly manage your records as well as secure access to it, Form builder - Build forms or give your client access to build his own forms, WYSIWYG Content Editor, Banner Management, Poll Management, Integrated File Manager, and Web based administration.
(52 ratings)
Ektron eMPower for ColdFusion
Ektron eMPower for ColdFusion is a full-featured, easy-to-use Web content management system bringing a new level of affordability to small and medium-sized organizations as well as corporate intranets. Ektron eMPower for ColdFusion is priced at the fraction of the cost of most content management systems, yet it delivers robust technology and features. Features: workflow control, user and group roles, security, virtual staging server, more.
(0 ratings)
Price 3,960.00
Activedit is a development tool for Allaire ColdFusion Application Server that allows developers to embed a word processor, similar to Microsoft Word�, into a web page. The word processor empowers you with the ability to publish dynamic, formatted pages on the Internet simply by clicking a save button. Activedit can be placed inside a form on a web page, it allows the visitor to type in rich formatted content. It can mimic a HTML textarea. The HTML can then be saved to a database, file, sent in an email, or simply displayed on another web page. Saving the document in a database has some distinct advantages. You can search through all your documents, share your documents with others via an intranet, use the information for future marketing purposes and a slew of other things.
(3 ratings)
Purepage HTML Conversion Engine for Cold Fusion
Purepage is a COM component that allows you to create pure html pages that retain the look and feel of the original document as well as many options that give developers flexibility in design. Developers can use purepage to quickly and easily build powerful Web Publishing applications that give businesses the means to effectively deliver existing business documents to partners, customers and employees. It allows you to add powerful HTML export, conversion and reporting capabilities to your ASP Internet or Intranet applications, and dynamically create HTML documents from virtually any Windows document (including Microsoft Office files and many others). Its simple yet powerful COM interface can be used in any language that supports industry standard COM (including Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, Active Server Pages, Cold Fusion and more).
(0 ratings)
Results 21-26 of 26