Discussion Boards
Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise
posted bysnaipinDiscussion Boards
Adobe ColdFusion 11 Enterprise Edition offers a single platform to rapidly build and deploy scalable, high-performing web and mobile applications.
PriceUSD 4,249.00
Magic Forum Personal
posted bytbuckinDiscussion Boards
Magic Forum Personal is our full-featured, yet value priced, discussion forum application. Designed for a small to medium sized site, it has all of the features required for a discussion forum without out all of the fluff, not to mention high price, found in most forum apps.
Primary forum features include: registration of members, use of moderators, optional approval of posts, moderators can approve, edit, delete any post, complete member profile area, members use post signatures, subscriptions to posts, PHTML (Pseudo HTML) based editor interface, full-featured search function, and much, much more.
Also, a complete admin area with tons of options that allow you to tailor the app to your sites needs. Some of the options include: Use PHTML, Show Stats, Show Moderators, Track Views, Number of Topics/Replies Per Page, forum wide Date/Time Display, Allow Subscriptions, Allow Signatures, Use of Member Levels, Allow Save Login, Check Member Email and many, many more.
We have a fully-functional online demo available and you can get more info at the Magic Forum Personal home page.
PriceUSD 50.00
posted byWerdnainDiscussion Boards
CFBB is based on PHPBB forum. Currently only MSSQL DB is supported.
Includes many forum features, plus built in blogs.
Communico Site Server
posted bycpayneinDiscussion Boards
Communico Site Server is a Web-based application that can be used by any group, business, association, workgroup or club to establish private or public, interactive online communities.
posted bydaninDiscussion Boards
CF_Webboard is a complete DHTML and Coldfusion based Discussion Board, encapsulated as a custom tag which can be called from any application with only one line of code. Features: Outlook Style Navigation Bar for discussion catagories; Each catagory contains multiple folders; Unlimited thread levels; Reply to posts and replies of posts; WYSIWYG editing of new posts and replies; Search for threads containing specific words; Completely change the look and feel using skins; Integrate into existing applications using only one line of code; Administration section; and more.
QD Forums
posted byinfoinDiscussion Boards
QD Forums is a ColdFusion-based powerful yet simple forum application. Features: Unlimited number of forums, User lookup and retrieve information, User Ip logging, Simple forum creation, Allow HTML code in message posts,
Allow Code to be placed with a message and display as code, View simple stats on your forum,
Simple user sign up process, Large amount of stats with each post, Message editing and deleting, Moderator support, Email notification, Viral email-a-friend, Remembers last logins, Appealing interface, and Mood icons.
CF MegaBoard
posted byinfoinDiscussion Boards
CF MegaBoard is a ColdFusion-based online discussion board program. Main features include: Fully customizable design themes, broadcast emailing system, file attachments, and more.
CF Forum 2000
posted bywebmasterinDiscussion Boards
CF Forum 2000 is a fully featured discussion forum software. Some of its main features include: New messages since your last visit, Printable version of each discussion makes printing easier, Login feature, Preview or "sneak peak" of discussion feature, Mail discussion to friend feature, Today's active discussions, How many times a discussion has be replied to as well as viewed, Advanced search feature allows easy search capabilities, Easily view profile and posts of other members, View current users that are logged in, and comple Web admin interface.